

04 Aug


Originally posted by Outfox3D

Hey, right on FFXIV patch day. Works out well for me!

Good work Rito, you deserve some time off. Thanks for keeping the game running even through a global pandemic.

Thanks fam :)


Originally posted by 2ecStatic

I wonder how much this has to do with the meeting from the other day not going well. Either way, it’s nice that they’re getting a break, especially after how big the SB event has been.

This has actually been planned for quite some time! Much much earlier than our meeting :) Though I imagine some folks need to disconnect and recharge even more now.
Edit: Typos


Originally posted by bz6

much needed guys! reset, recharge and come back stronger.

thanks fam :)

01 Aug


Originally posted by Aatin


So basically, my trackpad works fine in the menus, but the second I get into game I can no longer turn or look around in any way. I can move with WASD, but I cannot look in any direction except the direction you're pointing when you spawn in. I can tap my trackpad to fire, but that's it.

The difference in the beta was that, in the first half of the beta, it just worked. I could look around and aim as expected. I think I saw someone say it was patch 0.49 or something that trackpads stopped working and began exhibiting the issue I've been having since. I had to stop playing about halfway through the beta because it was literally unplayable without being able to aim. I still can't play with my friends or anything.

Thanks for the detailed answer, Aatin. I'll follow up with my team, and hopefully they've got a good answer for us!


Which makes me think it may be an intentional 'feature' to make their game more pretentiously 'competitive.'
I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that this isn't the case. Sometimes we change one thing, and it accidentally changes another, and we don't know until someone points in out. It's possible that we purposefully turned off track pad support...but I can't think of any reason we would have done that.
Can you please explain what you mean exactly by "unplayable?" Is the sensitivity wonky? Is it nonresponsive? How exactly is it different from your previous experience in beta? The more detailed you can be, the better.

I'll flag this with our team on Monday. Thanks for letting us know, and I'm really sorry that this has taken away your ability to play the game. I wish I could tell you that we can definitely fix it, but this isn't my craft, so I don't know what's causing the problem. (I'm not QA or an engineer or anything). I'll see what I can d...

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16 Jul


Can confirm Sirhaian is wonderful. I worked with him for over a year on the skins team. He genuinely cares, and he spends a LOT of time doing work he doesn't need to, just to make players' experiences better.

My favorite work of his is Dark Cosmic Jhin's ult @ ____ @ soooo preetttuuu

19 Jun


Thank you for being you :) This is wonderful and awesome and everything I want to see in our community.

07 Jun


Originally posted by ms_skeng

Hey, I'm looking at making an Etsy now...what kind of price would you pay for a small, medium, and large canvas with similar paintings on them? Thank you!

Also I'd buy a viper from you any day ;)


Originally posted by ms_skeng

Hey, I'm looking at making an Etsy now...what kind of price would you pay for a small, medium, and large canvas with similar paintings on them? Thank you!

Hey there OP! As someone who ran an etsy shop for a long time, I'd encourage you to look online for people who offer similar things! Base your prices around other similarly styled paintings, and adjust for quality, turnaround time, etc.
I'm seeing some pricing responses to this, and I have to me, those are hard lowballs. They're citing the prices of a PRINT: a digital reprint of something pre-rendered. What you're offering is a hand painted canvas, and should be worth AT LEAST double. Again, check competitor pricing.
I'd also encourage you to make at least small adjustments to all the paintings you do. You don't want to get slammed with a copyright violation <3

04 Jun


Originally posted by DON-ILYA

If you are talking about showing players what they get in terms of XP beforehand - yeah, it's a good idea, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

My suggestion is to give at least some XP for custom matches. So that players, who focus on tournaments/pugs/scrims (thus spend most of their time playing custom games), have a chance to earn rewards too. XP might come at slower rates and there should probably be some requirements like a minimum length of a match (so that people don't use customs to farm rewards), but it's still better than nothing.

Oh! This reminds me to add a question in my survey about player satisfaction with HOW they acquire XP (not just the rate of it). Thank you so much for the thoughtful addition!


Originally posted by 18_NakedCowboys

I love all this community interaction. The devs are doing this the right way.

thanks so much fam :) We're trying!


