

02 Jul

Hi all, we are aware for the issue impacting logging in on PC EU. We are investigating now.

30 Jun

Hey all. Our team ran a fix for this issue. Leaderboards should be populating as intended now. Please let us know if you are still encountering an issue. You may need to log out and log back in before noticing the change. Thanks all.

29 Jun


This is the official discussion thread for, "Crown Store Showcase- July 2023"

"As we prepare for Sun’s Height, let’s take a peek at the collection of goodies arriving in the Crown Store this July!"

28 Jun

Hi All, just wanted to follow up here. We've been told by the team that they are looking into making changes here. They have seen, heard, and experienced the same things noted in the thread. When we have more info, we'll share that with you. They are currently working and testing some things regarding Hareld Seekers.

This is the official discussion thread for, "ESO Daily Login Rewards- July 2023"

"Review some of the items you can claim this July 2023 simply by logging into The Elder Scrolls Online!"

26 Jun


This is the official discussion thread for, "Strike Down Your Rivals & Reap The Rewards During Whitestrake's Mayhem!"

"Engage in glorious combat throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds during the Whitestrake’s Mayhem in-game event and earn in-game rewards, XP, and more!"

25 Jun

Hi all, we are aware of the login issues and working on a fix. It seems to be specific to XBox NA right now. But we are working on getting this fixed.

23 Jun

Hi all. We wanted to provide a quick update here to close out the week. We are in the final stages of getting the temporary solution for Crown Crate Gifting finalized. We are getting the necessary checks from various teams to make sure the process is ready. Once we clear that hurdle, we will have details for the program and a date for when it will go live.

We are also taking the feedback outlined here regarding communication and relaying those to our teams. Thanks for your continued feedback and patience surrounding this issue.

22 Jun


This is the official discussion thread for, "Community Spotlight- Locke's 2023 Pride Celebration"

"Stream Team member Locke returns to host a series of livestreams, in-game activities, and contests in support of the Trevor Project and Pride Month."

21 Jun

Hi All, we are aware of this issue and are working to resolve. It seems like Xbox is the only platform impacted at the moment. We will update once we have more information.

20 Jun

Hi all, would you all be able to check if you can still see if the mundus is active or not? We are trying to figure out if the effect itself is bugged or just the visual icon. If you go back to the Steed Mundus, please check if it will let you pick up the effect or not.
Hi All! We believe this has been resolved, however we are still checking things on our end to make sure. If those of you who were impacted previously, could you let us know the following?

What platform are you playing on?
Did you do anything specific for the rewards to show up?

This info will be helpful to us as we close the loop on this. Thanks all!

19 Jun


This is the official discussion thread for, "Restore The Glory Of Umaril With The New Unfeathered Crown Crates"

"Honor the legendary Ayleid sorcerer-king with the shining items and collectibles found within the upcoming Unfeathered Crown Crates."

Here's a full list of all the rewards contained in the Unfeathered Crown Crates:

Radiant Apex Rewards:
[*] Ahz-m'Athra
[*] Legion Zero Sabre Cat
[*] Auroran Polychrome Wolf

Apex Rewards:
[*] Dwemerdelve Scavenger
[*] Legionnaire's Recall
[*] Constellation Projection Apparatus
[*] Umaril's Radiance Elk
[*] Umaril's Radiance Guar
... Read more

16 Jun

Hi all, we know many of you have been asking for an explanation regarding the Crown Crate gifting issue. This has been and continues to be a delicate process as there is sensitive information involved. With that, we’ve been working on a high-level overview of the current issue, which is that we’ve discovered some fraudulent behavior related to Crown Crate gifting, primarily on the PC platform.

We have been working diligently to find a resolution to this and put a stop to the fraudulent behavior. We want players who are not violating our Terms of Service by engaging in fraudulent behavior to be able to continue to use gifting in ESO. We also cannot allow this fraudulent behavior to continue. As you know, we noted that our original fix resolved part of the problem, however, we discovered another related issue in the process. We are continuing to work on a long-term resolution for that issue and, unfortunately, this means PC Crown Crate gifting in-game will remain unavailable ... Read more

This is the official discussion thread for, "Community Guides Special- Necrom & Update 38"

"Braving the weird and wonderful worlds of the Necrom Chapter? These community-made guides are sure to help you in your adventures."

13 Jun


This is the official discussion thread for, "Stalk Tamriel's Scaly Beasts Atop A Free Mount With Xbox Gamepass Ultimate!"

"Take full advantage of your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate perks and grab the Dragon Slayer Mount today!"

This is the official discussion thread for, "Charge Into Battle Atop The Ancient Dragon Hunter Horse Mount With Prime Gaming!"

"Link your ESO and Amazon accounts to claim the Dragon Slayer Mount!"

12 Jun

PC Players! It's been a week since Necrom launched! Still shocked by how fast time flies. What has everyone been up to so far? Have you been playing through the main quest? Grouping up for some Sanity's Edge runs? Running around Cyrodiil as an Arcanist? Upping your fashion game?

Just trying to get a gauge on where everyone is to relay to teams.

11 Jun

Explore an all-new Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha, wield the eldritch energies of the Arcanist class, and delve into the secrets of Hermaeus Mora.