

30 Sep

Originally Posted by The.Bus.Driver
We are now often stuck with toxic players and no way to remove or neutralize them. No vote kick and reverse friendly is a terrible combination.

Bring Back Vote Kick!
VTK's removal has gotten a lot of mixed feedback so far. Some people are really enjoying the fact that toxic 4 stacks can no longer use it to randomly kick folks out of spite, and the removal or the "clutch or kick" mentality, however on the other hand, we have seen some complaints about being unable to remove toxic players, or remove folks that are taking too long to load in. Do you think it's possible to find a middle ground between these two mentalities? ... Read more
Moving to player support!
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Originally posted by Guard»FF: I'm connected to Australian/Chinese servers for a while and have connection of 200ms+ even tho I live in Eastern Europe where I had connection of 40-60 ms. Several seasons ago you could pick the max ms u want to have while playing but seems like they deleted this function from the setting so how do I change the server now? Cuz it's impossible to play with 200+,I can't even run...
HEre is how to manually change datacenters! [support.ubisoft.com]
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Originally posted by lordlordboxman: i was just playing casual and shot my gun and it never stopped firing, it broke the entire lobbies audio too. footsteps were silent and all sfx didn't exist, is there any way to fix this?

edit: i tried going into multiple matches but whenever i shoot it all goes south

That's really weird - do you have a video of this at all? Also which fun and op were you using?
Please refrian from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date on threads before commenting on them please!
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Originally Posted by KentuckeyMen365
I've been encountering this issue for the last few weeks upon my return to this game. Sadly what was once one of my all time favorite games has become unplayable. Each time I have played this game I have an issue where I will play a couple of games and then find myself having a ping of around 200, prior to this my ping will be at a stable 9-17 and then I'm gone. I've spent well over $400 and to have such a horrible experience is atrocious. At this point I'm stuck playing the worst game of all time in Fifa 20. Please either tell me how to resolve these issues in which occur or make changes to your servers which have been the at the best horrible.
This is the worst way to return to a game in which I used to enjoy playing at one point....
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The only way to attempt to be unbanned is to go through the support team and go for a ban appeal.
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
That doesn't explain why some teams have placement players while the other does not. I'd like to ask that after I 'Rank' that I play against other established Rankers..and not to assist in others in thier placement matches. Is that possible..?
Do you know if these unranked players finished last season around the MMR you are currently competing in? The MMR reset per season is a soft reset, and this may be contributing to what you're seeing.

29 Sep

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Originally posted by 01Ryder10:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Yeah there is currently no cross save feature between platforms.
Is there a way I can transfer stuff from my old pc account to the one I use currently, like skins and stuff

As it stands currently, no.
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Originally posted by headshotted12: Is it possible for me to add my xbox account to my pc account or do i have to start over :(

Yeah there is currently no cross save feature between platforms.
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Originally posted by я мiшка гумiбэр:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: Are any of you currently still experiencing issues connecting to the servers?
Hello, yes, i can't connect to servers about 2 days already

Are you getting any error codes associated with this?
Originally Posted by Fattymeat4you
I just switched to PC after playing r6 for 5 years and have never gotten a smurf or anything. only ever played on one account. so after all those years of ranked play i am now forced to go through 50 levels of unenjoyable gameplay. i love siege. but ive had such a lack of motivation to play the last month because i just hate playing unranked/casual. i know this post wont get Ubi to change the ranked level back to 20 but i just really have to complain about this because its BS.

P.S. they need to make it possible for me to get my old siege account back. lots and lots of money wasted by switching to PC.
Yeah, this is a really debated ... Read more
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Originally posted by Viper: Just for a fun little gamemode or event, I was thinking:
Would you guys be interested in a 5v5 in which the teams are assigned a random operator of their respective team (IE Finka for attackers and Oryx for defenders), and all players of that team play as that operator... at once!

It would be chaotic and crazy! Imagine a team of undetectable Vigils sneaking around, or perhaps a blitzkrieg of ashes rushing objective! A mind boggling match between Alibies with their holograms against Iana Army! Or maybe an immovable fort of Kaids battling an unstoppable force of Monties!


A Blitzkrieg of Ashes

Thanks, I have enough nightmares already
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
Has anyone else seen a decrease in FPS on the Shadow Legacy menu screen? I've always been at 60 but after Shadow Legacy the menu screen chugs at 40 or less. The game itself stays at 60+ like it should. It's just the menu screen that causes the FPS to drop.

This also happens with the end-of-round screens where the winning team is displayed and the FPS drop at this point is even worse (gets into the teens or lower).

I've also noticed that the game load takes a LOT longer and seems to want to entirely reload the map every time a round starts.
I've seen this pop up a couple times but it doesn't seem to be a super widespread iss... Read more

27 Sep

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Originally posted by Andy96: ^

Hey Andy, what is it in particular that you aren't enjoying about the newer Chalet?

26 Sep

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Originally posted by 「Yxalag」: Give it a while like a minute or two to update, you still have a week to contribute

Sometimes it can take a minute to synch, it should show up!
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Originally posted by aaROnn: I lost my Uplay email and i can't remember the password and i do not have a recovery code or whatsoever, Ive seen a lot of people have the same issue and they can't play ranked because they need to have verified account, is there a way to fix this please ?

Moving to player support!
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Moving to player support!
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Hey Twisted! You can also check out the R6 Community discord! [discord.com] You can probably find some folks there!
Originally Posted by MonstrousLegend
I have a
vertical 25
horizontal 25
Scopes standart 50
And now
Scopes 50 - 50%
Scopes 100 - 100%
Yes or no?
What really matter more is what you're comfortable with as a player! Are you enjoying where the sensitivity is at?