

04 Oct


Originally posted by NadyaNayme

I wish you nothing but the best. The content you've worked on and delivered has consistently been some of the best work Jagex has ever put out. Your passion and care for the lore of the world and how player's experience it is second to none. When I saw your name as the director/lead or story for a piece of content I knew it would be good before ever even playing it.

You are leaving giant's size shoes to fill and the echoes of your footsteps will be heard for years to come.


I have faith that the current dev team can fill my shoes. :)


Originally posted by michael7050

I don't know how I'll be able to quest without equipping Ravensworn and obsessively checking for easter eggs anymore...

I almost had all the POF -sworn achievements too.

It won't quite be the same without you, Raven. It's always a loss to see a dev whose passionate about quests leave, but after 15 years it's more than understandable.

I hope you have a great time, wherever you're moving to!

Oh there are still a few ravensworn easter eggs to come. One of them isn't even my fault. :D


Originally posted by Patrick_K_NL

Ka-kaw's out of respect

Ka kaw!


Originally posted by SolenoidSoldier

Are you able to share where you're moving to?

Not for the moment. I'll tweet that nearer the time. Don't want to effectively advertise another company on here, would feel rude to Jagex who I still very much like. :)


Originally posted by RedEyeJedi993

Thanks for being awesome! I can't speak for others but I assume they hold the same sentiment.

All the best with every future endeavor!



Originally posted by Leaking_Soup

Thank you, friend, for all you've done for this game!



Originally posted by sir_eos_lee2

A one time offer to sell your soul for power ... You get 1 xp and 1 gp

Oh man, I should have done that...


Originally posted by manDboogie

thank you so much for everything, especially the cabbages

huge congrats on your next opportunity! you were always one of the most infectiously joyful mods, so it's bittersweet and monumental loss for RS, but it's exciting to know that now even more people and the rest of the world get to experience the godly cabbagean greatness!

thank you tremendously for sharing these memorable years with the community, and safe travels on your new journey




Originally posted by DLBork

I'll miss you buddy, good luck with this next opportunity you got



Originally posted by asap_munem

Goodbye King



Originally posted by caddph

Raven leaving, and we still don't have a Granny Potterington pet that rolls around behind us... truly this is the darkest timeline...

In all seriousness, big loss for the game, but glad Raven has a new and seemingly passionate opportunity in front of him. Hope to be able to use/play/see his content outside of RS in the future.


You should totally pitch a Granny Potterington bobblehead the next time someone asks for pet ideas. ;)


Originally posted by apophis457

You and your content are what gave me hope after the departure of Mod Osborne, and your stories and mystery are what have kept my love for this game strong even in the days where I thought I was drifting away from it.

You’ll be missed, incredibly so. But I wish you luck in all your future endeavors, you magnificent troll, you.


You're in good hands still, the lore council have some great plans. :)


Originally posted by Ipetghost2

Sad to see him go but he deserved a better job, better pay. Best of luck Mod Raven! 👍



Originally posted by Gaga_Lady

An amazing person, he'll be sorely missed



Originally posted by Gamez_X

But raven was the only good mod left... That's it, as if recent times havnt been a downward spiral enough, the game's utterly screwed now

There are loads of great mods still at Jagex. All of the devs are passionate and really want to create some great content. Sure, things won't always be perfect, for everyone, but I assure you the game is in excellent hands.


Originally posted by Any-sao

So, the quest is on the horizon? That’s one bit of good news, but this doesn’t make me any less sad that you’re leaving!

Horizon does not mean "anytime soon". Just so you're aware. But they lore mods have promised to raise it at every opportunity. :D


Originally posted by FoaleyGames

Is it not mildly concerning that two veteran JMods are leaving within just as many days, in addition to those who have left in somewhat recent months (though I'm blanking on names so don't ask me, but correct me if I'm wrong)?

Honestly, it's entirely a coincidence. Seriously. I actually got the offer a couple of months back, but hung around to get some last things in place and finish the quest.

It's pure coincidence. Jagex is still doing well and there are some really cool things coming in the next few months/years so please don't assume something bad is going on. Pure coincidence.


Originally posted by Bobbyduckjoe

He was at Jagex for as long as I’ve been playing the game. Sad to see him go but happy he has found something he is looking forward to. Wish him the best of luck with everything! o7



Originally posted by Dunamex

For the Ravensworn! 🗡

There is at least one ravensworn reference still to come. ;)


Originally posted by Financial-Garbage-94

Ooh what’s the novel about please? Can we get a sneak peak or intro to it?

I’m an avid reader!

No sneak peaks at this stage. I'll share stuff if a publisher takes it up.

It's about found family, hope, self acceptance and superpowers. I describe it as "Misfits if the characters aren't all arseholes". :)