

01 Apr


Originally posted by Raven_ZD

Yeah supercell hates it it lasted for only one day last time

It literally makes (some) people dizzy, haha. I guess we can't play with that too much... or maybe we could try to ease the effect a bit :D

21 Mar


Hahaha, but they know! Thank you so much for the messages, guys! My timeline is full of love today :,)

02 Mar


ok, that's the best feedback we've received so far about gears. Fair enough!


Hahaha, that's great! Thanks for sharing that with us, Christian and Pietro!

I think the idea is definitely fun and would give a lot of reasons for players to interact with others to exchange Brawlers. Of course I can't promise wether we would implement something like this or not, as the development part of it has to guarantee everything works super safe so there isn't lots of people scamming others. The 1 week duration for sure helps preventing some of the worst cases, but I can still imagine lots of players frustrated if they've changed their favorite brawlers prior to a challenge/event in game, haha.

Anyway, as someone else said in this thread, you've definitely earned parenting points there. And it's amazing to hear you are using Brawl to spend some quality time with your family.

Congrats and thanks for the suggestion!

12 Feb


Originally posted by comet-9

Dear Supercell, the Brawl Stars team, and everyone who has supported my work on the internet and in real life.

It all started when my best friend's little brother introduced me to this game. I fell in love with the characters' personalities and designs at first sight. The dynamic yet cute art style was in harmony with creativity and fast-pacedness of the game, and this also made it very charming for me. And as an aspiring character designer, artist and plushie maker myself, they have become a huge inspiration for the characters I portray, the things I draw... and of course, what I use my handiwork for.

I love stuffed dolls and I especially love sewing them myself, it is truly a hobby that makes me relaxed and happy. And seeing the massive amount of support my plushies of Sandy, Penny, Buzz and Leon (who is currently residing in his new home with the little brother) got on the internet I felt necessary to thank everyone: everyone on twitter, everyone on this subred...

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Thank you for the words, Comet! And know that you deserved the trophy. We’ve been through so many awesome art, but yours has something unique.

Congratulations and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the reward!

10 Feb

21 Jan


Originally posted by Pera_x

Source : Trust me bro

He’s right. We do that to have the same experience as the players :D


Did we win? Haha. Ggs and thanks for the compliments! Blue is not a dev though, just a friend!


Hahaha, oh man Sorry for making you do that, but thank you. I’m honored!

06 Jan


Originally posted by Billel_PGM

Sadly randoms, all my clubmates weren't available, day 1 was about to end in 2 hours and i had school. Well played to you too ! You and Piper truly make one

Aah I see… yeah, our results weren’t great today either… finished in last 😅

Hope the next days go better!


Now the whole world knows our game tester got smashed by the cart, hahaha. Ggs, man! We’re you playing with club mates or randoms?

01 Jan


Originally posted by MJ_THE_PRO

I think we need to wait for dani to respond u/dani_supercell

I wasn’t talking about the legendary cap :( I was answering Blue_Alu who mention the purchase limit in the club shop!

31 Dec


Originally posted by Blue_Alu05

So we are never going to get a fix in the progression? Because club league is not helping with the limit it has

The limit will be removed! As for other progression improvements, we haven’t really discussed properly after the update. But we do wanna address all the biggest concerns you guys bring. Can’t promise to fix all of them, but definitely improve some bits (:


Originally posted by Graffito_123

You can zoom in to view all and congrats to the winners!!!

thanks! you made my life easier, hahah


Originally posted by SamirMishra27

I will say it again. Brawl stars team is one of the BEST mobile game teams we're blessed to have. Not only they have a passionate dev team but a beyond amazing community manager teams who knows how to make their player community feel important. They understand that community comes first.

Despite the few bad times (quote landscape days, yes I've been playing since canada launch, and recent gears update) I strongly believe they will never would want us to be disappointed.

In short they truly value our community first and we also value them. Also a big shout out to the Youtubers too! Truly the best and wholesome people ever!

Thank you guys. :)

"oh no, are you crying, Dani?"


And guess what: I filmed the heartwarming message at the end of the Brawlies on the same day I got this massive downvote, haha. I meant every word even though that wasn't the best day to record that scene...

Looking back at this, I could have worded my answers better to make sure we are listening, but at that specific time, I had no time to focus much on that because I knew things would calm down after some weeks, so that's why I backed off for a while :D

And thank you for worrying and coming back at this... that's why we are not perfect, but WE ARE the best.

29 Dec


That was the best squeak reaction I’ve ever seen!

28 Dec


Originally posted by Ak_mathical

Someone get Dani to see this

I’ll show it to Dani

03 Dec


The bottom line is that yes, there were definitely a lot of issues with the website and we were not properly prepared to react to it (and know we are trying to make up for it).

Id like to explain a bit better though on why we couldn’t talk to much about it though.

  • we usually only make public statements if we know what’s the outcome. If there’s an ingame bug, we can let you know we are aware of it because we’ll most likely fix it. With the website, we had 3 days to react with a fix in a live website during a live show. Any “we are aware of the issue” would lead to “are you fixing it?” Or “are we going to be compensated?” Which were questions that we had no answer for.

  • giving the items needs to be a team decision, and after that, we need to think of fair ways to do it (as in, everyone affected should get the same treatment). Many of the players couldn’t login on the website, which means we don’t have a reliable data of who m was affected by i...

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Thanks for the report! That’s a missing localization line 😅 I’ll forward it to the team :)