

16 Jul


I was given the okay to give out exact numbers, so here it goes... Only about 50 people were suspended (and only for five days). The people who were suspended were clicking the cat over 150 per minute, and it was constant. There were thousands of clicks per game. It wasn't a one time thing, either. This was over multiple matches.

If you have been just absentmindedly clicking the cat, you won't get in trouble.


We’re adding a fix to keep players from ‘spam’ clicking the cat on 7/25. In the meantime, our support team is taking action against players who are clearly abusing the function (thousands+ of transformations per game, and doing it across several games).

15 Jul




I guess this is a heads up to all who actually pay to play.
Also I have no issue with F2P players but I love how certain F2P players within this post have admitted that they will never pay to play, being that WoTC hasn't given them a reason to buy anything, think that they have the right to decide what the pay to play players get to do with the products that they paid hard earned money for.
I guess they feel that somehow them constantly acting as if they are the protector of WoTC is payment enough for the dev's and will pay to keep this game running.
1. Stop calling out players and trolling. Read our ...
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I guess this is a heads up to all who actually pay to play.
Also I have no issue with F2P players but I love how certain F2P players within this post have admitted that they will never pay to play, being that WoTC hasn't given them a reason to buy anything, think that they have the right to decide what the pay to play players get to do with the products that they paid hard earned money for.
I guess they feel that somehow them constantly acting as if they are the protector of WoTC is payment enough for the dev's and will pay to keep this game running.

1. Stop calling out players and trolling. Read our ...

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@Deylios Darksol:
For those getting banned, I would wager a guess that you did it more than once, figured it out and proceeded to continue to abuse the mechanic in game. I am 100% positive WotC pulled the logs of the people that were banned, saw that they were doing this action on multiple occasions, and offered them a 5 day vacation from the game.

Let's be honest, most people who have the cats have clicked fast a few times and gone about their game, not causing disconnects and not been banned. I know I have done that.
This. We ran the numbers. If you clicked on the cat an insane amount of times in a match multiple times, you got a suspension. It wasn't a matter of just clicking the cat a few times... Or even a few hundred times a match... It was far, far more than that.

As I tell everyone who gets banne...
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@Deylios Darksol:

For those getting banned, I would wager a guess that you did it more than once, figured it out and proceeded to continue to abuse the mechanic in game. I am 100% positive WotC pulled the logs of the people that were banned, saw that they were doing this action on multiple occasions, and offered them a 5 day vacation from the game.

Let's be honest, most people who have the cats have clicked fast a few times and gone about their game, not causing disconnects and not been banned. I know I have done that.

This. We ran the numbers. If you clicked on the cat an insane amount of times in a match multiple times, you got a suspension. It wasn't a matter of just clicking the cat a few times... Or even a few hundred times a match... It was far, far more than that.

As I tell everyone who gets banned/suspended and finds it unfair, you can reply to the original email to contest it.


12 Jul



There will be! Just not right now.
Any target times?
Help us Lexie your our only hope.

Nope! Sorry.


There will be! Just not right now.


There are a couple workarounds that people did. This should fix one of them. I'm just passing along the message that was given to me.




Umm, as noted in another thread: if the “workaround” was modifying the hosts file - the user may be forced to *very carefully* undo the changes. The user needs to know exactly what they did to undo it, unfortunately, and so there is no perfectly safe “one size fits all” fix.
Modify Windows system configuration files at your own risk!

True. Depends on which workaround you did. Either way, just don't do workarounds ever please haha.

11 Jul


If so, you probably did the "workaround" when the game was down a while ago. To fix this, please unintall/reinstall.


Did you do the "workaround" a while back? If so, you're going to have to uninstall/reinstall.

10 Jul



now I have nothing more to complain about. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I am printing this out so I can remember this moment always. :grinning:







@NovaBlast Shockwave
Get tired of you copy pasting the same damn response over and over. no matter what you say you can't convince me that a game where only one player is playing is the intended format.
You not liking their response does't make it any less valid. Read our ...
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@NovaBlast Shockwave
Get tired of you copy pasting the same damn response over and over. no matter what you say you can't convince me that a game where only one player is playing is the intended format.
You not liking their response does't make it any less valid. Read our ...
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Some words from Chris Cao:


We've done a lot of listening over the past week and talking among the team. Let's dive into some issues and how we're going to address them.


We have been working hard on a number of fixes to address the performance issues players have been experiencing since the release of Core Set 2020. These will release is scheduled to go live tonight, so keep an eye on our status page for the latest information on maintenance times. If you continue to experience any performance issues after the update is live, please reach out to support.wizards.com so we can get to the bottom of any lingering performance losses.


... Read more


@NovaBlast Shockwave
Get tired of you copy pasting the same damn response over and over. no matter what you say you can't convince me that a game where only one player is playing is the intended format.

You not liking their response does't make it any less valid. Read our ...

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by the way, this is the kind of the thread we are having every other week or so and many people give OP's of these threads good reasons: sometimes AFK's happen, sometimes life get's in the way (i have times where i just started a game and my 4 year old started yelling he had pooped and needed his ass whiped) but yes sometimes you meet a salty nut

if you are playing an event (like sealed, draft).. wait them out and use that time to report (WOTC most likely won't do a whole lot and everyone can have a technical oopsie or life issue that got in the way but [[58194,users]] has said a couple of months ago regarding the no nexus win debacle that they DO take care, espescially if they see certain names pop up more regularly)

if not and it's just play or ranked, either report them or concede
(preferably the first since the second option mig...
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Originally posted by HappyLittleRadishes

You don't have to nestle a hyperlink within a site address. Reddit will just turn it into a hyperlink.

Also thank you for looking into the problem.

My edit made my original reply weird. Either way it's fine.