

04 Jun


Originally posted by kuroi_kaze_

Could you share some insight on including Radianite points in free part of the Pass? As Radianite points are "useless" for both free players (they have no up-gradable skins) and paid pass users (none of Paid pass skins can be upgraded, right?) and for those who bought some simple skins from the shop, as they also aren't up-gradable. So, only people benefiting from Radianite points are those who already bought Bundle and, probably, bought a Pass, yet half of the Free Pass rewards are Radianite points. Is there any other use planed for them in the future for ftp and non-premium skin users? Right now it doesn't seem like a thought out decision.

Hey there! I can't speak to any concrete plans we have (or haven't) made, but I can say for sure that we're aware of this, and we're working on an alternative for our non-evolving-skin players :). There's a long list of things we want to change and polish, but if we ever wanted to get our game out the door, we couldn't have addressed all those things before launch. This BP Radianite issue is one of them. The good news is, our game is live, meaning we aren't stuck with all these issues! And this is up there on our list of things we want to :) Thanks for asking!


Originally posted by 3nderThe3rd

I would have to disagree with the top tier item being something meaningful that only the top percentage will get. Had I known that was the goal I probably wouldn’t have purchased it.

I believe if we’re paying cash for a battle pass, it’s reasonable to expect that you can comfortably get it in the given time. 20 hours of gameplay a week seems like a rediculous commitment to have to make AFTER investing cash into the pass.

I mentioned this in a previous response, but I’ve paid for battle passes in other games and the first time I can’t complete the pass, I lose interest in all future passes. If I can reasonably acquire all the content I paid for then it’s a waste of money. Maybe Ive just been very fortunate in the games that I’ve played with battlepasses and I’m spoiled to expect that I can acquire content I’ve paid for.

I think that makes sense...if you've got the completionist mindset, it can be super frustrating to feel like the final tier is out of reach. But it definitely shouldn't be 20 hours a week! It should be much closer to 10. (~100 hours over ~2 months, according to SWAGGERNAU7 and Milkcow). I'm curious...does the Battle Pass only feel worth it if you're able to complete it?


Originally posted by 961136959319

If I wasn't on reddit, I wouldn't even know this game had a battlepass. Even after reading this thread, it took a minute pressing everything in the main menu before I found it. If not enough people are buying the pass, this could be a contributor. I appreciate that the menus in this game are clean and not full of advertisement, but the battle pass could use some love.

Oh absolutely. I'm actively working on this right now lol. Thanks for bumping it!


Originally posted by Snonin

Idk if you'll read this, but I got up to go to the bathroom after a game and my 3 y.o. son bought the battlepass with coins I had already purchased. my state reopens on Friday and there's no way I'll 100% it now that I'm going back to work

I don't want my money back or anything to be clear, I'm just saying that you should subtract 1 person from your "battlepasses sold" count LOL. I just wasn't in intending on actually spending the coins on it unless I had gotten some considerable progress before it ends in two months. now I guess I have to

LOL! We'll keep that in mind ;) I hope you get cool stuff from it!!


Originally posted by bobbob9015

I totally understand, just thinking of a monetization option I'd enjoy that seems consistent with the user experience language of the game. i.e. slotting contracts.

Totally! Like I said, I think the idea is brilliant! I just wish we could snap our fingers and implement these kinds of ideas lol


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

That's awesome!

I look forward to the results even if the majority don't feel similar feelings to myself.

:) fistbump!


Originally posted by bobbob9015

Would you guys ever consider selling a contract that doesn't expire that you could slot into your agent contract slot? You could even have them randomized and offered in the store to entice people to grab a good one when it's in the store for them. Like $10 for a 5 reward contract that takes a similar amount of time to unlock an agent. I just want to be working towards something that I can actually complete and feel like I'm getting more for my money. (And I honestly feel like battle passes end up being a bit of a whale trap/manipulative with tier skips)

I'm not sure! But unfortunately, it's not as simple as just slotting another contract in. A lot of dev time goes into building stuff like that, and we'd have to prioritize it against the bajillion other things we're asking our engineers to do. I think it's a super cool idea, though!

03 Jun


Originally posted by Murky__

Any news on the blocked battlepass items bug? Should I contact support or wait?

The team is still working feverishly on it >< We know about it, and we'll be able to identify the impacted accounts without you needing to submit support tickets. So no need to submit one!


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Actually it does a lot, that's a much lower number than I had seen previously.

I'd still love to see events and various other things to possibly lower that number but iirc 160 hours was the lowest estimate I had seen.

