

07 Jun


Originally posted by mensabaer

TL; DR: Non-linear research value falloff curve could further incentivize speed-optimized building and deincentivize horizontal scaling

I don't think this was mentioned in the FFF but I thing a non-linear research falloff would be cool - incentivizing ASAP delivery of science packs even further by not only decreasing value over time but also eg. adding an increased bonus above eg. 70% or so (a percentage that is deemed reasonably achieveable with normal efforts)

Think 70% is the "target" reseach value of 1, below, it scales linearly (to not punish slower/inexperienced players too much) whilst above scaling exponentially to eg. 3 research value at 100% (which is impossible to achieve but deliberately lacks a cut-off point, which could be a fun challenge to push towards 100% as much as possible whilst also feeling more rewarding).

Reasoning is that this would introduce a challenge of time-dependend vertical scaling which is not as easily substituted by brute-h...

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This is considerable, but I think the simple linear approach is fine in this case, because: 1. It is simple (always an important argument) 2. With the cost of transport (exporing the science to another planet means sending it by rocket, moving it by space platform, and finally distribute to laboratories back home), it seems very important to try to send as fresh as possible, instead of scaling all parts of the transportation (and consumption) of the science packs.


Originally posted by Erfar

how modifiable are spoiledge? Is it in theory possible to make scince pack-downgrade-spoiledge? sol if you not use your space science it will slowly turn into yellow, then to blue then green and then you find that you could get all your red science just by spoiling space science?

For every spoilable item, you can specify which item is created once it spoils. So mods can do crazy kind of things really.


Originally posted by pdelvo

I wonder how its going to work with the inventory. Im guessing spoilable things wont stack

Spoilable things stack, when you merge two differently spoiled items, the spoilage is just avaraged. Which is not realistic, but good enough compromise.


Originally posted by CosmicNuanceLadder

Initial reaction was that I hated it. I've always disliked the notion of growing things in Factorio, as I feel that it obfuscates the timescale of the game. If you can grow trees in seconds with speed modules, does that still feel immersive...?

By the end of the FFF, I was sold. It's totally worth the new spoilage mechanic imposing new limitations on the factory. I'd never thought of that and yet it seems so obvious—getting an item from point A to point B in a given time immediately feels like a fundamental hurdle we were always supposed to overcome.

Gleba looks like a fantastic logistic challenge, as does Fulgora with its recycling mechanics. Vulcanus looks a bit vanilla in comparison at this point.

Yes, in my recent playthrough I started to experiment and optimise for the spoilage more, and it just feels new and fun.

  1. All robots base is not good, because you can't control the flow and freshness with robots so well, so belts are better
  2. Since some of the intermediates spoil really fast, even the distance of belt between individual producers (or direct insertion) makes sense to consider
  3. I was transporting some of the fruits by belts to my base, as it was not that far as was ok, but then I made a specialised train connection, not to improve throughput but to increase the speed.
  4. All these little contraptions to keep "the best for export" are new.

P.S. You can't grow trees in seconds, you just can't put modules into the agriculture tower.


Originally posted by WerewolfNo890

I suspect the same SPM megabases will be possible as it will be done with fewer machines that have higher throughput at high quality. The question is more about can we go higher or not.

We expect (and try to prepare) for bigger factories overall. We didn't really introduce any significant performance penalties with the new mechanics.

You obviously need more stuff to be done to do the end research, as you need to produce the base game stuff + science pack on each planet + the silo transport and space platforms update.

This is partially (if not fully) offset by more performant machines, and we are planning to do some optimisations on top of that.


Originally posted by TheGuyWithTheSeal

You don't really need to update how spoiled every item is every tick. Most of the math can be done just by knowing when the item was created.

Only tricky part is knowing when an item has spoilt completly. Here i can see 2 sollutions:

  • Priority queue of all spoilable items sorted by how much time they have left. Only the front of the queue has to be checked every tick. Insertion can be costly.

  • Not doing any math when the item spoils, instead checking for spoilage when it's interacted with (processed, displayed, etc.). Probably requires more code changes (but it's pretty much what was done already for quality). Maybe breaks current production statistics logic.

More or less this. The spoiling mechanics is pretty cheap performance wise, it wouldn't be viable otherwise.

04 Mar


Originally posted by imacomputr

This is the first FFF that has me a little apprehensive. My preferred playstyle is to build at massive scale in nice neat lines, and it looks like Fulgora is antithetical to both goals. Constraints like limited space and limited resources (or managing consumption of scrap-harvested resources) I find more tedious than fun. I recognize I'm probably not the majority in this, and I'm willing to be proven wrong.

That said, the new building types, the aesthetics, and the general bar for quality are all amazing as always.

Yes, there is this late game "fundation" landfill, which works both on lava on vulcanus and here, so you can do any kind of tilable factory designes when you scale up later in the game.

The tile is relativelly expensive, and only buildable on a specific planet, so it won't be cheap, but that is one more reason to scale up to be able to scale up even more right?

09 Feb


Originally posted by Specific-Level-4541

Maybe alt-mode won’t toggle until after the player releases the key?

Yes, pressing ALT-click won't toggle the altmode, as it also isn't toggled when you do ALT-TAB.

27 Jan


Originally posted by 19wolf

so we can actually finish everything in time

In time for when?!

For the release.

26 Jan


Originally posted by buyutec

Yes but you could do that in 1.1 as well. What I’d want is, after hitting, say 100spm for all sciences, increasing only the red science production to 200 to be useful so I get some benefits before I increase all else to 200.

Thanks for the answer!

The point is, that it now depends what infinite research you mean, because not all of them nead everything.

