

14 Oct


Originally posted by blacsm1t

man crashed reddit maybe Respawn can send them /u/ricklesauceur to help them out!

rickkkkk le sauceurrrrr

31 Aug


Originally posted by _7empe_

It looks like it has been recently (since a few days) fixed. I got heavy microstutter starting with 191 fps on 200 Hz monitor. Since a few days it is butter smooth and I play on locked 197 fps. Don't know how it looks like on 240 Hz though. u/ricklesauceur can you please confirm that this problem was addressed?


17 Aug


Originally posted by Kissmangasucksass

Can you shed light on how apexs matchmaking deals with connections currently?

When soloQing pubs and ranked from game to game my ping will fluctuate so much. One game ill be at 40, then the few next games ill be at 110, even 140 some games, then ill get some games in the 50s and 70s. Is this problem somehow on my end?

We do not. You certainly have bad peering to one of the datacenter in your region.

15 Aug


Originally posted by Annual_Ideal7727

Just a rant incoming.

Their reasoning has less to do with reaction time and more to do with consistency.

i.e no amount of latency will matter as long as your shots register the majority of time... they also don't talk about the interpolation delay caused by the low tickrate... hell, majority of people do not even know what this is or what interpolation does.

20hz is enough to get a good enough packet flow for clients to interpolate and for the server to do proper rollback (upping to 60hz and causing bufferbloat f***s with hit registration as you get delayed packets, or outright dropped packets).

But we get a ton of "issues" with delayed response times because we need at least 2-3 snapshots/packets to properly interpolate (meaning minimum 150ms inherit delay on top of your actual ping).

There are some other things that needs to be mentioned with 60hz servers, which have less to do with servers being able to handle them and more to do wi...

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Thanks for the post, I do not think I disagree with any of it (I am roasting under the sun for my vacation so maybe the Mojitos are too strong...). If you are looking for a job hit me in my dm :P

It is a complex set of problems between lag compensation / physics / player movement / ballistics / networking. Comparing server tick rate is not really helpful as every engine and technology solve things differently in those domains.

The point I prefer about your rant is the buffer bloat. One of my priority is to reduce packet size in Apex. It will give players a way better and consistent experience than raising the tick rate.

I am more interested personally about why you think you would want a higher tick rate. In what situation, in game, you think it was detrimental.

03 Aug


Originally posted by prkz

Just wanted for you to know that there's something terribly wrong with ranked MM in both arena and battle royale after recent patch.

In arenas i had 2 matches with ppl who did 20-40 dmg in 4 rounds (no badges, some of them were 30 lvl account, some just default gold players) while having known preds/masters in the enemy team.

In battle royale ranked Bronze 4 acc was put against diamonds. It never ever happend before for 2 years i was playing this game.

All matches were played as solo player.

Please look into it, its not only me who giving this kind of feedback, i saw a lot of same info in /r/apexlegends sub.

Should be fixed already


Originally posted by JoyRoadExitNine

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm but do you have an update on the situation?

What's the situation?


Originally posted by shruicanewastaken

Hey, i played a few matches of arenas today (around 15) and i think the issue still exists (or maybe the update didn't roll out yet on my server? - playing on Frankfurt2).
It's not as bad as it used to be but some matches still feel very unbalanced - I'm not loosing because of too many individual mistakes or bad aim, but because the enemy team consisted of much mroe experienced players than my teammates. I was able to beat them once in a 1v3, but unfortunately they adapted and didn't give me any more opportunities to clutch up. I uploaded a screenshot of one of these matches (included the server ID in the last screenshot - i think you wrote in the Network Blogpost that this ID can help identifying issues).

The damage difference alone tells you a lot how this match played out ;)


The matchmaking feels better than a few weeks ago, but 2 or 3 out of 10 matches still fee...

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Even if it is not communicated, there are actually placement matches. When someone new join, we try to assess their skill. My guess is that you are in the middle of the average population so you get a lot of those. We have a plan to reduce this.


Originally posted by Bxsnia

Hi u/ricklesauceur I'm not sure if you're still answering questions but I'm so fascinated by the matchmaking and I have some questions that came to mind while watching. If you can't answer you can ignore it.

Regarding ranked matchmaking - Do you match a solo queue player differently than a duo or trio stack? Is this reflected on what teammates they have? For example, a high skill solo smurf more likely to be matched with other higher performing players or are they more likely to be matched with worse players to make it more balanced for them?

