

30 Oct


Originally posted by Ellisthion

You can’t use that for everything. Eg you can’t logistic request “uncommon or higher”, you can’t even request for two rarities of the same item because it says it conflicts.

Yes, you can't request uncommon or higher, because it would be very unclear what it means. And yes, you can order two rarities of the same item.


Why would you want to upgrade everything to higher quality, it makes 0 sense to me. Also, you can alter the blueprint to make just one entry for entity/item you care for, and make it quality < target -> target

25 Oct


Originally posted by ArisenIncarnate

The point is that 'ton' is ambiguous.

Long ton A unit of mass in the Imperial system that is equal to 2,240 pounds. It is also known as the British ton.

Short ton A unit of mass in the avoirdupois system that is equal to 2,000 pounds. It is also known as the US ton.

All systems but the metric one were long forgotten in the Factorio universe, so I don't see any ambiguity.


Originally posted by Noch_ein_Kamel

1 Ton = 1 Megagram ;D

We were actually thinking about megagram and also megameter. But the world isn't ready.

23 Oct


Originally posted by FrancParler

Yes please try something 🙏 I get crazy having to double click every time one each recipe even if I just keep the normal quality all that time.

Also having removed items from save for which research wasn't discovered yet is a bit harsh, I would have liked an option to keep them (my 4 spidertrons) even if I couldn't build new ones until the tech is researched.

Hello, the removal of the items is specifically for when you opt-in to "downgrade" the factory when loading, you can just load the safe without that option, and you will keep everything.


Originally posted by HeKis4

Perhaps there's a toggle they can add to "I wanna change the quality in my recipes,"

Or, more simply, make it so that clicking a recipe selects the recipe, and if you want to set quality you have to do it beforehand, and not after.

Hello. The behaviour of closing the dialog by selecting the ID is something we did before, and it felt super cumbersome, as I had to go all the way down to the quality selection, and only then click the item, so we changed to the confirm


I just realized that maybe, it could be done by just changing order in the actual window (did we really not think about this?).

So the quality selection would be at the top, and the item under, so you first select quality and then click, or you only click. It could work also for condition, you can alter the quality filter, or just keep the default (==normal) and press the icon.

I'm not sure if that really can work nicely in the UI and if it would work in practice, but it sounds like something worth trying.

11 Oct


Originally posted by Interesting-Force866

since they mentioned that they can get a million science per minute out of the game I speculate that they did make improvements.

I didn't say that, I said, I would try to aim to that in my save (which I didn't have time to try).

09 Oct


Originally posted by Ratiasu

Capping bot movement speed to a sensible value would make it feel a lot less cheap imo.

No, movement speed is the latency of the network to do personal requests or one time required work generally. Charging rate of roboports limits the long-term high throughput volume.

07 Oct


Originally posted by cfiggis

Much thanks. Hearing that there is a way to manage spoilage automatically is what I was hoping for.

But don't expect to get it right on the first try :)


Originally posted by boomshroom

In no enemies mode, can spawners be marked for deconstruction with the deconstruction planner or super-force building? If they couldn't be, that would seem to go against the idea of super-force building and give an impassible obstacle regardless of technology level without the engineer being present.

No, no deconstruction planner. What about artillery?

06 Oct


Originally posted by ngreenz

The good thing about Factorio is that you can play it anyway you want, please don’t start dictating playing styles via nerfs, your not Blizzard

Dictating is bad, but making one way of playing too good compared to others is worse.


Hm, maybe we should nerf roboports even more. I mean, no one noticed the 50% reduction of the charging speed during the lan party testing, so maybe we could go bit further?

05 Oct


Originally posted by Army_of_mantis_men

Understood, that being said, I still really don't care when it releases, there's literally zero reason for you to meet this dealdine. You don't have an investor pushing release, you are not publicly listed, you are your own bosses and your relentless work throughout the years created this community - THE community, one of the most friendly, safe and understanding heavens on the internet. We are the pillars you can rely on, and we don't really care if you push the release a week or a month, as long as the factory grows.

But we still need to create some limits even if semi-artificial, because otherwise, we would just be perfecting mini-details forever. This forces us to choose what is important to do.


Originally posted by Geethebluesky

There's going to be patches in the first few weeks no matter what. It's just a part of life.

That is guaranteed, yes.


It is surprising how big discrepancy can be there between the actual work needed to do a change, verus how it might be percieved.

Changing the balance and structure of recipes by shuffling things around without actually altering existing mechanics, can make huge gameplay changes. But it is just about editing few prototype definitions with minimal risk of breaking something.

Making graphics might be complicated, but if it is already done in some acceptable state, it is not something that would make the game unplable.

So these aren't really that bad. I was much more nervous about my last moment rework of how the rocket/satellite/space platform UI gameplay etc. work in base game versus space age. But it was done already at the start of this week, and seems to work fine.

The next week, we plan on focusing on specifically just on testing of what we have, bugfixes and stabilisation stuff, with only very low rick changes allowed. The last week, we basically...

Read more

04 Oct


Originally posted by cfiggis

/u/kovarex Would you be able to speak to the overall feel of Gleba regarding to how much personal attention we will have to pay to our Gleba base over time to monitor spoilage? I don't want to feel like I need to constantly be checking back at Gleba looking for stalled lines, when I'm trying to do things on other planets. Are there mechanisms to automatically manage spoilage, for example, so I don't have to focus human attention on it constantly?

Obviously, you should fully automate everything. Ideally from the start, you should make the gleba in a way that it will never be stuck and all spoilage stuff is automatically managed.


Originally posted by SpeedcubeChaos

I'm still wondering how this will work for people, who play with biters disabled.

The thing change a little bit, and you can't disable everything from biters anymore, but we have no enemies mode, where biter nests still exist, but no biters are spawn. (This is still on top of the peaceful mode, where enemies are spawned, but don't attack antil provoked).

30 Aug


Originally posted by Specific-Level-4541

Negative Quality!?

Maybe this has been discussed previously and I somehow missed it, but the screenshot of the electromagnetic plant indicates -8% Quality in the production process, alongside +100% productivity and the complex speed bonus from the diminishing beacons.

How does this work!? Is a negative quality modifier a default effect of every machine, or does it vary between machine, or is it a negative effect of productivity modules!?

Negative quality doesn't do anything. We were considering just hiding negative quality from the tooltip, but I believe it is better to keep it for the sake of consistency.

10 Aug


Originally posted by ILovePolluting

I like it. It would make it easier to eyeball which ones are missing. Especially if they left spaces in between for packs that are missing.

Whish is exactly how we did it. (and why)


Originally posted by Widmo206

Big Brother Kovarex is always watching lol

the packs are now drawn in a way, that the position of each pack is unaffected by other packs being filled or not.
This means, that when you miss a one science pack in the lab, you will see a hole in the icon list.