

21 Apr

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Marvelous_Choice

as the only person who is me, thanks for letting us use dauntless music and footage in our videos :)

Mega-LOL’d thanks <3

19 Apr

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

As the only person legally authorized to send DMCA strikes on behalf of Phoenix Labs; I can tell you it wasn't me. Like /u/CreatureTech-PHX said. Please DM him with more info and we can take a peak into it.

25 Mar

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dekapustnik

This whole game is about going to different lands just to kill animals. Ofcourse we are the bad guys.

We had a long debate about this very topic when we first started development in 2014!

11 Mar

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

So happy for you two! Thank you so much for including us in your special moment!

05 Jan

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vozu_

Thank you for shedding some light on the situation! This definitely makes it easier to understand why do we see so much bold experimentation in the monetisation aspect, and why it can defy expectations at times. I am excited to see what will 2021 bring, given the renewed focus on tighter contact with the community and the feedback it provides.

Best of luck in the new year!

I very much appreciate the great conversation! Thanks again for putting so much time into your responses.

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vozu_

Okay, so I will put that through the lenses of an outside observer.

I see a ridiculously attractive Hunt Pass, which is 1k plat. Nowadays it even refunds itself. This means that the entire revenue of the Hunt Pass these days is that it makes a person put 10$ into Plat (of which you see some percentage after Epic takes their cut).

This player might very well never put any more money into the game, but will likely keep coming back for more Hunt Passes. If they come back for Hunt Passes consistently, they make the game more lively. That's an added value for the company/game. If they convert into a Store-spender, that's revenue.

When I compare this to the most successful game using a battle-pass model (Fortnite), the behaviour seems to be consistent. Offer a great plat-to-cosmetic value Pass, then bank on some percentage of people becoming spenders in the Store.

The only thing Dauntless didn't have, was a strong catalogue of store cosmetics to give peopl...

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I really appreciate the long and thoughtful response.

If they come back for Hunt Passes consistently, they make the game more lively. That's an added value for the company/game

This is pretty close. Our number one goal is to create an experience that players really engage with and want to play. We also believe in the long run (think 20+ years here, we see ourselves as a dynastic company) it's better to give good value to more folks than outsized value to fewer folks. That means leaving some money on the table, being a bit more cautious, and caring deeply about value over profit. This manifests in other ways such as; we NEVER under any circumstances use language like "Whales" when referring to players. We also don't differentiate between paying and non-paying player in any decision making processes related to core game systems (exceptions being things that would make sense, like store optimization, or purchase satisfaction surveys, etc)

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04 Jan

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vozu_

Then I am truly at a loss as to what is the deal with Event Passes.

They only make sense to me as a "this is the real margin we would need to sell these cosmetics on". But that implies you either lose or barely earn anything on a regular Hunt Pass. Which you say isn't true.

I think I’m playing with different context set than you are. Can you explain more what you mean here? You’re talking about our margins and stuff without having an understanding of our cost structure. Perhaps use your perceived value to provide me a better understanding?

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vozu_

Compare with any store bundle. It is a great plat-to-value ratio.

The reason you think it is a scam is that you compare it to Hunt Pass. Hunt Passes are, to put it bluntly, designed to keep you in the game by offering a deal the company loses money on. The hope is that you will spend enough (or add to the player count enough) that it will be a justified loss on the company's side.

Exactly the same mechanism as selling consoles at a loss.

Hunt Passes are, to put it bluntly, designed to keep you in the game by offering a deal the company loses money on.

No actually that's not how we designed them at all. We explicitly designed them to feel like great value, for only the reason that OP said. We deeply care about finding the best balance that keeps us afloat and provides a game that players find joy in playing with their friends.

22 Oct

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheSqueakyNinja

I am hyped for the expectedly terrible MH movie, lol. But my bar is so low you can trip on it. I just want to envision my swords IRL 😂

This accurately describes my feelings. I’m going to watch the sh*t out of that movie.

19 Oct

13 Jul

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct


11 Jun

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ilwrath

Hows that work? A console/PC game and they are doing mobile?

We're not - he has no idea what he's talking about. We've said publicly many times that we're focusing on console/PC right now and not on mobile at all.

01 Jun

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I didn’t before. But I do now.

13 May

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

That's really good. Wow.

08 May

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by din0sawr-

Just something interesting I found

A Google search for rogue elements shows the orgional design of this where he is wearing a the gasmask and the toilet paper is in the tree but if you click to view the image it changes to an updated one where both are removed.

As we know the toilet paper made it live, so was this simply a design choise or was the mask removed due to current world events and the toilet paper left in as a little nod?

Yes, we removed the mask in this image due to concerns around current world events causing anxiety for our community members. We always want Dauntless to feel inviting and be a fantastic world where you and your friends can escape to, and do some badassery while killing some behemoths. Some folks are really affected by world events in a very negative way, and we’re not here to try and remind you of that. Similarly, the toilet paper was a little joke between the art team and we forgot to take it out before this stuff went live.

28 Mar

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I need that QR code!

22 Mar

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by yaminokaabii

Can we use this to calculate the current pick rates of all the weapons?

Naw there's a spreadsheet that drives the values, and a human who decides on the costs. It's more art than science today.

03 Mar

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sinistrem

Is that a Lit Harambe?

I that we should move the release date to 420

31 Jan

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Silly-Dili

And I really hope that they all had a great holiday.
I have also not looked into this megathred, thanks for pointing that out ;)

But these are issues we have been waiting for for a long time.
- Aether strikers have been busted since release, they've tried fixing, but idk, did they give up?
- Wound damage? The posts asking for it have been pretty recent and development on a good rework is hopefully taking them a while to do it good.
- Drask is a bit overdue but again, they just released Tempestborne, so I hope they're working on Thunderdeep.
- And then there's Guilds... I mean they've been out since forever?

Take a quick peak at the thread. I am pretty sure I spoke to all of those things (maybe not Wound redo, which is coming) - Again small team, your support has allowed us to get to a place where we can confidently invest in growing the team to support the game at the speed we want.

    /u/gtez on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ocotfungus

On the topic of liking Iceborne, do you feel as though the aim of dauntless has changed since the beta? In the beta/alpha it took 10-15 minutes to fight things, you didn't have potions given to you for free, you didn't have self revives given for free, and you could actually fail hunts. Has that aim, for a difficult game that didn't hold your hand and you actually had to be decent at the game to win fights, gone out the window? I don't want to sound rude, but I want to understand if the "casual" experience becoming the main focus is an accident or the new aim of Dauntless?

Not at all. But I don't think that removing things that were anti-fun means that the game got casual. Building a system that supports forgetting to bring health pots and wasting 10 minutes of a group's time is not good game design.

I think making a game that's fun for groups to play is the focus. Dauntless' vision statement hasn't changed. It’s about being a bad ass playing with your friends slaying behemoths in a science fantasy world.

Over the years, some stuff has gotten easier. Some stuff has gotten harder. Some stuff has gotten too easy because tutorialization is hard and adjusting difficulty can be a good idea. For example I feel (and this isn't a shared opinion throughout the studio) that the path to 'Into the maelstrom' is too fast, and I feel we should increase difficulty and at the same time add a bunch of tutorials to facilitate learning core mechanics better (Dodge roll iframes for example)

The nature of a live game is for us to change...

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