Hey there! Just wanted to point out that I included an edit in there :)

EDIT: I should be clear here: When I say a "top percentage of players," I don't mean some crazy high, 98th percentile thing. If we find that NOT ENOUGH folks are completing it, that's a problem, too!


Originally posted by 3nderThe3rd

Thanks for responding. Seeing devs actively engaging with the community is awesome!

<3 you engage with us every day. It's the least we can do.


Originally posted by Blastoiize

This should really get fixed. The soundfile is indeed connected to the "congrats you won the round" part of most people's brain at this point and it should absolutely not play when there is another player alive on the enemy team!

/u/aeneia Could you look into this? :3

I'll for sure bring it up to the team!


Originally posted by gabitoe

I have a question. Will the bp rewards be on the shop for money in the future? Its not clear atleast for me

I'm not sure about that!


Originally posted by fredripper2727

I'll play like 25h a month ish. How long does the battle pass last or does it last forever. I need to know this cause I dont know if I'll be able to get to lvl 9 (my goal for the vandal dot exe skin)

Unfortunately, I'm not totally sure if you'll be able to get it. It depends on mission completions and things like that. Sorry I can't be of more help :(


Originally posted by goDie61

Speaking of answers we should know, we should probably be able to see xp requirements of future tiers of contracts and the bp. Would have dodged a lot of controversy.

This is a great point - I think general clarity is a pain point for a lot of folks right now :(


Originally posted by DON-ILYA

What about those who play pugs/scrims? Unfortunately, custom games give no experience. To avoid people idling for rewards there can be a simple list of requirements: cheats off, minimum duration of a match - X (e.g., 20) minutes etc.

Oh! Being clearer on the XP requirements is a really good idea. I'll chat with my team and see if we can make that available somewhere (if it isn't already). Thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

just so you know, not being upfront about that is a problem.

at 10€ for a battlepass that doesn't give back points to buy the next one, I expect to be able to complete it within my normal playtime which means 2-3 matches a day with some days/weeks off. it works on most battlepass games, like Destiny.

when I read "only top players are meant to get the last rewards", to me it reads "your 10€ will only be worth this much and you'll have to choose if you want to be a sucker for 3€ per level" because I can't magically make time appear while working all day, and Valorant isn't the only game I'd like to play if only to not burn out.

when I see the math on Reddit exceeding what I could put in in any realistic scenario, my first and only reaction is to ask for a refund and never buy it again.

Thanks for sharing your feels on this. I added an edit to help clarify for other players:

I should be clear here: When I say a "top percentage of players," I don't mean some crazy high, 98th percentile thing. If we find that NOT ENOUGH folks are completing it, that's a problem, too!

We definitely expect that some folks won't complete it, but that's super normal. Not everyone buys the pass with the intention of completing it. They just think, "If I play the amount I normally play, I'll get back enough stuff to make it worth the $10 I spent on it." I'm one of those people lol. So when I say "top %," it includes those folks too. I hope that makes sense!


Originally posted by 3nderThe3rd

I would have to disagree with the top tier item being something meaningful that only the top percentage will get. Had I known that was the goal I probably wouldn’t have purchased it.

I believe if we’re paying cash for a battle pass, it’s reasonable to expect that you can comfortably get it in the given time. 20 hours of gameplay a week seems like a rediculous commitment to have to make AFTER investing cash into the pass.

I mentioned this in a previous response, but I’ve paid for battle passes in other games and the first time I can’t complete the pass, I lose interest in all future passes. If I can reasonably acquire all the content I paid for then it’s a waste of money. Maybe Ive just been very fortunate in the games that I’ve played with battlepasses and I’m spoiled to expect that I can acquire content I’ve paid for.

Thanks for sharing your feels on this. I added an edit to help clarify for other players: I should be clear here: When I say a "top percentage of players," I don't mean some crazy high, 98th percentile thing. If we find that NOT ENOUGH folks are completing it, that's a problem, too! Also, it definitely shouldn't be 20 hours a week! PLaying shouldn't be your part time job lol. AFAIK, it should be much closer to 10. I hope this helps :)