

05 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

They are a combination that goes together to meet a general performance target. Moving any setting lower from a preset is not bad and should simply increase performance.

That should not be the case, but I'm curious to see how it runs for you.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have the same CPU as Lathan, a 3070 TI GPU and play at the lower resolution of 1440p, yet I put no settings on Ultra. I want a smoother higher frame rate, so I use High, which nets me 80-100+ FPS most of the time. There is a big difference between being out in the forest with not much around you vs in a city with buildings all around you, so I pick settings for the more demanding locations.

01 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

His fix seems fine. The new hang was a decoration threading issue, which I think I fixed. We also found another error with getting an animated block update while the world is downloading, which I added a fix for.

They are hitting the servers HARD to find bugs, so some of these may not even happen in normal play.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, well they already got the server to hang. Not sure if it is another issue with water, something else or the world being a bit old and abused. Testing continues...

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

He submitted a fix, so hopefully it is fixed in testing.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Things are looking pretty good at this point bug wise. Most of the current must fixes can be done during experimental. We only have one major bug that needs to be fixed before experimental, which causes the server to hang from what appears to be POI resets triggering water updates. The water sim programmer is working on that one. Granted we may find other nasty bugs as the testers continue testing.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is not new to A21. A20 has the same chance (I don't remember the exact numbers), although it is a lot easier to get your vehicle to the destroyed state in A21.

The solution is not to trash your vehicle, and if you do, then repair it. Like lots of things in the game, it will be open to tweaking based on long term play and not knee jerk reactions.

20 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have the list of must fixes every alpha. It has been trending down. Currently at 30 tickets across 15 different people, but that is not 2 per person as some people, like programmers, tend to get more of the bugs. I have 7, of which 3 appear to be the same issue, but that is a non trivial issue with stray floating terrain possibly caused by a terrain corruption bug fix I did last week.

19 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It depends. We are often main thread CPU bottlenecked.

I think FSR would most benefit heavy rendering situations, like running at higher resolutions with higher settings on weaker GPUs.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Eh, 10 minutes. I'm all for checking things.

I've been working will a developer of another FSR solution, but we have bad motion blur with animated plants that needs to be worked out, so it is on hold for A21.

I'll check than one out sometime...

Thanks for the info.

Exactly. In no way, shape or form was the team committed to any date. We simply have guesses.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A lot of game development does not work like that. Bugs are often their own unique tasks with many unknowns which makes time estimates vague. Many bugs are also not yet discovered, so how do you estimate time for something you don't know exists? Right now we know about x amount of bugs we want to fix, but each day testers may find zero or 5 more that are must fixes, which then takes of x amount of time each. One could be 10 minutes, another 3 days.

Except when we say 80% of bugs fixed and then the next day say 76% of bugs fixed as new ones are found. They will LOVE IT!

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I got it to do the same thing. It is totally normal. Shadows are not cheap to render. Looking into the building, you have all manner of objects near you, rendering with all their shadows. We do not have a static world where we can precompute visibility, so there is a lot of overdraw in that situation. Also, the occlusion manager does not disable shadows, as it does not know where they will be projected to and shadows are draw calls.

Yes. 2022 LTS should be out soon and I hope to have A22 using it.

10 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably. Planned are more biome progression type mechanics.

09 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. Wasteland is death. You should only be going there if you are well prepared.

06 May

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There have been some changes to lighting. I would not use the word "lot". FPS is better somewhat. PC hardware, your settings and what the game is doing and rendering vary greatly, so it all comes down to what your current bottleneck is.

Changing a Unity light's settings is exactly the same.


    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Is the same. Shopping carts are blocks. Blocks don't move. Would need to be a prop and with lower health or special hit rules....

2 At some point vehicles are supposed to get separate parts to represent mods, so they can be turned on/off, but we did not have the time in A21.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, it could be better, but most of us have like 5 things we are working on and we have little time left for when we would like to release. Different methods take different amounts of time to do and often require different combinations of people to work on them.

New cement mixer model is not done. Bellows were not made to animate.

The new campfire with the 3 parts turning off/on is in, but art is being adjusted. It does glow brighter during crafting and looks fine.

Sure, I can dream about a thousand features, but we shall see what we have time for.

Yes. Vehicles do a lot more damage to zombies and you take it as well.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Hit damage is scaled by angle of impact, so glancing blows do much less. There is also a minimum impact amount, below which there is no damage.

2 I, not Steve talked about that. Chain on bike is the only disappearing part. Moving very slow without gas or at 0 health is the same as A20. No one seems to know that as they never got their vehicles to 0 health!

3 Probably, but I don't know when that will get added.

Damage numbers were not changed. That is how they currently are. The damage scaling is easy change by us and like many things, we will adjust it as necessary to achieve the balance we want.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Possibly, but there is other enemy related optimizations that need to be looked at as the throttling is pretty specific with what it is doing currently.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A20 vehicles explode the same way. I don't think zombie damage to vehicles has changed either.

You damaging your vehicle by hitting things is what has been increased.