

14 Apr


Originally posted by Valseek

I've been given my atoms, but seemingly I can't find my ranger outfit nor can I access the private world, any help?

Hi all, we're seeing your reports on this issue and actively investigating. We'll get it fixed up! Will keep you posted as soon as I hear any updates on this.

​As an update to this, we believe this issue is now resolved. Can you please exit the game, restart Steam, and then log back into Fallout 76 to see if your Fallout 1st benefits are now available to you? Thanks!


Originally posted by Valseek

Thanks for the reports, we're looking into why this may be happening for some folks right now. Will keep you posted as soon as I have more info on this.

As an update, we believe this issue is largely resolved as most players on Steam who were initially getting this error message are now able to log in. Let us know if you continue to receive the [4:8:2009] error. Thanks!


Originally posted by Valseek

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We're looking into this right now to determine what may be causing this issue for some players. Will let you know once I hear an update.

As an update, we believe this issue is largely resolved as most players on Steam who were initially getting this error message are now able to log in. Let us know if you continue to receive the [4:8:2009] error. Thanks!


I've been given my atoms, but seemingly I can't find my ranger outfit nor can I access the private world, any help?

Hi all, we're seeing your reports on this issue and actively investigating. We'll get it fixed up! Will keep you posted as soon as I hear any updates on this.


Originally posted by I-Ate-Your-Baloons

Shorter nights and longer days? Why dont they just remove the nocturnal legendary effect, cuz they obviously hate it as much as most of the ppl on this sub

We checked into this! The longer daytime/shorter night time change in the patch notes is only on the art side. So, perks and legendary attributes affected by day/night cycle should still work the same way. Night being 6pm - 6am in game time. Hope that helps!


Originally posted by Ryanc229_UK

Same, didn't even get the Atoms, this is unacceptable.

/u/Valseek /u/BethesdaGameStudios_ /u/Ladydevann

Thanks for the tag (and the reports of this issue)! We've made the dev team aware and they're actively looking into this. We'll get you fixed up!


Thanks for your report! We're aware of this one and already working toward a fix for a future update.


This may be the result of mods or custom .ini file settings. If you've installed any mods for 76, can you please make sure they've been removed and see if that helps? Thanks!


Hi, we've seen reports from a few players that this can happen if you have certain mods. Make sure you've removed mods and then please try again to see if that helped correct the issue.



Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We're looking into this right now to determine what may be causing this issue for some players. Will let you know once I hear an update.


Thanks for the reports, we're looking into why this may be happening for some folks right now. Will keep you posted as soon as I have more info on this.


Originally posted by Ferus246

Is bethesda/steam going to be cross play?

Yep! For PC players, whether you log into the game through Steam or, you'll still be playing with all other PC players.


Originally posted by itspicassobaby

I’m a bit confused. In the bug fixes, it says that players can sell items for up to 30,000 caps through vending machines or player trades. We can already do that, what am I missing?

Edit: NVM, I remember it was never upped when the cap max changed. Ignore me 🤦‍♂️

Yep, as others have mentioned, there was a bug preventing items from being priced at 30K in your vending machines or through trade. That should be fixed now!

24 Mar


Originally posted by Riomaki

I guess. The shop is acting weirdly with it. I got it for free, but the prompt hasn't gone away yet.

Hi, yes, there's a UI issue here that's preventing the Shop from greying out the free Kit as "Owned" after you've claimed it. The team is aware and looking into it for a fix, but that may not be implemented and ready for release by the end of the week. There are six more Scrap/Repair kits coming this week so, given the bug, keep your eye out for a new one each day.

19 Mar


Hi all,

Yes, confirming this is the case. There's a visual issue causing the Purveyor's items to appear full price, even though they're actually 25% off. We're looking into it, but it's unlikely we can get a fix out before the sale ends on Monday.

If I hear any updates about this, I'll post them in this thread in the forums.

Thanks for your patience! Hope you get some good stuff this weekend.


Originally posted by maxozbarker

It'll show a reduced cost yeah? Like, 75 instead of 100?

Normally, yes. Unfortunately, this time it looks like there's a visual issue, and the Purveyor's items are still appearing at full price even though they're actually 25% off.


Originally posted by Valseek

Hi all, thanks for the reports. The Purveyor Sale seems to be live on some servers but not all of them just yet. We're looking into why this is taking longer to activate than usual.

As an update to this, it seems this is a visual issue. The Purveyor's items appear to be full price, but are actually discounted when you buy weapons or armor.

Based on some reports, it also sounds like this visual issue does not affect all servers.

We're looking into this, but may not have a fix ready in time before Monday. If I hear any updates on this I'll add them to this thread in the forums.


Hi all, thanks for the reports. The Purveyor Sale seems to be live on some servers but not all of them just yet. We're looking into why this is taking longer to activate than usual.

25 Feb


Thank you for the report. Sent you a PM requesting more info.

18 Feb


Thanks for the reports all, we're looking into this!