Can there be multiple different skill averages per rank? (very high skill platinum game compared to rest of plat bracket, low skilled diamond game compared to the rest of diamond bracket)

Regarding pubs - you implied that the matchmaking currently puts you at the highest party members sbmm, correct? If the lower skill player performs better than them temporarily in the game (higher kill...

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Cannot tell you the nitty gritty of the secret sauce. Overall we try to match people close to each other in skills. Of course there are concessions, based on the wait time we would expand those skill parameters. Pubs is not ranked, it is very hard to find high level players in pubs.


Originally posted by Protryt

Hello u/ricklesauceur. Could you tell us if you (or Respawn) are aware of the sluttering issue that started to happen from the time Nvidia Reflex was introduced to Apex? Sluttering issue I have in mind (for PC players) is that in every match I got this multiple one or two second FPS drops even though my PC seems to be quite good for Apex. I experience these issues on two different PCs: 1) Ryzen 5900X, RTX 2080Ti, 32GB ram 3800MHz, fast NVME drive (with 800GB free space), 2) Ryzen 3900X, GTX 1080, 16GB ram 3600MHz, 512GB SSD drive (350GB free space). I am aware of the 190FPS bug so I use Riva Tuner to limit my FPS to 180FPS on 240Hz screen, and 130FPS on 144Hz screen. I always tune settings in Nvidia Control Panel to get as much FPS as possible and the lowest possible input lag. I even played Apex on a fresh Windows 10 installation without any tuning and the issue persists. Would it be helpful to provide a video proof?

I am sorry if the questio...

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Not my wheelhouse sorry!


Originally posted by JoyRoadExitNine

Any opinion on consoles competing in ALGS without a 120fps or MNK option?

Good luck!


Originally posted by SandwichKnown9050


  1. any updates on asian_hideouts( anti cheat squad for aisa)
  2. much of the match making problems can be solved if we have proper training ground.

i am a relatively new player.i downloaded a game called apex aim trainer .it tries to imitate apex movement & gun-play, for training purpose only. half an hour on it made me much better player than two weeks on battle royal. when players have better understanding of movement & recoil ,also confidence of knowing they know the basic , complaints about matchmaking will decrease.


  1. Soon
  2. You are right, on-boarding new players is very important, we speak a bit about it in the video

Originally posted by bigpantsshoe

Wow thanks for the quick reply, I was expecting to wait until morning at least aha.

That makes sense, and completely understandable on the 2nd question, I had a feeling you couldn't reveal too much there.

I actually have one last question if you don't mind: are trios and duos mmr separate? I rarely play the mode but players never act how I expect them to when I do, so I always wonder how much of that is down to matchmaking, different playerbases, communication, etc.

MMR are the same but keep in mind Trios have more chance to play againt other Trios so it tends to evolve differently compared to duos. We have some goodies as said in the video in stock to take into account groups a bit more aggressively.


Originally posted by MrPigcho

u/ricklesauceur thank you for your openness in the video and on this thread! I have a question about a topic that is rarely mentioned but in my opinion is the most frustrating matchmaking experience there can be: when games start without a third (pretty common) or even without two players (quite rare).

What causes this? I have noticed that if I soloQ I get a trio most of the time, but if I queue with a friend it is very common not to get a third (perhaps that explains why duos have a lower winrate?).

I'm one of the few players who has 0 issues about being matched against much better players or with much worse players than me. But being put in a duo completely changes the way the game is played and is just not a good experience. I would happily wait longer for it to never happen. Multiply this sejtiment times 10 in arenas.

Completely understood, it is a terrible bug. One of the issue is that you may notice in a bunch of game, there is a confirmation pop-up before getting into a game. It is mostly to solve this issue (someone that started matchmaking and bailed). We do not have that and for a simple reason. It is hard to be sure 10 people will join a game of a classic round based FPS, it is incredibly even harder for 60 players. So our take is to start the match as soon as possible to limit the amount of time someone could bail. Some game load you into game, waiting for teams to be filled to even reduce this, but we clearly did not chose to do it.

I have some stats around incomplete matches, the number is clearly not where I want it to be and we will work on it.


Originally posted by bigpantsshoe

I have a few questions on matchmaking purely out of curiosity.

First, does going solo/no fill have any impact on your mmr whether that be lowering it for having no teamates or dampening/magnifying changes for future matches based on performance?

Second, does it take into account only your performance at the end of the match (kills, damage, placement), or does it consider the skill level of your opponents as well (and if so is would it be the average mmr of the lobby or the actual specific players you killed/were killed by). Or does it go even deeper than that and account for things like input frequency, accuracy, dps, etc.

