

23 Jul


We understand that queue times may be longer while Crucible isn't available for download on Steam (outside of us sending waves of keys every month) so during Closed Beta, we recommend showing up to the weekly Closed Beta test every Friday from 11AM - 5PM Pacific time. Our dev team and other players will be logging on to play during that window, so you shouldn't have a problem finding a match during that window.

There's also a ping-able role you can sign up for in the Discord to be notified when players are organizing pick-up games outside of the weekly playtest.

21 Jul


Originally posted by TinyHorseHands

This sentiment again? Amazon owns both Twitch and Relentless. They could have free or at least very, very cost effective, built-in ads on literally every stream on Twitch. A pre-roll ad on Twitch would be played to millions of people in the target audience every single day. There is absolutely no where else they are going to find that kind of ad value.

To me, keeping the tournaments going is fine. It's gives the devs a look at what an organized, practiced competitive Crucible game plays like. The problem is they haven't iterated on the game at all. They are being fed this information and haven't made changes to see if they can make the game better in that environment. Maybe they are doing that internally, I don't know, but it's been awfully quiet for quite some time. Maybe that two grand could go to an employee incentive to come up with innovative new features for the game, similar to a hackathon. The tournaments and their payout aren't really the problem, it's more that, ...

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We're looking at the tournaments (and feedback from them) every week. We have some projects in the works to address player feedback while in Closed Beta; you can check out our roadmap here: https://trello.com/b/zS6QIJfM/crucible-beta-roadmap

If there are are things you think are missing from the roadmap, let us know in the feedback thread for the weekly Closed Beta test! We appreciate all the feedback we can get.


Thanks for the report! What challenges are bugged for you?

20 Jul


Originally posted by sinistermack

Getting from point A to point B is such a chore. You have to constantly keep using your movement ability to get from one point to another. I think if theres an " out of combat " speed boost things should be better. Or the idea of Speed plants that i read on here sounds nice too.

We're working on some map adjustments to tailor the map to better fit Heart of the Hives that will hopefully help address your concerns. We'll be looking for any and all feedback when that releases to make sure we've addressed the concerns around map size / traversal


Originally posted by mooslan

Thanks for listening.

Absolutely :)


Originally posted by Gear_Gaming

Thanks for letting me know about the "p" keybind on muting someone. I really didnt see that one when I went to find it in the key binding. Thanks again.

Thanks for putting this video together, and providing feedback! We are working on a few of these issues;
Mini-map and map adjustments are on their way - you can check out our public roadmap here: https://trello.com/b/zS6QIJfM/crucible-beta-roadmap

Looks like Kalo let you know how to mute players already!

17 Jul


Originally posted by dm18

  • Often I find myself in games where I can't hear my teammates because one or more of them is super quite. I can turn of the whole game audio, but then I'm getting blasted anytime some one else speaks up. We really need per team mate volume levels. So we can turn up quite people and turn down loud people.
  • There are many spots where the UI offers you the option to quit the game. But the game doesn't actually quit. Like if you had a bad game, and it's over, you can't quit the game. Instead it forces you to the score screen. It's like your telling the game, I don't want to talk, and it's telling you it doesn't care, and keeps talking.
  • Text in UI some times doesn't look crisp and sharp. For instance HOME, collections, Battle Pass Store.
  • UI can be inconsistent. IE putting the cursor over HOME has no graphical feedback, while it does for Collections.
  • If you move quickly the UI, visual feedback is skipped.
  • Purchasing Credit lacks audio feed...
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Thanks for the feedback on all these topics!


Originally posted by Wojcior2010

  1. yes, especially with Earl and Mendoza, their guns sound very brutal now and i love it. I didn't notice any changes with Drakhal,Bugg, Rahi and Sazan. when Ajonah hits something with grapple, there is a awfully loud clunk noise, it should be tonned down. Shakirri melee attack sound feels a bit off , but it is a lot better than previous one, also in a fight shakiri vs shakirri it is dificult to recognize who is hitting who, would be great if enemy Shakirri had diffrent sound on melee.
  2. weapons sound effects are pretty on point in my opinion, Mendoza rifle sounds more like a bolter now but it still fits.
  3. Sound effect of abilities are great and very fitting.
  4. i feel like hives should be addressed next. Hives should be more dangerous and scale into late game.

