

12 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep. I fixed that one last week and should be in .1.

I also fixed that corpse heads were getting the head damage bonus when you were harvesting them.

02 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Balance is not done and will continue to change right up to gold.

01 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is not sound. My own personal theory, since this is not real, is your scent from touching the parts combined with vibrations, makes them interested. I could say the same for the cement mixer. Your feet tapping the ground as you walk around could really do it too. Next up...sand worms.

30 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

AI will randomly attack or jump if they think they are stuck. One of those checks is if they are making forward progress over time. Sometimes it appears to even happen when walking slowly up a slope just out in the world. It certainly could use more tweaking, when I have the time.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It think you mean events, not triggers. An AI director chunk event actually covers 5x5 chunks. It stores them in a List, so you could have tens of thousands or more of them, but code may start running noticeably slower as you add thousands of them.

You may want to use very short duration events, so you don't accumulate a lot.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Trigger volumes are new and POI designers want sleeper volume zombies to attack you when triggered that way. There is no stealth check like an attack sleeper volume has. I play agility/stealth, but never expect it to work 100% of the time. My solution is fight them head on or run away, lose them and come back, then stealth kill them as triggers only happen once. Repeat as necessary.

Nothing is locked in stone. All values in the game are candidates for tweaking. I think we have made balance adjustments to every stable release, since I have been working here and I'm sure 21.1 will have some adjustments as we play more and get more feedback.

29 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are a variety of things that could be going on. They don't path constantly. Like they could of heard you first and went to investigate and seeing you did not happen yet. Or if a player is deemed off the ground enough, like you fell or jumped and they entered destroy area mode, which takes a while for them to exit.

Or it could be the bug I fixed yesterday, which is not released yet, where vertical movement of entities did not update their chunk layer, so a search of entities in a bounds using chunks could return incorrect results. That is why the junk sledge would not hit zombies that fell a good distance down to the sledge until the zeds changed the chunk they were in.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

21 and possible future versions.
21.0, 21.1, 21.2 or 22.0 and so on.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Stable now!

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The faster the vehicles are, the more risk there is of outrunning the chunk loading speed, which would cause you to instantly stop as you can't drive where there is no chunk ground collider. Chunk loading speed varies a lot depending on hardware and network speeds, so our max values are fairly conservative.

Zombies only attack blocks that are in the way of them getting to what they want. What they want is flesh.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Individual AI does not care or know about the "heat" map. The AI heat map code spawns a zombie and says go investigate over there. The zombie goes to the point and looks around, then wanders.

In game development, the rules change often. Normally you don't see this, just the final released product. In early access you get to see snap shots of those changes with each release. I actually like it, as I get bored with games fairly quickly, so when something like World of Warcraft or No Man's Sky has a big update, it is fun for me to learn all the new stuff.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

b323 is a stable candidate. Depends if it has any major bugs. Just played a few hours on it using my previous game and didn't see any new bugs.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has nothing to do with dew collector farms. Make all you can afford and place them wherever you can. This has to do with screamers actually showing up at your base because you are doing things. If you want to move a forge farm down the street to avoid the activity, you can do that too. This is a zombie game and we do want you to interact with zombies in various ways while at your base (screamers, biome spawns, wandering hordes and horde night). I find all those ways to be fun, because I like killing zombies.

While they are filling any jars.

6 dew collectors would be 2 forges worth of heat. So far we have not seen an issue. The good news is, these are just our initial numbers and the game is still being balanced, so we can and will adjust as needed as we keep play testing.

28 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heat map is a generic term for something that tracks activity. A dew collector generates the activity of 2 torches. All player activity would generally attract zombies. We could go as far and say, breathing, walking, touching and/or just plain old living attracts zombies. Anything you build could attract zombies as you touched it. Next we will be adding nylon gloves, so you don't get your smell on stuff...JK. There is no realism in much of this as we have no real zombies to base it on. Just fantasy and fun.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you running low or out of memory?

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vulkan is still very much an experimental feature in our game and Unity. We will be updating to Unity 2022 LTS for A22, which should have better Vulkan and DX12 support as Unity does improve them each year.

18 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I lowered the height as short zombies would just walk under it and it was reported as a bug. Zombie controller collider height was shortened, so they stack better, which also made more of them miss the wire. In a typical case, I would not be putting a wire high above the ground where enemies walk under it, but lowering it even more may make other issues, so it landed where it is now.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unity does, but it seems to only be for the HDRP, which we do not use. Graphics effects are generally done in shader code, not c# or c++.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dynamic res automatic is only useful in some cases. It was added as an experiment, but I don't use it.

FSR support was put on hold as plant shaders have to be changed to support motion vectors otherwise they blur badly as they animate. Entities animating also have blur issues.

Thanks for the info.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It probably should. As a creep around at night stealth player, I am thinking zeds should be more attracted to light like a beacon in the night. Having to hide campfires from sight would be fun as I feel like i should have to do that, yet it does not matter currently.