

04 Oct


Originally posted by AbleLetterhead3899

"I have been given an opportunity that opens up a new future for me and that opens newer futures in return."

Wtf does this even mean?

It means, this opportunity itself is a new future. But it also means that this opportunity opens lots of doors for me as well.


Originally posted by InquisitorDA

One of the best mods and I remember meeting him at a Runefest one year.



Originally posted by Ssamy30

Wish you the best!



Originally posted by 60052

another jagex exodus?

No. Pure coincidence that a few of us have chosen a similar time to leave. In my case it was that an opportunity I couldn't refuse came up and... well... I couldn't refuse it.


Thank you.

It's been a hard decision, it really has. I love RS and I love working for Jagex, but some opportunities come along that you can't turn down and this was one of them. I'll still troll from time to time, but it's going to be strange not being Mod Raven any more.


Explore. Discover. Ignore advice.

RuneScape works best when you make of it what you want. It's a huge sandbox filled with content. Some of it you'll love, some of it you'll hate. Try not to get bogged down by "the right way to play" until you know what that means to you.

Some people love to level as quickly as possible. Some people love to take their time. Some people love to run around the place going "beep beep" at random passers by, and all of these methods are valid.

So dive in. Find your groove and boogie.

= Raven =


Originally posted by Infamous_Gene_8410

If I ever saw you irl I'd make bird noises at you. Kaw kaw!

Kaw kaw indeed!

03 Oct


Originally posted by SayomiTsukiko

I was wondering who urianger reminded me of when I was playing FFXIV but couldn’t put my finger on who.

It was Mod Raven.

I think that's a good thing? Maybe?
<3 Anyway.


Originally posted by Sven_divino

Thanks for the response :)



Originally posted by ICanHasHerbz

Apart from that one quest where you have to, you know, kill a couple of rats.

We don't talk about that.


Real talk. There's an element of this that is true. Hear me out. When a new developer begins they are often bright and full of enthusiasm, they want nothing more than to make the content that they feel the players will love. They get excitable, they reach out to offer their thoughts and then they're often torn apart because they used a poor turn of phrase rather than sit there and edit it down as if they had a degree in marketing.

This tends to make them a little jaded, or upset.

Developers are human (shocker I know) and we make mistakes (not me I am flawless and will hear no argument to the contrary) and the response to that can be cruel. It can be mean. Sometimes it can be a little frightening. I've had death threats, other devs have had very very personal attacks made against them. This unsurprisingly has many devs reconsider ever interacting with the playerbase and that's understandable.

Developers are not required to be on social media, or inte...

Read more

There's tons to do as a free player. The most recent and shiniest content is members only, but there's loads to do as a free player to see if you enjoy the base mechanics of the game.

Dungeons can be done solo. They're often more fun with friends, but so is a lot of life. We try and gear our content to be approachable solo where we can. There are some group only pieces of content, but the community is friendly and you should be able to to find someone to take you through it.

The game is a massive box of sand.
* Want to murder things en masse? Then combat is for you.
* Want to chill and grow some potatoes? Try farming?
* Want to weep uncontrollably as cruel storytellers murder your most beloved NPCs? Then try questing. Our quests are contained stories, rather than "go here kill ten rats".

RuneScape has a wealth of content, you should definitely be able to find something that appeals to you. :)

= Raven =


Originally posted by RedRose198

Gielinor Games.

I second this. One of the most fun pieces of content I got to work on in my earlier days. Would love to see it get a revamp to modern systems and graphics.


Well this is exquisite. Beautiful work!


Intensely weird. But then aren't we all? Why strive for normality when you can do what you enjoy?

Is it how everyone plays? No. Does that matter? Not even a little bit. RS is a game designed for you to find what you want to do and to focus on that. Sure, I think you should be doing the epic questlines, but if you get your enjoyment out of mining a rock or cutting a gemstone, then who am I to judge?

OK, fair enough, I judge everyone, all the time, for everything, so perhaps I'm not the best voice to wade in here.

Translation: You do you, as long as you're enjoying yourself you're doing it "right".


Originally posted by ADDICTED_TO_KFC

It was a slight joke mod Raven please don't hex me I got my voodoo guy on speed dial.

P.S: big fan of your work as well


30 Sep


Originally posted by ProofJournalist

Is there any chance we will still get a Rite of Passage-esque Quest some day? It's unfortunate that Armadyl never got good chance in the spotlight after Bird and the Beast.

"Any chance" yes.
Guarantee, no.
All the lore team are still keen on doing it, when it's the right place for it in the schedule. I know it's been forever since we shelved it, but it's still very much in our minds.


I can assure you mod Surma is still rocking it up doing plenty of cool stuff. Our audio team work across multiple products though. but I can assure you they're still doing plenty of cool stuff. :)


Exquisite work as always.