

04 Oct


Originally posted by redgroupclan

Man, Ravens probably one of the only mods left who worked on content back when I still actually played the game. For some reason I still hang around this sub. Good luck on your future endeavors! Thanks for the good times I had back in the day.



Originally posted by Mediocre-Statement45

You will be dearly missed Raven, but, as they say, all good things must come to an end. It just feels... Sigh too soon.



Originally posted by nevvertheless

Good luck and thanks for your service



Originally posted by neon_lighters

Thank you for getting smart and leaving a sinking ship.

No, I don't think that's fair. Jagex has some great plans and some really cool content ahead of it. Sure, not everyone may agree with some of the recent decisions, but they honestly may lead to some really cool stuff for the whole community.

The remaining dev team is awesome and I expect to see great things ahead.

I'm leaving not because _of_ Jagex, but simply because I was offered a rare opportunity that I've been after for years.

The ship is fine, the deck is dry.


Originally posted by Fickle-Wrangler1646

Armadyl quest line when? :)

I mean, the lore team have promised to carry the RoP torch and I've left them detailed lore on the aviansie, as well as my previous designs for RoP. So you never know.


Originally posted by Revent7

This means characters in the game are finally safe in the quests, right? Right...?

Lol, no :D


Originally posted by DragonZaid

😭 gonna miss you Raven

I'll miss you all too!


Originally posted by Adamjrakula

Im probably going to have a good cry over this, Runescape will miss your humor.



Originally posted by Fenrir-clemo

This is such a huge loss for all of us. Best of luck in the future Mod Raven and thank you for all you have done for the game and for all of us.



Originally posted by Fickle-Wrangler1646

Wasn’t he like, the only one left with a semblance of respect for the lore?

Nah, there's a good bunch of lore focused devs that still look to tell good stories. I leave you in good hands.


Originally posted by PiccoloCapable

Omg just yesterday i saw a post of you and was gonna start rioting asking for you to be put on more streams! Best of lucks! will miss your whimsical and malevolent laugh, your passion for killing NPCs and the whole Mod Raven persona; one great and fun person to see and hear, you will be missed! Hope you can bless other games with your desire for destruction and chaos :D

I shall do my best to bring chaos to my new place of work.


Originally posted by rafaelloaa

Something to look forward to from our glorious overlord even after he has left.

Wishing you all the best on your future endeavors, and may Zaros have mercy on your future victi... I mean creations.



Originally posted by leakar09

Best of luck in your new job. you have made a big impact on the game, in my opinion. Your story has brought you through many parts of Runescape creation (from support to development). i will be sad to see you go.



Originally posted by rafaelloaa

"to come" as in not yet added to the game, or in game but not yet found?

Not yet added to the game. :)


Originally posted by makethemoonglow

I'm gonna miss you, granny Raverington! <3



Originally posted by TheSaucyCrumpet

Thanks mate, you've always been a real joy to interact with, and thank you for all the time and energy you gave us, and thanks again for the beers at Runefest, can't believe that was nearly 10 years ago!



Originally posted by FoaleyGames

Thank you for the reassurance, I’ve personally been on a bit of a break due to burnout from the comp(t) grind and other priorities in life taking precedent. Been a bit reluctant about any sort of return due to the recent issues that have arisen in the community.

Regardless, thank you for all you’ve done in creating a big piece of my childhood. Questing has been my favorite aspect of RuneScape since I started playing back in ‘08. Good luck on your next adventure!



Originally posted by ShoMeUrNoobs

Thank you for being an amazing troll and giving us such lovely content over the years. We will miss you dearly.



Originally posted by zac_is_bad

Good luck in your future endeavours and thank you for everything you have done



Originally posted by Taste_Zaros

Sad to see you go, but i wish you the best on your future endeavors!

Talking for hours with you at Runefest with a group of passionate people was an experience i'll cherish forever. Your passion and experience strengthened my motivation to become a software developer.
