

16 Nov

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should be fixed now!

08 Oct

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

At 1pm Eastern on October 11th we will be taking down some of our NA and EU servers for maintenance on PS4 and Xbox. We expect maintenance to last for approximately 2 hours. During this time the servers will not be running therefore time will not progress. Once the servers are back online, they will require re-adding to your favorites list as they will have new IP addresses. Below is a list of all affected servers.



28 Aug

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

We base the list off of a few metrics, namely the average players playing and the max number of consecutive players. We look at this across a week (rather than just a single day, as many of our players only play weekends or only play during weekdays). We never stated that all servers on our list are ones that are completely dead and have zero players but generally speaking there are quite a few that are completely dead with maybe a single person playing for the entire week duration.
I'd be happy to look into your server though and see if there is indeed a mistake in the list, but the current list was actually given a very generous cutoff point for being considered "active" especially with this round of cutoffs compared to previous migrations.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope no PC kill list this round! PC has fewer legacy servers compared to PS4 and Xbox. After analyzing the numbers there were no PC servers that met any of our cutoffs so we opted to keep them all active for this round. That's not to say there won't be any in the future though as it's all about whether people are playing on the maps or not, but they're safe for now
-- Oh, I also pinned the topics. Thanks for the reminder, they were meant to be pinned!

05 Jun

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Small tribes servers will be completely fresh and only have transfers between the other small tribe servers. This goes for PC and consoles. Transfers will however be both ways between the ones in the cluster (allowing transfer in and out).

16 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Something we can look into for the future. For the time being you can use the server list and sort by player count. I'd say generally the top 10 of the criteria you want are probably safe from future legacy removals but that's not something I can guarantee without looking at them in more detail.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

Make sure you search the list further. there are two different saves for the currently live pve legacy servers. The save will be labeled with the April 4th date next to it.

15 May

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a more recent save for PVE 335 from April 4th. Saves will be updated though for ones on the list to be removed sometime after the servers go offline on June 12th.

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is just a recommendation for players. We do not intend to remove all but the top 30 list of servers in the next legacy removal. We are merely giving players some information on possible places to go based on population. There are 100+ other servers with large populations still that would be safe on the next legacy removal, these top 30 are the best candidates for high activity.

31 Jul

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

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11 Jun

28 Feb