No shortage of sh*t talking. I think this post is funny. Lighten up my dude.
No shortage of sh*t talking. I think this post is funny. Lighten up my dude.
ROTFL!! Good work.
Infiltrator is an alt skin for Rodion on the Allegiance side. Check there.
Nukes are special. Should be something that you get and can feel proud of because of what it takes to get there. Saving Private Ryan - https://thumbs.gfycat.com/HastyDeterminedIcelandicsheepdog-max-1mb.gif
This is bugged. Looks like executions close to some walls, or corners, at just the right angle can break the flow of the mechanic. Not completely sure but testing in spots like this has shown issues. Until we get this fix out be on the look out for spaces like this and maybe consider the kill shot with your primary.
But what about offline (local) split screen?
The big maps is such a heavy lift it will not support split screen. At least for now.
What does "peaking this" mean? Like, making it the best? Making something better than it?
They cruise the sub often. Im sure they've took a peek. Spelling error.
Ahhh...this looks pretty dope man. Not my personal style but really really nice. I'm sure the weapons team is peaking this.
I love that model, still waiting for it to rotate into my store. Did you have a hand in that one?
Concept department and character department kicking ass.
We are digging into this. Fixing as soon as possible.
It's in the Tactical Human pack from the store.
We appreciate you taking your time to give us some info :)
Do you happen to know if there are any weapon or killstreak balancing changes in the works? The Support Helo and Sentry Gun could use some love, IMO! And I want to love the SCAR, but it's kinda just a worse AK!
You might not be allowed to share, but I'd love to hear a balancing update is in our near future :)
P.S.: I'd love to see the ACR make its return to the Modern Warfare series 👀
Not sure but Ill pass this along.
He means teammates shouldn’t steal your executions, enemies should be able to kill you still.
Yes. What I was trying to say is that Im not sure if we can seperate the two but I will mention it and see if its possible to update in the future.
Thanks for replying alot recently! Any idea when the patch Joe Cecot referenced in his tweet earlier this week is coming?
No sorry. Im trying to split my time working on my daily assignments and keeping up with you guys:) The feedback has been so awesome. I have multiple fixes and additions in the oven. 100% credit to this sub. Cant thank you guys enough. Makes the game better and better.
What does that mean? Not being rude, I'm genuinely curious about what Executions have to do with teammates saving me? Please bear in mind that I'm in agreement with OP, from the player's perspective it's more infuriating to have a teammate steal your kill during an execution than beneficial, especially when someone is going for challenges based on the executions. Is there something more to this design intent, or is this a technological complication?
Asked and answered. Sorry I dont have more.
So it comes with the big update? Great to hear some time frame.
Its a small patch as far as I know. Im just relaying what I know about the filter problem.
Its a bug. Were sorry:( Trying to get the fix to you guys tonight or tomorrow.
Definitely looking at this you guys.
Thats a tough one. Executions need to support your team mates saving you. I'm not sure we can seperate the functionality for the executioner to own the kill. Ill mention it though.