

28 May


Oh wow haha. Lord of the squirrels. Good to know this happened! We'll take a look into it.


Thanks for all the feedback in this thread, all. Definitely hear your concerns and will make sure our development team sees this.

23 May


Thank you for this, this is the hardest I've laughed in a while, and we'll be looking into the events interacting like that haha

22 May


Thank you writing this out for us to take a look at! Really appreciate the feedback.


Originally posted by Lungsh0t

A few mouse sens options: monitor distance coefficient, a checkbox assuring me that mouse smoothing is off. Good deal on the voice and text chat, and your interaction with the community. I would LOVE to see this game be successful. Different game modes for me are going to be key to keep me coming back. Take a cue from call of duty, they have so many crazy ass game modes and rotate them out all the time to keep it fresh. You really have made something cool here, and I'm excited to see where it goes. Make it competitive!! Give us damage numbers and stats! Kill death ratio! Ranked leagues, ladders to grind, more maps asap. Even if its just a map like the arena in smite. Thanks again!

Thanks for elaborating, appreciate it.

I can also say that ranked is in the pipeline too!


Super clutch! Nice play :)


Thanks for the feedback! What mouse sens options would be helpful?

Voice and text chat are in the pipeline right now.


Thanks a ton for the feedback!

21 May


Thanks a ton for the detailed feedback, we really appreciate knowing what could make your experience better! - and thanks for the kind words :)

20 May


Originally posted by newt16

When you say battle pass progression, you mean on your account as a whole?

Yep! The battlepass is for your whole account, separate from leveling up your individual hunters.


Originally posted by Sandbox_Hero

What about hunter limits? From the footage I’ve seen anyone can play any hunter they want. Leading to some ridiculous stuff like 4 Buggs in a team.

While that’s still fine in quickplay, I reckon it will become an issue if/when ranked is released. Do you have any plans to address this?

You can only have one of each hunter per team in Alpha Hunters and Heart of the Hives. In the 8v8 mode (Harvester Command), you could end up on the same team with a duplicate hunter, but you still can't queue with multiple of the same hunter in your party.

05 May


Originally posted by starsleeps

Just to clarify, this server is run by the Crucible Developers (:

Thanks for posting Star!