

18 Sep


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! The Crucible team would love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible.

Here's some guidelines for giving great feedback:

  • Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you are trying to make.
  • Suggest improvements: While detailing a problem is the first step in solving an issue, don't be afraid to put some thought into how you'd solve the problem.
  • Avoid making it personal: Resist the temptation to argue with a person, but by all means debate a point being made. On the same note, do not be offended if someone disagrees with your opinion or suggests alternatives to an idea you've put forth.

Looking for more real-time discussion? Fee free to hop into the Crucible Discord here: ...

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11 Sep


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! The Crucible team would love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

  • How do you like the changes to the metamorphosis scenario? How do you feel about the current state of scenarios?
  • How does balance feel with the recent patch's tweaks?

Here's some guidelines for giving great feedback:

  • Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you are trying to make.
  • Suggest improvements: While detailing a problem is the first step in solving an issue, don't be afraid to put some thought into how you'd solve the problem.
  • Avoid making it personal: Resist the temptation to argue with a person, but by all means debate a point being made. On the same note, do not be offended if someone disagrees with your o...
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04 Sep


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! The Crucible team would love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

Here's some guidelines for giving great feedback:

  • Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you are trying to make.
  • Suggest improvements: While detailing a problem is the first step in solving an issue, don't be afraid to put some thought into how you'd solve the problem.
  • Avoid making it personal: Resist the temptation to argue with a person, but by all means debate a point being made. On the same note, do not be offended if someone disagrees with your opinion or suggests alternatives to an idea you've put forth.

Looking for more real-time discussion? Fee free to hop into the Crucible Discord here: ...

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03 Sep


Originally posted by mooslan

As it stands, most people just play during the Friday test period. Otherwise it's basically empty.

u/mooslan is right! Our playtests are every friday from 11AM - 5PM Pacific. Outside of that, Discord is the best way :)

31 Aug


Originally posted by jvkecharb

Hey Crucible devs and community Here are some of my thoughts on the playtest yesterday. I wanted to start by telling you i’ve been playing the game for a month and a half already and have been watching streams for about 2-3 months.

This game made me bought a pc which I didn’t have before and I love it. The improvement in the last month has been really felt and I feel like you are not giving a lot of credit for it. Yes, you released the game too early... So what? Continue on improving the game slowly but surely, you’re on a good path.

As for things I would love to see in the future :

  • in game chat for people who don’t have a mic
  • Less essence given for a kill at the start of the game because it allows snowballing really quickly
  • Less essence given for killing the same hunter in repetition (new players are being targeted and exploited by some of the old players)
  • Picking hunters after finding Queues, reducing queue time
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Thanks for the feedback and kind words!


Originally posted by TallTooth7

These changes seem great btw, but I have a question. When will crucible be brought out of beta?

Thanks u/TallTooth7! We don't have a date we can share yet, still a lot of improvements we're planning on adding (which can be found here: https://trello.com/b/zS6QIJfM/crucible-beta-roadmap)

29 Aug


Originally posted by shadybabynight

Thanks for the recommendation!

New player here - I will say my mates and I took the Friday playtest mentioned in the email to mean the game was only accessible on Fridays, so I'm not sure if it could be phrased in a slightly better way so it's clearer that we can play whenever?

Loving it so far.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Thanks for the feedback on the email wording - we'll take a look.

28 Aug


Originally posted by optiiSLO

cant find a match... GG

How long were you in queue for?


Originally posted by maverik713

Is this game dead? I'm on right at 6pm Central and no one seems to be on discord.

We're in Closed Beta, so there's limited access to Crucible right now. If you ping the LFG channel you should be able to find someone to play with. Otherwise, there's voice chat in game to coordinate with your team.


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! The Crucible team would love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

What are your thoughts on this week's changes to event balance (release notes here: https://www.playcrucible.com/en-us/news/articles/release-notes-august-26)? Are there any changes you'd be interested in seeing?

Here's some guidelines for giving great feedback:

  • Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you are trying to make.
  • Suggest improvements: While detailing a proble...
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24 Aug


Originally posted by masked_true

Final score is not displayed every now and then. If I change my hunter quickly and then start matchmaking an error related to perks is displayed.

Thanks for the reports!


Originally posted by Wojcior2010

Lurkers update is nice. The first time i was targeted by lurker i was expecting to get blasted for 300 dmg, but i got tickled with less than 100 dmg. The thing thats bugs me is that they are just sleeping on walls, aside from the ones near harvesters, you never fight them. I think that they should be awake all time, creeping around corners, the are called Lurkers god dammit, not Sleepers.

