

27 Jul


Better make some more room.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

20 Jul


Originally posted by Capt_Ido_Nos

Those are different my dude. Weapons and things with mastery always come back eventually. Cosmetics and other stuff sure, those can remain one-offs, but with the exception of the founders gear that was explicitly said to never come back, all things with attached mastery returns.

The team will update to say 'timed' exclusive to further clarify that it's not a Drop exclusive.

15 Jul


Originally posted by SenatorSassypants

Oh man... Where do I even start?

I was introduced to this game by a friend and instantly fell in love with it. I think I joined right before Vauban's initial release or about a few weeks to a month before.

Actually I knew of DE before Warframe because I played Dark Sector and loved it. The glaive mechanics in that game were pretty fun.

The combat in Warframe back then wasn't as streamlined as it currently is, but the idea of super powered ninjas in space just called to me, so when I saw there was a way to support the game I instantly out money towards it and became a founder.

Ember was my first Warframe after I made the mistake of choosing Loki as a starter frame (back when he was one) and I loved her ever since. Ember Prime is my most played Warframe by a long shot.

I love this game and the community more than anything I've ever played, honestly. Y'all are some of the most helpful people I've seen in all my years of gaming.

Man I f...



Originally posted by Muxailo

Check Nakak's shop ASAP for new stuff and answer my question - "Anything new?"

This is a traditional re-run, but we lowered prices by 30% on everything based on feedback on prices from its debut.

11 Jul


It's there - if you reload you'll see it! Was not intentional.

06 Jul


We wanted to clarify that the Steel Path modifiers shown on the Test build during Thursday’s Home Time broadcast were incorrect in a practical sense due to a UI inconsistency. The tooltip stated “Enemy Health +250%”, and the same for Armor and Shields. In reality, the ‘+’ should not be there; enemy Health, Armor and Shields are multiplied by 250%, not added onto. Stated in other terms, the modifier could read “Enemy Health +150%”.

For those of you that participated in our weekend Public Test Cluster playtest, the numbers listed on our Forums also inherited the same inconsistency. We stated that enemies had: -Double Health (+100%) -Sortie Armor modifier (+300%) -Sortie Shield modifier (+300%)

Rooting out the practical consequences of this UI inconsistency exactly the kind of issue Public Test Cluster is meant to help us find (and we will fix before launch). In reality, enemies during this weekend had everything tripled, AKA +200% across the board. The poll results s...

Read more

29 Jun


Reviving downed allies

Tenno, do I have news for you.

25 Jun


Originally posted by Sredrum1990

I’m curious as to why you make it a point of saying not to associate it with “Endgame”.

No shade intended. Just curious. Either way I’m excited for it as I’m sure we all are.

Edit: was just curious. No need to downvote someone who’s asking a harmless question. I was genuinely curious.



Originally posted by FTC_Publik

That dang ceph!



Teshin has an opportunity for Tenno who have proven themselves. Those who have completed the Solar Map will be invited to unlock THE STEEL PATH from Teshin in a future update.

The details of THE STEEL PATH are as follows. These are not complete Patch Notes. We wanted to give everyone a chance to review details on The Steel Path in a very simple Dev Workshop. Just over 1000 Tenno will be playing these changes over the weekend for practical feedback.

What it is:

✅ Higher Difficulty Series of content that rewards exclusive cosmetic decorations, emotes, and mastery.

✅An extra layer of opportunity for players to use their powerful gear to take on threats at a higher level without having to wait in missions for long periods of time.

✅ A way to engage with some better scaling Affinity and Mod Rewards.

What is isn’t:

❌ - intended to be associated with the nebulous ‘end game’ topic.

❌ - overly complicat...

Read more External link →

17 Jun


I formally request the rest of the day off to just re-watch this hypnotizing perfection over and over again. Thanks for understanding.


16 Jun


Originally posted by UnwoundTime


Please mom

This is definitely a 'when all other fires are less hot' thing, hopefully it can get a considerable look soon but no promises on a timeline right now.

13 Jun



A+++++++++, PERFECT, I am speechless. Without speech. AH. honestly incredible.


Originally posted by SOOOOOOOOUNDWAVE

Don't tempt me.

Do it + a Kubrow as Donkey.

12 Jun


Originally posted by Tyeia

I smell a lake spider inbound.

Haha no, Buried Debts is just an update pun I thought was clever T_T!


Originally posted by Soirun

That's some big cojones to release what they will show on tennocon on the same day. Looking forward to it :).

Hopefully that's the case - "Ship what we Show' is definitely more a ambition reflection of showing something A and shipping something that isn't exactly what was shown.

More clarity here:

2) We have a history with dates and ambition.

As recently as last year, we had immovable dates that put us in less than ideal situations for the game. We are making this choice using our past experience to guide us. We have a lot of Buried Debts in terms of ideas we’ve shown (but not shipped), and we want our TennoCon 2020 presentation to be an unmistakable reveal of what you see is what you get. We don't want to show a demo and release something months and months later. We want to ship what we show (when it's ready, of course)!

11 Jun


Originally posted by DemonScarf

Yep, from my testing if you kill it too fast it breaks instead of transitioning to the next phase.

We are working on a fix for this based on reports we're seeing!


Check your inbox under 'Communication' tab?