Glad I could point you in the right direction :) I'm the researcher who works with this stuff, and I'm actively working on a survey that will be looking at player feels on the Battle Pass. So if you get the survey, be sure to take it!


Originally posted by DeejeGT

I don't know if this has already been addressed but I've earned some skins off the battle pass and they just never unlocked for me, also the weekly objectives are bugged, the play a game objective has been fluctuating seemingly randomly, after playing six games the counter was at 4 and I play one more and it's at 1 and so on

Yes! We are considering this an active, critical bug. The team is working on it as I type this :) I'm sorry you're being deprived of your hard-earned content, but we'll get it fixed!


Originally posted by logan_ladue

Didn't expect anyone from Riot to see my comment.

Wish I had a clip to better illustrate what I mean. I have a particular memory of the rainbow wolf blocking my entire view of the bomb site because I killed the last man point blank in a doorway. Not a common scenario but it has scared me ever since.

Much appreciated!

For sure! I creep really hard on these threads, because sometimes the comments we need to see the most aren't the ones that get upvoted ><


Originally posted by Rooslin

I don't mind the battle pass model, I just hate that the time needed for the top rewards are calculated as if the player who paid for the battle pass is only playing their game. I play other games, I watch shows, I do other things in my life, the top rewards shouldn't be as exclusive as most games have been making them.

Also I find the current grind for the top rewards tactic is a pretty double edged sword. I end up getting season 1 battle pass (apex, Modern warfare) then I grind the game trying to complete the battle pass and just end up burning out on the game.

The idea of using the battle pass for player retention is not bad but the only dev that I've seen do it well is Valve with CSGO. Weekly missions and you could complete them at you're own pace. Ultimately CSGO's rewards were pretty weak, barring the agents, but overall a much friendlier system then grind atleast 2 hours a day for the next two months.

That's all totally fair, and I get that. I love gaming. I work on this game. But I have a lot of other things I love and want to spend my time doing. And it kinda sucks a bit that my love for the game doesn't substitute time (or money) spent. AFAIK, the weeklies actually roll over, allowing players who have a more binge playstyle to get the same XP gain as players who have a more steady style. You should check out the thread posting in the subreddit about ,athing the battle pass. Riot Milkcow posted something about the XP gain and rollover!


Originally posted by Twigler

No problem, could you point me in the direction of who I could ask please? Thanks!

PWYFF (who's tagged as a dev) would be the person to ask! He's one of our comms folks too.


Originally posted by logan_ladue

I know it really shouldn't affect anything, but there's been times where I've gotten the final kill and am looking for the bomb to defuse and the wolf has been in the way.

Ooh, I see this now. Hm. Let me chat with the team about it! Maybe there's something we can do there.


Originally posted by logan_ladue

Just to piggyback on this thread, I would also really appreciate the ability to disable the specific level rewards. The death animation with the bright wolf has blocked my vision quite a few times.

Hmm, are you referring to the kill effect? The wolf that comes surging from the body? That should ONLY happen when it's the last kill of the round. We were very intentional about that. If that happened when it wasn't the last kill, please try to clip it and send it to me!


Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

The hours needed to complete it in time this post explains it pretty well

OH! I found this on that thread! From SWAGGERNAU7, one of our Devs:

TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.

Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels).

Hope this helps :)

(You can see the OP will be correcting the math in a bit)


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Top players?

Top players are the ones who buy the giant bundles, why would the top ends of the battle pass not be doable in 10 hours a week? That seems insane.

OH! I found this on the other Battle Pass thread! From SWAGGERNAU7, one of our Devs: "TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.

Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels)."

Hope this helps :)


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Top players?

Top players are the ones who buy the giant bundles, why would the top ends of the battle pass not be doable in 10 hours a week? That seems insane.

Do you mean that players who spend the most money are the same players who play the most games? That's not necessarily the case. Lots of players are die hard grind-only. (When I said "top players," I meant those who play the most games.) And I'm not sure off the top of my head how many hours exactly are required to complete the battle pass, so I can't confirm or deny that. I'm sorry I don't have that answer for you :(


Originally posted by Twigler

Just curious, what was the reasoning behind not providing funds to purchase the next battle pass if you complete this premium one? It is definitely worth the $10 even if I have to rebuy the next one, but I believe every other pass across other games allows you to purchase the next pass for free.

I actually wasn't a part of the team when this particular decision was made! So I can't speak to that unfortunately :(


Originally posted by ConfirmingBanana

Sounds reasonable:)

And pardon for asking, but does it say anywhere how long this first pass will last? Couldn't seem to find where/when it is due

...I don't see it in the client either.
I'mma go talk to the team about this lol. Great catch! Thank you for pointing it out :)