For the blast, did you stand in the beam the whole time or evade part of the attack?


Originally posted by TallTooth7

I know this is vague, I'm sort of relaying another person's post here but shakirri is one of my favourite characters but at the moment she feels clunky. Her mini shield is useless and you can't tell how long her reload is which bugs me. Also her sword really doesn't do much damage and just needs a straight up buff if you ask me.

Thanks for the feedback u/TallTooth7. Character balance and the feel of combat are always ongoing improvements throughout closed beta - we'll keep looking at feedback and reports on this front. Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by jvkecharb

He are a few of the things that I would love to see in the near future.

  1. Game chat, because not everybody can afford a mic or has the opportunity to have one. Plus, the only tool available for them is the ping system which is cool but doesn’t really help while making strategies with your team.

  2. Buff to Shakiri, her sword is bugged and is so weak. We should all be afraid of shakiri like we are as Drakahl. The fact is that drakahl can rush you very easily while coming close to an enemy with shakiri is not an easy task, it should feel rewarding at the end.

  3. A little thing that really triggers me is that you can’t see the build (tree) while in queue. Making this change would allow new players to learn and memorize better all overall abilities and mechanics of the hunter they play or may face.

  4. There is no such thing as adding a friend in game yet or even social mediums to plan duos with someone you just played with and h...

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Thanks for the feedback u/jvkecharb!
More social menus (like friends lists in-game) are currently being worked on, alongside an improved end-of-match screen to better connect with teammates you had a positive experience with. While not something are currently working on, text chat is something we're aware of and looking into. Character balance and the feel of combat are things we're constantly working on, so thanks for letting us know your thoughts on Shakirri, and for your feedback on not being able to see the essence upgrades while in queue.


While we're in Closed Beta, we have a weekly playtest every Friday from 11AM - 5PM Pacific, where all the devs log on and play alongside players. Queues are generally pretty fast during that window.

Outside of the weekly playtest, I would second the recommendation to join our Discord (and signing up for the gamer role we have in our Discord) - you can use it for LFG purposes and ping other players with the role who are interested in joining pick-up games.

Here's the link! https://discord.gg/playcrucible


While we're in Closed Beta, we have a weekly playtest every Friday from 11AM - 5PM Pacific, where all the devs log on and play alongside players. Queues are generally pretty fast during those windows.

Outside of the weekly playtest, I would recommend signing up for the gamer role we have in our Discord - you can use it for LFG purposes and ping other players with the role who are interested in joining pick-up games.

Looking forward to seeing you in-game!

21 Aug


Originally posted by mombawamba

An hour old and crickets on this developer post... I've never seen this on any other game sub ever.

I think it may be time to do something drastic, like go back into closed beta and completely overhaul.

I have no comments because I don't play your game because I can't play your game. The peak hours are not convenient for me.

I haven't experienced that with an online game since the early 2000s and the very first online games.

I thought it was a cool concept and I loved the PvE element, but it's time to try something drastic.

Good luck to you in the future. If i am to see you succeed I predict it will not be for many months/years and you do something to pull players back in.

Hey u/mombawamba,

We actually are back in Closed Beta right now, with a playtest every Friday from 11am - 5pm Pacific. Outside of that, you can look for pick-up games in our Discord with the 'gamer' role.

This thread is for feedback for the players who joined in the weekly test, and usually gets filled out closer to the end.

If the playtest times work out for you, hope to see you in-game!


Hey everyone,

Welcome to this week's feedback thread! The Crucible team would love to hear your thoughts on all things Crucible, and we have a few specific questions to get you started:

What are your thoughts on current character balance? Are there any changes you'd be interested in seeing, or have last week's updates helped even things out?

How have you liked the updates to Lurkers?

Here's some guidelines for giving great feedback:

  • Give details and examples: Be specific, explain the issue fully. The more detail you provide, the better that your readers will understand the point you are trying to make.
  • Suggest improvements: While detailing a problem is the first step in solving an issue, don't be afraid to put some thought into how you'd solve the problem.
  • Avoid making it personal: Resist the temptation to argue with a person, but by all means debate a point being made. On the same not...
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10 Aug


Originally posted by Kalology

Think the objective UI should have some sort of decreased opacity so you can see teammates near them on the map. Also, currently objectives spawn on the top-center of their icon triangles in terms of the map, unsure if that's done on purpose but it gets a bit confusing when trying to find them, especially when they're hugging walls

Also, pleaaaaase move the giant "Hive is Spawning" type UI higher up or decrease its size. Has already gotten in my line of sight's way during fights.

Ty for posting u/Kalology, I'll make sure the team takes a look at both of those.