

23 Jan


Originally posted by ricehamburgerhelper

I've heard good things about Jira. Mojang seems to use it to great success.

We use Jira internally!

22 Jan


Originally posted by extra_vertebrae

Hi, Reb, I have two questions for you regarding bugs that I'm hoping you could shed some light on. Does what gets reported on the forums actually get logged? Is there any possibility of having something like a public bug-list / bug-tracker that users can see for themselves to show that what we're reporting is actually getting looked at and / or where the reported problem sits on the totem pole of importance?

I ask because this and other bugs have been around for years, reported multiple times on the official forums (often with increasing frustration) - I know I've reported this exact bug more than once. When this stuff gets reported on WF's forums, we get no response and often no fixes; we don't even know if the bug gets logged or the post is seen by the right party.

Example 1: There was a very nasty progress bug that would plague clients in Disruption and E/SO missions that would freeze the round counter and prevent rewards being awarded on round end that popped up...

Read more

We are yet to find a way to effectively scale input / output in this area with our team, but if you can point me to a 'best case scenario' in the industry I'd be very interested.


Originally posted by Ascythian

Any fix for this incoming u/rebulast?

Should be today based on some developments over the past week, but not 100% certain.

15 Jan


It's frustrating and I don't see why those low rewards are still in the loot tables. And afaik, it's not only Spy missions, these low rewards are everywhere.

Don't disagree on this, especially for late game players going back to early game missions because of where things drop. In 2020 Warframe - what is a mission reward for those everyday star-chart missions?

10 Jan


Originally posted by lonewolfshade

Imagine if the reduction to empyrian armor somehow was transfered to our warframes armor too...

Sure felt like that yesterday....

I checked the diffs and the halving was done by hand per enemy type in the data directly, no broad strokes. So if something is going on here, we have a mystery to solve.

09 Jan


Peculiar - what is your account name / platform?!

06 Jan


2020 already starting strong.


Originally posted by Memes_Technician


And she's okay with you giving me that info?



Originally posted by UmbraIra

They said pets 2.0 needs to happen on dev stream but they have never said they were actually working on it. Khora was damage 3.0 that got shelved.

This is mostly correct, Pets 2.0, hopefully this year in terms of Stasis management changes / etc.


Originally posted by RandomLettersMS


Sorry to tag, but can we draw attention to this fellow & thread please?

Perhaps petition for a hold to abort

Many comments rolling through this little thread for the inconvenience of force aborts in Arbitrations because the abort is instant on press, and the buttons are all bound to other inputs...

Attention drawn!


Originally posted by HulloHoomans

/u/rebulast - archmelee gravimags when?

Would be super rad, damn.


He may not have to be destroyed - give me your clan name and we will copy the Dojo to Test to preserve this masterpiece forever.

20 Dec


Where’s my Uber Eats I ordered 30 minutes ago!


Scott referenced this thread about 2 seconds after the stream ended, and it sounds like we are going to be changing this for sure to increase the chances of coming across these components.

19 Dec

    rebulast on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all,

If you're reading this you may have seen posts about the Artemis Bow Bundle costing $10 and only rewarding upwards of 1000 Platinum.

We have fixed the issue - it was due to a Steam Store problem and we are dealing with the fallout as best we can.

Our next steps include:

1) Working on a script to fix accounts that are now locked out of real Prime Access purchases.
2) Working on a plan to deal with the purchases overall. We have a breakdown of everyone who bought the pack (myself included to test it). We will let you know our plan.

Understandably people would like to know what this means for their incomplete purchases - and once our team assesses the situation we will have an answer for you.



Our plan is as follows:

1) Everyone who bought this ~1000 Plat for $10.00 can keep it, but if they want to buy the legitimate Prime Access, they must open a ... Read more

18 Dec


Originally posted by Hutmen_AZ


Pulled for now... stay tuned...........................................................................................................


Never send The Stalker to do The Lotus' job.