

15 Jul

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Nexi, could you open this up a bit more? Are you experiencing hitreg issues?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Bic! I'm happy to hear your enjoying it! Are there any particular features you are enjoying?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Jit! Which datacenter are you connecting to?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Tig dug! What is it that you're not a fan of about fortress?
Hey Slimcus! Why do you feel That the newer recruit is too limited in scope? And how do you think we could open it up to make him better for new players, aside from just reverting to where they were before? Were they other changes you might have wanted to see?
Hey Steven! Just to be clear, you won a game and lost MMR?
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Thanks for the link mate!

.. but you're right..not much to speak of.

Can you at least say if this rep system will be underlying..or will it be based on player contributions? I already assume that there is a hidden rep system..but having players involved would be very cool!
Unfortunately I don't have any further insight right now, but I definitely hope so!
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
Do you have a link describing this?! Sounds like a good idea, and one thats been brought up before!

Looking forward to this rep system..
We haven't really released a lot of information about it, but it's definitely in the works and is pla... Read more
Originally Posted by KillaAkuma
This game has turned in a pre pubescent cesspool. People intentionally throwing games, team killing, running into your line of fire to cause you to get a penalty, vote to kick abuse, and then they bring there friends along so they can do it to. This needs to stop, these people need to be removed from play. They are ruining this game a game that to be honest isn't really that good anymore. But yet it has turned in the COD of "tactical shooters". Whats being done? nothing oh they get a little red marker that means nothing because they will just wait and do it again next game.

You need to implement a system that damages the toxic player not the honest players the people who just want to play and be left alone. But these *** holes do nothing...
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14 Jul

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ph4nt0m:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
The reason these things happen is because Quickmatch and unranked have a separate hidden MMR from ranked, and when folks who spend most of their time playing ranked step down to quickmatch, the hidden MMR doesn't really know where to place them based off of the fact that they seldom play and can stick them in some wonky places.

So in some ways, even more experienced players can systematically abuse less experienced p...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Nathan, are you using a third party software like discord? Or is this voice chat through the game itself?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by modelmaker: you know i REALLY love being put against at least 2 plats every cas match because thats fair.

The reason these things happen is because Quickmatch and unranked have a separate hidden MMR from ranked, and when folks who spend most of their time playing ranked step down to quickmatch, the hidden MMR doesn't really know where to place them based off of the fact that they seldom play and can stick them in some wonky places.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Zwei, are these crashes coming with an error code at all or are you just crashing straight to desktop?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you've reached out to support and they aren't lifting your ban than there isn't anything else that can be done.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Megumin, are you running the Vulkan API by any chance?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey pillar! Are you using the newer means of changing datacenters? We somewhat recently updated how we go about it! Check it out here. [support.ubisoft.com]
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey M8! I have seen this as a topic going around. Do you think that extending the match cancellation will help prevent this issue from happening?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're more interested in what the requirements are for Siege you can check that out here![support.ubisoft.com]