

18 Oct

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a misconception that was spread at some point. Official conversion is not a part of the sponsorship program.
There is no strict criteria for when we decide we want to integrate a mod into official. We have a quality expectation and we have to assess the time and work necessary to integrate it, do any necessary polish, fix issues, balance if needed. Official integration isn't limited to the sponsored mods. Any mod on the workshop could be offered to become official, but not every mod is suitable for integration into the base game... where it will be forced upon every single player.
Sponsorship allows us to support mods that we think are doing really cool things, even if those mods would never be suitable for official integration.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Survivors! Zen Rowe here; for anyone that doesn’t know, I am the Mod Community Manager here at Studio Wildcard.

We’re starting a new segment where we will look at the mod authors and the projects that can add so much extra life to a game.

Today we’re going to be talking to Garuga123!

Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about the project you are sponsored for.

That's amazing, We don't have too many creators in the community that create new creature assets.

If you don't mind me asking, could you tell us a bit about your background? What do you do outside of modding?

Wow, so your background ties pretty heavily into what you do for your mods. It's always interesting to see how our history can impact our creations. Monster Hunter is a great game to take inspiration from as well.

For anyone that want...

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    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Survivors! Zen Rowe here; for anyone that doesn’t know, I am the Mod Community Manager here at Studio Wildcard.

We’re starting a new segment where we will look at the mod authors and the projects that can add so much extra life to a game.

Today we’re going to be talking to Garuga123!

Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about the project you are sponsored for.

That's amazing, We don't have too many creators in the community that create new creature assets.

If you don't mind me asking, could you tell us a bit about your background? What do you do outside of modding?

Wow, so your background ties pretty heavily into what you do for your mods. It's always interesting to see how our history can impact our creations. Monster Hunter is a great game to take inspiration from as well.

For anyone that want...

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14 Oct


Originally posted by SinfulFrisky

/u/wildcardced Any chance we could get it back?

Because this isn't something gameplay critical the main menu quirkiness is probably going to take a back seat for the time being as more critical issues are being addressed. If I spot someone working on the main menu though, I'll try to Pavlov them into looking at it.


Originally posted by Zapph

Ditch them all, bring back the Halloween theme 24/7 please.

I see you are a human of culture.

08 Oct


There may be more going on with this. It might be worth cruising through the STA forums. :)

06 Oct


That's not flying.
That's falling... with style.

04 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't have any recollection of this claim, but all of that was before I joined the team.
If it was said, I would have to imagine it was in relation to Xbox/Win10 versions, there might be some aids to facilitate crossplay in that regard.


All of them

EDIT: ah load times, the stable decor is one of my favorites. Primordial Decor has some great variety and cool structures.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not really just in our court, but...Hello!

Disclaimer: I am speaking as a mod author myself to talk about this, and not in representation of the opinion of Studio Wildcard.

Regarding Crossplay:

Saying they support crossplay is cool, it may not necessarily be that easy though. Different consoles may have minor code and integration differences that can be large issues for consistency. The consoles might also have different rules that could make it difficult to appease all parties. There could be potentially any number of technical reasons preventing it as well, for any game. It's basically never just "A flip of the switch", and for some games, it may not even be possible at all.

Regarding mods:

They both allow mods in some capacity, this is true, but not the same capacity. For instance, Sony may have rules against running third-party scripts/code, which would completely prevent ARK mods fr...

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02 Oct

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wildcard works on ARK, Grapeshot (which is like a sibling team) works on ATLAS.
Dark & Light, Pixark, ARK Park, Wushu Chronicles, and Fear the Night are all either developed by Snail Games or developed by other studios/teams and published by Snail.
Outlaws of the Old West is, to my knowledge, not in any way related... it's not even published by Snail.
I just wanted to clarify those points, but otherwise you are correct, our team isn't massive.
Current events and plans can have impact on holiday event planning.
That said, a Halloween event this year is not out of the question.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think people who hate diplos are the same kind of people that hate dogs.
Seriously... they are just big, not-so-fluffy, dogs.

30 Sep

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ever wanted a bit more character in your creatures? This mod aims to do just that by adding unique behaviors to the denizens of the ARK. It's still in early development but new additions are being added.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bring a bit of steampunk aesthetic to the island with these clockwork creations. The author is adding more and more creatures to the mod, pair it up with other steampunk mods and layer the island in brass.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Protect your favorite creations with this great utility mod. You can save you builds, reconstruct them on the fly, and clone them! Great for building cities and villages

26 Sep

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

I would need to see your actual values you have in these entries in order to tell you what you are doing wrong.
Unless these are actually the values you are using in which case....

The bits I have highlighted in red are things that need to be changed. Things like FromClassName and ToClassName need values of the actual class names (appended with a _C at the end) of the creatures you want to use.

24 Sep


Originally posted by JA15King

I got the same, again left side Data corruption detected and right side just gibberish.

Gibberish hmm?

14 Sep


Originally posted by MoarTeaPls

Where can we post QoL items for Ced? I've been looking for that info, haven't seen it. Thanks!

I believe he is largely sourcing them from here (These aren't just QoL suggestion so he has to filter through them for this particular objective) https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/forum/64-game-suggestions/

13 Sep

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Being that you use mods, I'm wondering if maybe it's a problem that learned engrams have overextended what points you would have at your level?
This isn't the behavior I normally see with that though. To verify if its a mod causing it I would do the following.
1) Write down all of the mods.
2) Backup your level and character saves somewhere safe (You can put the backups back in later)
3) First remove all mods, if your engram points go back to normal it's definitely a mod causing it
4) To find out which one, put them all back on and start removing them and testing one by one.