

19 Jun

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Happy to help. Apologies for the issues to begin with. Been a bit of a juggle with Valguero launch Thanks for hanging in there though.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're aware of this outage and working with our host on resolution.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let me know how the move works for you guys. Should see a big boost in performance

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Both 77 and 350 should be back online now. You will have to search the server list to find them and re-favorite

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes it actually is. Should be back in ~15 minutes

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys wanted to stop in and let you know what's going on. I'm currently in the process of transferring the data of this server to a different machine as it doesn't seem to be working properly on the one it moved to on Monday. It should be back online within the next 30 minutes.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Valguero is not canon so it doesn't follow the ARK storyline.

Yes they are just a limited time thing

The item, dino, and survivor transfer restrictions are server settings. Default single player is to allow free transfer of any of those back and forth.

There should be one Hardcore server. I think it's Hardcore8

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

it definitely works by just manually entering 'Valguero_P' into the map field. That's how we run some of our unofficial test servers

18 Jun

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you're referring to ASM, you can actually manually input the name (Valguero_P) into the map name field until its updated by the creator. Third party host providers should have the option available at launch if they are supporting the map.

NoTek will not receive the map, at least not currently. As it stands, NoTek hasn't gotten either The Center or Extinction. We may release these to the cluster at a later date though.

Hardcore will, I forgot to add that into the provided list. It will only be a single server though like most of the other maps on the hardcore cluster.

Arkpocalypse will be wiping normal time (the 22nd this month), short season was just in reference to Valguero only being live for 4-5 days instead of the full month due to the usual wipe.

15 Jun

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 1:30am Eastern on June 17th we will be taking down some of our PC servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 2 hours. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Once the servers are back online, they will require re-adding to your favorites list as they will have new IP addresses. Below is a list of all affected servers.

31 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

This should be fully resolved. It was a combination of two issues and really bad timing. Let us know if you still can't see them

30 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not sure what you're referring to as there is no server 80 on the removal list.

Merging means EVERYTHING from CA6 needs to move into one of the six CA7 servers otherwise you will lose it. CA6 is being deleted, merging with CA7 provides players with a place to go.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's been stated several times by several staff members that it's coming to console. It was even mentioned in at least one of the recent crunches. But in case you're still unsure, yes it is indeed coming soon to console.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've corrected this now so its hopefully less confusing. The servers will have their transfers merged to allow players to move from cluster 6 to 7. After the 11th, cluster 6 will be deleted. In essence you must move to cluster 7 otherwise anything left on 6 is deleted.

29 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Below is a list of all Official servers that will be removed or merged on June 11th.

Various CrossARK clusters will be merged with other clusters, these will be ready for merging later today upon a server reboot of the affected servers. On the removal date, the affected cluster will be removed and only the merged into cluster will remain (ex: PC LEGACY-NA-CrossArk6 will be removed and LEGACY-NA-CrossArk7 will remain).

The lists below also include a small number of Non-Legacy servers to consolidate our game modes based on popularity, in this case PC No Taming servers.

Please be sure to migrate to a server on your cluster that is not included in this list to avoid permanent deletion of your belongings. PC merging servers:

PS4 merging servers:

PC servers being removed:

PS4 servers being removed:

Xbox servers being removed:

13 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Based on the info you've provided, it sounds to me like your account was blacklisted for abuse on our official network thus you are only able to join OC servers as they are hosted by another provider

03 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think it's unlikely that you'd need to run it every hour. Maybe once a day. You could always just monitor your server for 24hr, run it once and see where it ends up after another 24hr of monitoring and if no impact try running it more frequently. It's also worth noting that you could check for large svchost.exe processes as sometimes those are hidden in private bytes and hogging up un-accounted for memory that you won't even see.

16 Mar

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Merged as they are located on the same machine.
210 and 211 should be back online currently. We're aware of the issues with server crashing and general poor performance. This is something we are working on across all of our platforms.

11 Mar

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct


At 12:00pm Eastern on March 13th we will be taking down some of our Switch servers for maintenance. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 2 hours. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Once the servers are back online, they will require re-adding to your favorites list as they will have new IP addresses. Below is a list of all affected servers.

25 Feb

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

MAINTENANCE COMPLETE On February 27th beginning at 12pm EST we will be conducting a small maintenance on a portion of our Official Servers. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 1 hour. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Once the servers are back online, they will require re-adding to your favorites list as they will have new IP addresses. Below is a list of all affected servers.

A list of all affected servers is below