Originally posted by Mamba out: RIP Kali mains
Gonna keep an eye on this conversation. Initial feedback on Kali's nerf seems to suggest players are concerned about it, so we'll see.
Originally posted by Mamba out: RIP Kali mains
Originally posted by KaanKtltrk: I use Thunt a lot for aim/reflex training, I usually play elimination and just rush in and try to get all of the kills in headshot, but I feel like it would be better if we had a mode where only headshots count and bodyshots don't do any damage. What do you think?
Originally posted by frik: ı have returned after few months. did they lowered the 2 seconds before detecting when you go out?
Originally posted by Ziuško: What the hell do they think about us? People with slow internet can just f*** yourself. This is the only game I know that makes so huge useless updates. They did this year ago.. im done with this game.
Start making COMPRESSION DEVS!!!
Originally posted by circle.: It's only active during the weekend, and will be like this for the next 4 weeks.
Originally posted by BehZad:
Originally Posted by disappointinglyThe team has been looking at removing Withstand from Zofia for awhile now, and that decision came down weeks before PL said anything about it. They're taking a look at passive (hidden) abilities in general.
The Devs even acknowledged in the patchnotes that the removal of her abilities is not expected to have any impact on pick- and/or winrate...
So, was it part of the nerv - or just random ?!?
Originally posted by Kestrel Hudson: Here's my take on the hot topic:Read more
1. Weak gadget. Let's be frank, it's only use is destroying Bandit's battaries (if he happens to roam) and sometimes shields and Castle barricades. That's it. In a competitive match, unlike Thatcher's EMP (or IQ's and Twitch's gadgets) It's useless against most of the other defender gadgets (Echo drones, Lesion traps, Jager ADSes, etc) - due to it's nature and the limited AOE. Probably, the most importantly - it can be easily cheesed by Kaid.
In ranked, there's almost no use in bringing her for opening a wall, only in case if defenders picked Bandit, and he has decided to not trick the wall. Since Thatcher is usually banned, there's no reason for trying to Bandit trick, just put Kaid's lance below the floor or above the ceiling. I do it everytime. She is inferior to Thatcher in almost every way.
2. Arms damage mutlipli...
Originally posted by Teletubbiefetus: its op
Originally posted by Besoffen: Well, as the recent balancematrix tells us, hes like the least picked op with the single worst winrate, so why ?
Originally posted by /\LeX: I got a GeForce GT 770 as my graphics card but it's the best my PC can handle (I got PCI Express 2.0 on my motherboard so I can't really buy a better one)! Is there any way that I can make this game run on my crappy PC or should I just lay low and get enough cash for a new one?
Originally posted by L14505: I searched for a game, didn't get in. I'm trying to reconnect and it doesn't work and I'll get a 30 min ban. My internet is fine and PC top of the line.
Originally posted by Sub to "Little Cloud" on YouTube: If you go to where the well is on Villa, You can hear what sounds like a zombie, is this a reference to something or just a creepy easter egg.
Originally Posted by C9_ScootShould end around 6am EST.
Does anybody know what time tomorrow the r6 sale end?
Originally Posted by bacteriophage__We're working on a fix for this as I type this, and we're hoping to have some additional information to share soon.
When I logged into siege yesterday I noticed that all of my loadouts had been completely reset, my operator skins, weapon attachments, weapon skins, and weapon charms had been reset. All of my cosmetics are still there, I just have to re-equip them all. Is there any way for this bug to be fixed and to have all my loadouts and customization stuff go back to how it was without going through each operator and weapon individually?