Path of the Ocean Update:
- Sailing and Fishing techs swapped place
- Ports now cost 7 stars and give 1 population
- Ships can only upgrade in friendly territory
- All normal ship types are replaced
- Sailing gets Ocean movement and Scout ship
- New tech: Aquaculture (replaces Whaling) which adds Aqua Farms and Rammer ships
- Aqua farms that improve Aqua Crop resource
- Navigation get Bomber ship and ability to gather stars from Starfish resource (replace Whales)
- Bridge building (7 stars) in Roads lets you connect two land masses
- Market (replace Customs House) gives 2 stars for each unique type of production building nearby (Windmill, Sawmill or Forge). Income is doubled if next to a Port.
Windmills also grow from Aqua Farms
- New Pangea map type
- Improved Continents map type
- Giants turn into Juggernauts when embarking
- Find 4 Lighthouses for Explorer task (instead of revealing the whole map)
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