The mining productivity research for example doesn't need any planet research even with the expansion, while most of the planets have some of its own specific infinite research. So if you improve just one thing, you can then do the one infinite research better.

But if you want to improve every research production at the same time, it actually get worse.


Originally posted by cube1234567890

How consistently will we have to name train stops? Will we have the ability to provide a signal to a train stop to determine its purpose, such as a positive value for an item signal making it a "pickup" station and a negative value making it a "dropoff" station? It's how I imagine you'd be able to make stops that want or supply different items without enforcing a naming convention from on high. Maybe we want Train stop is full of bees to supply our iron :3

That way you could use some clever circuitry to request different trains too...

We didn't do a system to be able to change the name of the stop by a circuit network, if you asked that.

It is something that would make sense to do eventually, but we have a lot of things to juggle, and we are now really trying to cut on adding things, so we can actually finish everything in time.


Originally posted by Steeljaw72

I am very curious to see what scale you think the new bases are going to be in 2.0. I have found that scale is something the community struggles with when discussing the game. Some players think 100 trains on a rail network is huge while others would think 1k trains is barely entering the mid game.

In my modular train bases, 1.5-3k trains is pretty normal. In my centralized bases, 1-1.5k is not unheard of.

Just from everything that has been said in the FFF, it sounds like you (the devs) expect bases to be way larger than what we are doing now. How many trains do you expect we will use at megabase level in 2.0? What size are your bases now (in 1.1) and how large are they in the current 2.0 build?

I have no idea. If megabase is basically as big as you can build without the game being too slow, then it depends how many optimisations can we do before the release.


Originally posted by Ekgladiator

Elevated rails..... Is there a fff I can read more about this because it sounds interesting 🤔

Sure, "fff elevated rails" google search leads right to this:


Originally posted by buyutec

Did you slowly build up to 10K or planned for it? My biggest gripe with 1.0 is that you hit a certain SPM and you can't slowly increase from there (as increasing production of only 1 science is not useful), you have to plan the entire thing to hit a higher SPM. Does that change in 2.0?

Well, at some point, i built train based research production, and then just improved th emodules inserter qualities, lab qualities etc.
But at this point, increasing the lab production wouldn't be that hard, as I have modular scien production modules which I could theoretically just copy paste around.


Originally posted by Fisherman_56

Were you considering integrating purely visual mods into base game?

Disco Science and Bullet Trails, while not changing anything gameplay-wise, make Labs and Gun Turrets look so much better.

We were considering it, but never did so, because it is really really hard to make that mod and different graphis can never change anything game play wise.


Originally posted by subjectivelyimproved

Are you planning to precalculate the routes for trains as part of building rails and scheduling trains, instead of pathfinding on-the-spot?

Or are you referring to collision checks?

Consider me teased either way

The slowest part now is the collison checks of the moving trains, as every train needs to calculate the potential collisions for ever wagon, which is often rotated every tick when it is moved. And also, it needs to re-register the entities of the wagon as they move every tick.

The problem is, that with all these checks, it almost always never hit anything. So the idea is, that in the very rare case something is on the rails (only player, biters or vehicles basically), it would specially register on the related rails. So the train moving on rails, would (almost all of the time), just check that there is nothing on the rails, and it doesn't need to check anything.

With this idea, the train moving could be much much cheaper.


Originally posted by JimmyDean82

600 trains was ages ago for me. And my base is only 1/5th done. Think I’m at almost 2k trains.

Oh, I hope we get to do the train moving optimisation I'm planning for so long (we probably will), the more trains there is, the more it will help obviously.


Originally posted by Professional_Goat185

This implies that the overall train traffic gets increased a lot, so the quality of intersections and the train network as a whole stops being just theoretical problem

uh, it definitely is not a theoretical problem now, with megabases people are building.

Also does that mean that the expansion will require significantly bigger production than vanilla, or are those (and belt/inserter) changes for sake of the mods ?

The production is definetly expected to be bigger. I'm not sure how much bigger because it very much depends on your personal goals. If you decide to make almost everything legendary in the very endgame (like I did), the sheer amount of production you need for everything is huge, and the factory becomes a monster (and I enjoy it that way, obviously). I have almost 10kspm base, and yet, the science part of the factory is quite small compared to the other things.


Originally posted by captainserafinowicz

Oh My God trains in 2.0 are gonna be so much fun to use

I can confirm!

I have almost 600 trains in my 2.0 testing game, and it just works. Combined with the bulk inserters and quality, the typical train producing outposts fill train after train.This implies that the overall train traffic gets increased a lot, so the quality of intersections and the train network as a whole stops being just theoretical problem, as it often becomes one of the important bottlenecks even with elevated rails.

19 Jan


Originally posted by BengiPrimeLOL

I don't know if Factorio actually uses it, but there's a system called symantic versioning that is often used and very useful in software, and even when it's not formally used, the fundamental principles are loosely adhered to. Simply, symver says you have 3 basic numbers in your versioning, XX.YY.ZZ (ie 1.2.73) that are defined as such, with possible implications for a game like factorio:

XX - Backward Incompatible Features. major changes _that break previous compatibility_. Changes like this would likely see mods break completely, saves may not carry over or require big conversions that may break some aspects of the save.

YY - New, Backward Compatible Features. minor changes or feature additions that do not break any backward compatibility. Mods would likely work, but mod makers may want to add bits to their mods to tie into new features. Save files would likely be safe.

ZZ - Minor bug fixes. Generally no new features, mods & saves would likely...

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Yes, TL;DR, we try to only break mods in major versions. And the change would need an internal name as well, and it needs to be done at the same time, so 2.0 it is.