

10 Apr

09 Apr


Originally posted by Redfeather1975

Exalted weapons getting rivens?! 😮

Not by design, looking into this as it is not intended.


Originally posted by djternan

That would have cleared everything up had I been able to get that in the first place.

On my end, chat suddenly stopped working. I didn't know at first that I received a chat ban but support confirmed that for me though they didn't give me a reason. The language they used sounded like they don't even review chat bans. Since moderation has obviously been a touchy subject in the past, I was upset and felt like the issues over a year ago were ignored.

If support is going to be able to provide a more descriptive answer going forward, do you want me to take this post down?

Up to you, we've edited the procedure as of now to go from:

We took a look at your account and found that your access to chat has been temporarily suspended.


Something more specific on the case-by-case nature if criteria of the following is met: "This suspension will stay upon review of the reported inappropriate post."


Originally posted by djternan

Any chance of being able to get a message back with a reason for the ban when messaging support? I would have paid the platinum to change the names myself if I knew for sure that was the issue.

Yup! Can continue in ticket.


Originally posted by djternan

The message I received when I asked them to review it said otherwise. If I had received a response that I was banned for x reason and that the ban would remain in place, then I wouldn't have made this post.

Instead, they told me they don't get involved in issues of chat moderation.

We can definitely tweak wording to have more of a cemented understanding that 'the chat restriction stands'.


Originally posted by djternan


Is support not allowed to review instances of inappropriate chat moderation?

They are, and they do.


Originally posted by yarl5000

For some reason recently the chats will randomly stop working and it isn't always a ban but the chat servers are breaking or desyncing or something.

As for the support ticket on chat bans, I think the post was going for if you feel you are being banned consistently or harassed by a chat mod or see a chat mod abusing their power or doing something against the rules you can report them through a support ticket. I could be wrong but that is how I read that portion of Reb's post. u/rebulast can you confirm?

There are regional chat issues right now, and yes you are correct.


Originally posted by djternan

I did get a response on my support ticket that my account has a chat ban, they just refuse to review it. At first, I thought it was just that the chats went down because I didn't receive a system message about it.

Edit: I'm not sure how you could report a moderator that was harassing you. You don't get a system message with the name of the mod and you don't get a PM. Support would also dismiss your ticket.

You received this message yesterday in-game:

"Hello, This message is to inform you that one or more of your items / pets name have been changed due to you naming them something offensive. This kind of behavior is absolutely unnacceptable and under no circumstance will this be tolerated in Warframe. If you are found to continue naming your items / pets inappropriate names you risk having your account suspended. Warframe has zero tolerance for this kind of behavior and we take this quite seriously. Always be respectful. Thank you for your understanding, and your cooperation. Warframe Support"

We received player reports about inappropriate names being linked in chat:

Death to Furries OwO

Bunghole Stuffer

Rectal Mangler

Foreskin Snatcher

04 Apr


This issue is logged and should be fixed soon.

03 Apr


Originally posted by hierkommtderschnaps

These are the basic values without mods. 75 is the cap.

Also true.


Originally posted by Boner_Elemental

Near all buffs??? Neat

Edit: With the current nerf to Venari I was sure this review was going to end up with "Only players get healed". Quite the welcome surprise to end up with "Healing is a viable alternative to damage blocking when defending"

But, uh...

Trinity - Blessing 50% Damage reduction

Isn't this 75%?

Oh yes, fixing if unmodded.


Originally posted by Willy_Donka

You guys need to stop these back-to-back f**k ups. I'm getting tired of seeing failure after failure from DE. DO SOMETHING GOOD PLEASE, IT'S LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO PISS OFF THE COMMUNITY AT THIS POINT.


Originally posted by raidenexo

Is everything an exploit to you? Real wild in general, you saying the team will look into more of this just goes to show that the team will nerf every frame thats reliable within the event, sorry I meant "fix" cause you guys can't even stand up and say directly its a nerf. You always have to say fix cause apparently using a feature of a frame is a bug to you.


Originally posted by xPhilip

There needs be be alternate ways to accomplish the same goal.

Whether that be limbo trivialising it or venari healing etc, it gives players options and a choice.


Originally posted by MontyDillo

this just reads as "we're going to nerf more of them."


Originally posted by Nomicakes

So something the game itself advertises you can do, is now an "exploit" and requires fixing.
This isn't the first time in recent memory that DE has removed a feature and called it a bug or exploit.

Such a disappointment. Have you absolutely no shame, with the state of the game and its development/design choices in the past 12 months?


Originally posted by JGamingToo

It really sucks that time and time again players are continuously discouraged from using a diverse range of warframes.


Originally posted by kaian-a-coel

You can't just put something in tips and then turn around and call it an exploit because you don't like players using it in an event you made after forgetting about it.


Originally posted by Vulane

How about stopping with the ability exclusions though? The defense targets have health, healing abilities heal health.


Originally posted by MajoraXIII

Well, thank you for communicating with us. Personally, I hope you revert the change, since having more options for protecting objectives is a good thing I feel, especially when very strong alternatives exist.

I don't feel like you're saying it was an exploit, but a lot of people are reading it that way.