

03 Apr


Originally posted by BleedOutCold

Firstly, the terminology of calling Venari’s Defense Target healing a ‘fix’ was incorrect, so apologies there on my behalf.

BS - it was a nerf, you knew it was a nerf, and you decided to call it a fix because you hoped it'd create fewer waves. Oops.

Nobody believes you guys on this kind of thing anymore, and with good cause. You have zero credibility here. I have no idea how you can fix that, but it's where you've put yourselves.


Originally posted by goldfish7740

Using a warframe's ability as intended is an "exploit"?

Jesus what a mess you've put yourselves in.


Originally posted by ProfessorGruselglatz

you just CAN'T be serious about this....

you don't want oplinks to be healed by venari? ok disable it for oplinks ALONE! If you don't want the Oplinks be healed by abilities, i understand it.

If this quick nerf was due to spaghetti-code and you couldn't remove the oplinks alone, TELL US.

whats next ? no more varazin dash healing? no more healing from ancient spectres ?


Originally posted by B_Kuro

We’ll update everyone when we’ve dug deeper and have an action plan.

I would argue you guys have dug your hole deep enough by calling a mechanic you created an exploit as soon as it gets inconvenient to you. Its a nice freudian slip you had there. "Good" to know your real thoughts. We'll remember that and file it next to all the other cases where this happened (Staticor,...). You really seem to think your community appreciates being lied to continiously.

Way to go on the "we will do better in the future"-goals though. You are making a lot of headway there. Its in the wrong direction in case that was lost on you...


Originally posted by HulloHoomans

The fact that this has been targeted for review at all is troubling and says a lot about how the devs are trying to understand their own game.

A full, fast clear of both the space and the ground mission can be done with a wide array of team comps. While some frames make it mind-numbingly easy, they're not at all necessary, and Khora is not one of those frames. The reason she's being brought to the event at all is for pilfering strangledome for shedu parts (which still sell for a good 20-30p each). Her heal is showing up in your numbers a lot because it's pretty much worthless when applied to players, no thanks to long-standing bugs that cause venari to completely break when healing teammates. Since she's standing there anyways, may as well apply the heal to the only target that will actually benefit from it without crashing the game - the beacons. The bottom line is that Khora's heal is not at all a determining factor for player progression rate in the even...

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Originally posted by Scout1Treia

What a pathetic lie. Have you guys no shame?



Earlier this week we were ‘Tip’ped off to a problem of our own creation:

Claiming a ‘fix’ for Venari + Healing + Inanimate Objects when a Tip from the community creation verifies it’s intended. How can this be? Well, you can see the history here the topic is not over:

“We made a hasty change in Hotfix 27.3.6 that removed Venari’s Heal aura from affecting Oplinks AND Defense Targets. Firstly, the terminology of calling Venari’s Defense Target healing a ‘fix’ was incorrect, so apologies there on my behalf. It’s correct to say it was a feature for Venari, considering it had its own Tip for it! The change stemmed from our desire to resolve Operation exploits as quickly as possible, and we didn't communicate this properly.

We’re doing a deeper review on abilities that heal Defense Targets that we can speak to in the coming days. Apologies as well for the late reply on this topic. We’ll update everyone when we’ve dug deeper and have an action plan.

... Read more External link →

01 Apr


Originally posted by sippher

Can you guys explain this, u/rebulast ?

X-posting some information we just shared in forums here:

We made a hasty change in Hotfix 27.3.6 that removed Venari’s Heal aura from affecting Oplinks AND Defense Targets. Firstly, the terminology of calling Venari’s Defense Target healing a ‘fix’ was incorrect, so apologies there on my behalf. It’s correct to say it was a feature for Venari, considering it had its own Tip for it! The change stemmed from our desire to resolve Operation exploits as quickly as possible, and we didn't communicate this properly.

We’re doing a deeper review on abilities that heal Defense Targets that we can speak to in the coming days.

Apologies as well for the late reply on this topic. We’ll update everyone when we’ve dug deeper and have an action plan.


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25 Mar

    rebulast on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Should be fixed next Hotfix!

22 Mar


Originally posted by anotherDocObVious

/u/rebulast or /u/DE_killerkarpfen - can you please have the devs take a look?

I know you guys are all WFH and have lots of things in your plate (wrt scarlet spear) but, please. Haven't been able to play any kuva missions in quite a few weeks now.

This is fixed pending deploy this week.


Originally posted by ToaChronix

/u/rebulast please this is getting silly - lock-on has been broken on all archwing melee weapons except the Veritux/Prisma Veritux for months now.

13 Mar


Originally posted by atejas

If its not a 'serious' time gate, then why have it at all? Not trying to be rude, just want to understand your reasoning here

To give human beings a break and break up scoring intervals.


Originally posted by Dragrunarm

That's a huge relief to hear! Probably would be a good idea to mention that in the launch notes with the event so that people don't freak out again.

It'll be there in the 'HOW TO' operation guide


It's not a serious timed mode - it's no more than 10 minutes of downtime between appearances as an absolute maximum, with the next one queue up right away.

The missions are endless, so you can gracefully transition between waves without pressure.

The first thing on the team's mind when hearing about the wave structure was 'avoid toxicity in time pressure for the event'.

05 Mar


We are tweaking this next Hotfix (or soonafter).


If you tried to login mid-deploy it'd do this - if it persists, can you make a support ticket to with your Ee.log? (


Does this happen every time? Can you make a support ticket to with your Ee.log? (

28 Feb


Originally posted by gotimo

I'm really excited for this update after today's devstream. A lot of this stuff genuinely seems "we had this on the list of things that needed changing but they're not our highest priority right now so let's just make a full-QOL mainline when we have time"

Lots of this stuff looks really good!

Yes - a lot of the 'why now' stuff is in the header :D!


Originally posted by sippher


Shield Gating: Friend and Foe

Friend: First, let’s answer ‘What is Shield Gating?’ when it applies to you as a player. In this implementation, Shield Gating is the mechanic of preventing an instance of lethal (‘1-shot’) damage if you have Shields active. Simply put, the goal is to reduce the number of ‘1-shots’ you take when your shields are up, particularly for Shield-based frames. When any shields are active, an incoming hit that depletes your last bit of Shields will not continue into your Health pool, and also triggers a brief time where your Health is protected. Once that period is over you can take Health damage normally. Additionally, you will no longer take Slash Status Effect damage to your Health while Shields are up.

Foe: Enemies - Corpus in particular - also have received a bit of a Shield Gating, but with skillful gameplay you can overcome this. Any Headshots or shots to Weakspots completely bypass Corpus enemy Shield ...

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Some of the Arcane Changes had copy paste errors / formatting errors in the original workshop that have since been fixed, or are being fixed. Including unreleased ones...