

02 Jan


Originally posted by SniperDog5

I may have a suggestion for that: you could switch platinum with diamond. If it would look just like diamond from Infinite Warfare, it would be phenomenal.

Thats true but I'd prefer to have both. Find a solve for the blowout in the spots were its appearing.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I already answered this.


Originally posted by kris9512

So creating pointless sprays and wrist watches take priority over actual things that would improve gameplay?

You're not paying attention.

01 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Asked and answered. I meant what I said. Go troll someone else.


Originally posted by FortySevenLifestyle

I understand that bugs can happen & all but it seems kind’ve silly. You’ve had 3 years of development, more likely 2 years, & you haven’t been able to add something that has been a feature in the past COD’s?

I appreciate that the team is trying. I just don’t get how it wasn’t implemented at launch.

You're right. The real answer is there are 10s of thousands of tasks that lead up to the launch of the game. We have to triage all of those tasks and decide what tasks take priority over others and who in the teams can we assign the task to. For example I do not have the skill set to fix this particular problem. 3 years goes by in an eye blink for us.


Originally posted by SoberDreams

I know right! I love the blueprints where combining camos still keeps the integrity of the blueprint pattern.

One suggestion tho, can we make it possible so that switching barrels, stocks etc. doesn’t completely destroy the blueprint?

We can try different things but there are "millions, not sure:)" of permutations of weapons in the game there isnt enough memory or man hours to tackle every combo that comes with a blueprint. The best we can do is try and make things a bit more versatile while sticking to our constraints.


Originally posted by dpassey87

Mate have you been drinking or has your account been hacked? Your giving us information here.. good quality explanations! Appreciate it man, u deserve a pay rise.

I've had a few hours to kill and I'm on vacation. I was really quiet leading up to the holiday because I was out of my mind busy creating new content. The post launch effort on this game has been outrageous but so worth it!


Originally posted by the_gaming_bur

rEmOvE sBmM!!

Lol, jk.. but seriously, it would be great to be able to use skins across different weapons. I know it seems kind of counter intuitive, considering that each individual gun is bought in one bundle, but wouldn't it make more sense because of that? It's like we'd be paying for the skin, that happens to come with said weapon, but would be able to use said skin across multiple guns. Maybe limited to the gun category it originally came with?

I've seen other people talk about this. It'd be really great. Also, you're right: I first thought of SA graffiti when mixing and matching skins with camos, lol. Love chappie.

At some point in the future we are hoping to let you combine different blue print attachments together to Frankenstein weapons and then apply different camos. Its really buggy though so I dont have an answer as to when we would be able to push out an update for it but we are trying to work the problem.


Originally posted by qaws420

Tell your guys to check the reddit more often, there must be an intern somewhere that can help you guys out. Communication is key my dude.

The crew checks this sub way more often than is clear to the community. You're not wrong about comms though. Its challenging for internanl hands on devs to keep up with a community of 500k and be affective at making actual changes and fixes to the game. We will try and improve this whole thing.


You and everyone else that has commented on this are right. Its in mainline back at the studio and weve been tinkering with it. Im not sure which update its in but I think its next. Believe it or not it can cause horrible bugs if not tested properly. Im not certain about all this so don't get fired up on me if Im wrong. Since I've commented here Ill stick with the issue at the studio.

"Just a reminder, time does not allow me to scan the entire sub and acknowledge everything problem, comment, or feedback day to day but I try and help whenever I can."


This reminds me of the edge case scenarios weve had in the past with scope lenses blowing out at certain angles under perfect lighting conditions when going ADS. The solve on those was some trickery. In this case I need to discuss with the weapons team and try and find a creative solution. Im putting this in my vaction notes before I go back to the studio on Monday.


Not my area of expertise but I just spotted this. The best I can do is send it to QA. More than likely its already been bugged and they are working the problem but it doesn't hurt to send anyway.

"Just a reminder, time does not allow me to scan the entire sub and acknowledge everything problem, comment, or feedback day to day but I try and help whenever I can."


I completely dig the way you can combine different camos with the Waifu Oden. Reminds me of the South African graffiti style from Die Antwoord in Chappie. South African gang style.


Originally posted by jayswolo

Is there anyone in could reach out to about feedback on this?

I think that Ground War would be a nightmare filled with 12 player premades. Spawn camping is rampant & almost impossible to counter as is if the other team knows what they’re doing. I don’t think we need to send armies of 12 player squads at people.

8 player parties = two 4 player squads sounds much more reasonable & less prone to abuse. If I recall correctly, there is a 1 player, 3 player (FFA I think), 4 player, and 6.

But most game modes are 4v4, 6v6, 10v10. The 10v10 being the strangest. I think it would function better as 12 v 12, especially if you are going to allow 12 player parties in Ground War. It’s such a struggle to play MW with friends, Destiny had a similar problem. Story is 3 player, raids are 6, pvp was all over the place.

It also doesn’t help that each Ground War map doesn’t support the same amount of players. My thinking was 8 player would be more technically feasible t...

Read more

What your saying makes sense. Im not an open conduit for feedback to design but I have had time to read through this and its worth mentioning next time I get the chance. A lot of the MP design team reads through the comments on this sub and when ever possible tries to use the feedback to solve problems even though they don't have time to answer questions directly. The true anwers to feedback manifest in our updates.


Originally posted by MadBeamer

Any chance for a return of Fall camo?

Believe it or not but I made that camo. Would be cool to bring back;)


Originally posted by Klaus_Quarter

That's a fallacy, a sophism, rhetorically a weak argument, because it has nothing to do with the artistical cohesion. Also in most game modes, there are a bright red tags under enemies players. I get it: MW isn't a milsim game but there is a strange dichotomy in it. On one side it's serious business and all, and on the other side it's unicorns anime X girl'sfrontline and sh**... Its absolutly impossible to have a "willing suspension of disbelief" in this case.



Originally posted by jayswolo

In the meantime could we get 8 players, maybe a toggle for chat between the two squads. Or even proximity for the 8 players squad

Keep in mind my area of expertise is art but I play the game constantly. I dont know details about whats actually being prioritized in this area but I totally agree with the concept of 8-12 player parties and 4 player squads broken out of the parties. Ill keep after it. I do know that most of it has to do with technical challenges. My guess is there are so many different modes in the game with various player counts.


Originally posted by Galdemon5

Just out of curiosity, what was the inspiration for the waifu Oden?

I think those anime pillows? Not sure really. A few of our weapons artists are kind of running with themes to see what comes out of it.


Originally posted by lBurnsyl

Don't know if this is the right person to be asking but nobody else has really responded to this question, is there a specific way to be getting those gift bundles in the store? Some people have been getting 6 bundles and others have only been able to get 1, I'm personally just going for the Flood MP5 blueprint which I don't want to miss out on! Really hope that there's some way to get it.

I dont how that part of the system works.

31 Dec


Originally posted by EldiaForLife

I know they exist. Its just I highly doubt a 6,3 Beefy Russian Boi would be using one in Kazakhstan or Iraq.

I dont go in for them but a lot of people do. I'm surprised by how many people go for bright colored camos. Who am I to argue with that:) Highviz colors...high viz targets.