Glad to hear you're liking some of the new sounds! Thanks for the feedback.

In what way would you like to see the hive get more dangerous?

16 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

Change the map. The map is too big. This map will never "make it". That's a priority here. Change PvE so it's not just shooting dummies that might as well not be here. Add ultimates so the game is more flashy and catch an eye of a spectator

We have a few adjustments to rework the map and change up creatures (adding various types and moving them into creature camps) in the pipeline! TY for the feedback


Originally posted by mooslan

Give people a better way of coming back into the game/give wildlife more essence for kills if you're down a hive.

Reason: if a team wipes out the opposing team early on, the essence gains are almost insurmountable and the following hive captures are basically freebies.

Actually kick AFK players and BACKFILL the position.

I'm tired of every game ending in a surrender for these two reasons.

I'll let our balance team know, ty for the feedback


Originally posted by sinistermack

Make traversing the map less of a work

What pain points do you have with the map? Too big, or other issues when traversing?


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

We had a few audio changes come through in the last patch:

Have you noticed any changes in weapon and ability sound effects since the latest deployment?

Do you feel that the sound effects of weapons match their visual appearance?

Do you feel that the sound effects of abilities match their visual appearance?

What is your top concern that you’d like to see the Crucible team to focus on addressing?

You’re not limited to the above. If you’d want to write a wall of text, we’ll read it!

Here’s some guidelines for giving great feedback:

· Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you're trying to make.

· Suggest ...

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14 Jul


For the beta, we completely hear your concern and understand the player counts dropping until we add more people in. We'll be sending new keys out in the future, and in the meantime will be setting up some tools in our public Discord for players to find additional players in addition to the weekly Thursday playtests where our team will be hopping on and playing with everyone - a weekly dedicated time for everyone to be able to find matches.

Those playtests take place from 11am - 2pm & 6pm - 9pm Pacific every Thursday.


Thanks for writing out your thoughts! One of the big changes (that should hopefully help address this, if you had another idea, LMK!) we're going to be shifting the creatures into 'creature camps' and adding varied types of creatures in those camps to add more ways to play and engage with them.

You can check out some of the changes explained by a designer on our team at around the 29 min mark in this vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/667956909

As for the event feedback, thanks for letting us know! We'll be looking at a few adjustments on the system, so it's good to receive that feedback.

09 Jul


Hey everyone,

Welcome to our first official weekly feedback thread! We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

· Now that you’ve had the opportunity to play with voice chat for a week, how are you feeling about it? Are you seeing it used very often? What would you like to see added/changed with the feature?

· Is Crucible being played any differently now that voice chat is in? Are you noticing any new strategies/tactics?

· What is your top concern that you’d like to see the Crucible team to focus on addressing?

You’re not limited to the above. If you’d want to write a wall of text, we’ll read it!

Here’s some guidelines for giving great feedback:

· Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you're trying to make.

· Suggest...

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Hey everyone,

Welcome to our first official weekly feedback thread! We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

· Now that you’ve had the opportunity to play with voice chat for a week, how are you feeling about it? Are you seeing it used very often? What would you like to see added/changed with the feature?

· Is Crucible being played any differently now that voice chat is in? Are you noticing any new strategies/tactics?

· What is your top concern that you’d like to see the Crucible team to focus on addressing?

You’re not limited to the above. If you’d want to write a wall of text, we’ll read it!

Here’s some guidelines for giving great feedback:

· Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you're trying to make.

· Suggest...

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03 Jul


Hey Abysmal, I think we played together earlier :) Thanks for the feedback!


There is a visual-only bug that causes an AFK penalty (forfeiture of match rewards) to display to everyone partied with an AFK player. This bug is visual only and as long as you were not AFK, you will receive match rewards as you should. We're working on a fix for this issue.

29 Jun