

05 Jun


Thanks for the feedback on this!


Thanks for letting us know your concern! Currently, skins fall into 3 tiers, which cost 500, 1000, and 1500 credits depending on the tier. Each tier should have additional changes to the character to make it more unique.


Thanks for the feedback / illustration on this!


Yes, EU servers are currently live. If you'e in queue past a certain amount of time, you can matchmake outside your region. We are currently working on adjusting the amount of time that takes to happen.


They're currently on a 48hr rotation! Like wolfer_ said, it will be back in the future :)

04 Jun


Originally posted by lomachenko

Hell, I'd be more inclined to play if we got a state of the game update from the devs.

03 Jun


Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure our team takes a look :)


Thanks for the feedback written out here, and fun ideas!


Hahaha that poor little guy just out there trying to cap.


Uh-oh haha. Thanks for posting! We're tracking this issue and working on a fix.

02 Jun


Thank you for the feedback on this, we appreciate you raising the concern and hear it.


Originally posted by starsleeps

This is a visual bug, you still have the med kit, but the screens says you don’t ): Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

Yep! Starsleeps is right. Thanks for the report! We're tracking this one and working on a fix

01 Jun


Nice! Very well played :)


Thanks for the report! We're tracking this issue and working on a fix.


Thanks a ton for writing out this feedback and recording the video! Really appreciate it.

31 May

30 May


Thanks for the feedback! For now, as VADORANT said, it's on the wiki, but we hear your feedback :)

29 May


Hello! For the 48hr deals, we don't have a set time that each one will return to the store, but we will be rotating past items back through that section! It will likely be at least a few weeks before it is made available again.

As we add more items to the store , there will be more cosmetics so it will reduce the likelihood of it popping up, but we will continue to rotate skins from previous seasons through the deals.