I ask because I remember reading something years ago about a system that Riot games has to help detect smurfs as early as the tutorial by basically assessing if the player doing the tutorial behaved like an experienced player or not which I thought that was super interesting, and seems to me like a decent enough heuristic to measure skil...

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NoFill does not change the way we compute mmr. The reason for that is simple, we do not want nofill player to try to game the system (it is super edge case).

For the rest of your questions I cannot sadly answer, it is part of the secret sauce that makes the matchmaking works (it is easy to conceptualize something like you described, but harder to tune and make it "stick").


Originally posted by MrPigcho

Hi Samy, i watched your video with wisethug and it gave such great insights into latency, matchmaking, etc. This one was a bit more technical, do you plan to do an english video similar to the wisethug one that can give insights to the community?

For that you need someone asking question and willing to do a video. I am always open as long as it is in good spirit. I am French so I know better the French twitch/youtube ecosystem.


Originally posted by Electronic-Youth9198

Hi game Dev , I just read the patch notes and watch your interview in YouTube in Network next (great job and interesting infos) . I am just wondering about the support for 360hz monitors and make the in game FPS limiter up to 360 frames instead of 300 . And the 190fps bug where the frame time go crazy after 200fps and players sometimes become laggy on high FPS (+ pluse since last update there is a frame time spike when jumping from the ship that last for 1 sec and it did not matter what FPS I am on it reproducible on 60 FPS and 200+ FPS , you may look into that ) . Any update on the matter . You mentioned you gone update us . Thanks in Advance

We are working on the 190+ fps. No promises for the 360Hz.


Originally posted by fastinrain

i have noticed a lot of improvement in the matchmaker. I do believe premades and soloqs should get their own matches with some SBMM thrown in there.

anyways. i have a question about Ranked. Specifically how the system seems to be a time-based 'grind' in addition to a skill based ladder, specifically due to the "Kill Cap" or RP cap element. IMO it obfuscates the actual skill difference in players and in low level leads to an insane smurf fest. dudes with 20+ kills every game getting the same RP as the bloodhound who scanned 5 enemies just as they are about to die without shooting a bullet doesn't make sense to me.

has respawn at all thought about using a "ALGS" type scoring system in ranked and removing tier demotion protection and RP caps?

i think the ranked system is in need of a bit of an overhaul but maybe Rspn thinks different who knows.

It all depends about the level you are playing on. We mention it in the video, some people do not want to wait, some do. In priority the matchmaker will put premade together, but SoloQ get merged depending on some time factor.

Those comments about ALGS scoring system are always funny to me because ALGS has the design of the first ranked before it changed again. And it is true, it is pretty grindy. We are trying something else with Arenas Ranked, we will see how it goes, give us our feedback after season 10 release.

02 Aug


Originally posted by shruicanewastaken

Even if the matchmaker put you with 2 low levels, it should be the same in the other teams

I personally think you shouldn't be matched against or with players who have a very low level when you played the game a lot. Even if my level 10 teammates have really good aim, they still lack a lot of gamesense and experience in the game - it's not fun for them to go against good players and it's not fun for me to carry them THAT hard.

But I definitely experienced an overall improvement in matchmaking quality in the last weeks (even before reading your comments here) so thanks for listening!

Gonna listen to the rest of the interview now, really interesting stuff!

I agree with you and I think we fixed it. Do not hesitate to message me if you experience otherwise.


Originally posted by equaNJ

Thank you as well for your quick and apt reply. Certainly without knowing the ins-and-outs of your code infrastructure most assessments of the netcode's performance will be anecdotal at best. Really I can only say so much to my experiences as an avid player of Apex Legends and basic knowledge of networking and particularly the Source engine. As you mention even therein, my knowledge of the very engine is suspect to relevance with the fact that you have a version of said engine that is far removed from that which is more publicly available through tools like the barebones SDK.

I would love to hear more about the changes to updaterate and how it is tied to framerates. Such as what relevancy is used in the updaterate's correlation to framerate when the server's tickrate is so low by relative comparison. My understanding is that while the client side updaterate could theoretically be set to match the player's fps it would still be subject to the limitations of the server's tick...

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A game like CS GO will only process a fixed set of inputs based on server tick rate. It is exactly what you are describing. Apex does not work like that. Apex processes a variable number of inputs based on your fps and completely de-correlated to the server tickrate. I think it is why most people think a higher tickrate will feel smoother (whatever that means). But we are not CSGO source, so it does not apply for us.

The fix is soon for the 190+ fps thing. Will not speak deliberately on the audio stuff, it is not my responsibility or skillset.

As long as people are respectful I always respond.