Pictured: My passion for graphic design before we hired a real Multimedia team.
Pictured: My passion for graphic design before we hired a real Multimedia team.
Rebecca would take it as a challenge to her noggledom
I'm not sure if space mom is the best source given the whole Gauss thing. :v
Watch it, WyndSabeer!
This is awesome and I am stealing it.
Woop woop woop!
Let's hope we get to 500000 super quick.
Onwards and ever forwards!
Thanks Mom
You are welcome Boner_Elemental.
Happy 400,000 Subscriber Day!
Lookie here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/f2sfn9/less_than_a_year_after_our_previous_milestone_we/!
We wanted to celebrate all 400,000 of you, and thought we would try and get 400,000 Clems in one room to celebrate.
Documentation of the effort:
1) The Crash Report: ...
Read more External link →Would like to page /u/rebulast in the slim chance we get to spread the word and maybe hear an answer.
This was last discussed by community to Dev internally on January 30 of this year and added to the to-do list, just spinnin’ plates!
FORUM LINK: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1166994-why-do-we-ui-like-we-ui-part-ii/
Hello Tenno,
This is Part II of our last UI Dev Workshop. While our last Dev Workshop discussed intent and purpose in designs and showed mockup UI designs, this Workshop will discuss ‘coming changes and why’. All of the philosophical points in Part I remain consistent - Part II mainly highlights some action items we are taking based on feedback....
Read more External link →AY YO WHAT
also, like a man, I must live with my humiliation and continue as Lawbringer_Prime, if I won't carry that role, who will??
We accept this memory and move beyond its reach.
If you would like to negotiate a free account name change to erase this permanent humiliation, we can discuss in DMs.
Blood for Energy, Blood for Ammo, Blood for QoL.
How do these sort of things even happen, though? Why aren’t you guys deleting entries that are that old, never been implemented, and have been scrapped? Seems silly as it can lead to things like this.
None of us can even find this via traditional-public methods so if OP can tell us the repro steps we can fix it, then we can see how it happened.
The 'Booster' container of files is pretty sparse, this has been in there since day 1 and since it never shipped, it really shouldn't be accessible.
Are there any more details on what this is? I didn’t notice any mention of it in the patch notes, and the icon looks like it’s just the existing revive icon in the UI. I’m not home to check if it’s in the store or not, but if it’s just a chat link thing this might be a symptom of spaghetti code.
This is some artifact from 2012 that is somehow only showing on PS4, this isn't a real thing that has been sold or ever will be sold.
I actually love the hold to heavy, no toggle instead? As a disabled player with limited input it helped a lot to be able to use the same key for both.
No toggle.
Should try some other configuration.
There was some error that I thought was patched, were the display was wrong and some of the symbols were switched in actuality.
Swapping the 3rd and 1st here still obeys the rules as far as i can see on the screenshot.
so try that, send a ticket too though.
Yes - this is a good tip - Mod Configs are suspect in this, try using only 'A' on the Parazon!