

02 Aug


Originally posted by JevvyMedia

You wanna give a tl;dr for the SBMM?

Match the skill of the hour, instant fun for little ones and grown up.


Originally posted by Objective-Cloud2849

So let's say someone like my self just has a 1kd like even a tad lower.. but every game I'll get preds and master's 3 stacking ?

Even If I play with a mate in pubs we just die To players who have 50k+ kills on one legend? ..

Is this getting looked at ?

I don't mind the challenge just gets boring day in and out

Yes it is.


Originally posted by HAMMERHEAD394

u/ricklesauceur - You mentioned the latency issues in Asian server very briefly. Can you elaborate on that or point me to the right resources so that I can look it up and understand what these inherent issues are?

It is mostly routing. I describe the issue here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/owia0q/p2p_v_clientserver_matchmaking_with_respawn_lead/h7gp48r/

In Asia, you have long distance, lot of undersea cables and different countries and operators. It makes everything more difficult. You add a bit more of political factor on the mix (what countries can link to the States through undersea cable for example ...

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Originally posted by Beppu-Gonzaemon

I was not trying to disparage you or cause strife. Thank you for all that you do

No worries! Not much I can do about it, I learnt English late in my life (by watching LOST) so this ship has certainly sailed.


Originally posted by equaNJ

Hi Samy. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview. It was incredibly informative and inspiring for a budding network professional. I completely understand the philosophy that Respawn has decided to take with interpolation in Apex Legends for the sake of making the game more accessible to those around the world with higher latency. I think you and the team have done a brilliant job at making Apex Legends a game that almost anyone around the world can pick up and find an enjoyable play experience with, even if they suffer from common networking issues in more remote parts of the world. I sincerely want you to know you really have done something truly spectacular with the netcode in Apex Legends.

I am curious, however, if it is plausible with your network infrastructure to allow for more refined interpolation settings to be made standard, or at least somewhat accessible, for more competitive modes of play within Apex Legends? Has it at all been considered to introduce s...

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So just to be clear, the game is still fully using a "server-authoritative networking model". It is the way it is designed. What kills the feeling of fairness is not the high ping, but the delta of latency between people and I mostly think it can be solved by matchmaking (grouping people with similar latency). It seems like the right approach. With low latency, the game should feel good and responsive (think LAN) without needing tuning (as in high). Comparisons with CS GO are complicated because our netcode parted ways with Source engine 10 years ago (like number of update rate locked on server tickrate vs lock on framerate, etc).

For the tick rate, my usual joke is: if you can tell me why you want higher tick rate, I would consider it. It is of course a bad faith joke, because it would be very hard for you without knowing the internal of the games what it would do. I think the main goal now has I said in the video is to lower bandwidth usage of the game so stay tuned.

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Originally posted by Duke_Best

I mean broken as in solo players that are > 500 level. When I pub queue it’s obvious I’m being partied almost exclusively with sub-100 level players for about 6 games. Then, poof!, I get matched with a couple players 300 level or above. We either win game or come in top-5, then next 6 games it’s matched with sub-level 100 players again. It’s really obvious what happening and very disheartening. I realize pubs aren’t ranked, but consistently being paired with much lower level teammates is no fun.

I understand what you are saying but level is not relevant to assess someone's level.


Originally posted by Duke_Best

u/ricklesauceur - Kudos to the host for bringing up SBMM. It's good to see some verification as to why SBMM is broken for many people (especially solo queuers) from a Dev and that you have ideas on how to fix it. I know it's likely out of your hands, but any possible ETAs on when you/your team can actually start to implement it?

Always hard to answers those questions because you are making assumptions. Is SBMM broken? If I do not think so, I cannot answer it.

The population having the lowest win rate are actually duos (because you play with a friend with a big level delta difference). It is where I am putting our effort first as said in the video.


Originally posted by PalkiaOW

Thanks for the insightful interview. Many of us play Apex basically every day, so it's very interesting to get a look behind the scenes on fundamental topics like lag compensation or matchmaking.

I think it's no secret that a lot of players (especially towards the high skill brackets) are unhappy with the pub and arena matchmaking. The most common complaint is that solo queuers are frequently matched against high-skill premades, while often receiving low-skill teammates. This is especially frustrating in Arenas, since getting two Lv40 teammates while facing triple stacking Diamond+ players feels like the game is over before it even started.

Personally I feel like the pub SBMM has improved a lot over the past two years, so I'm confident that it will keep getting better. But are you guys planning any future improvements specifically for this solo vs premades situation?

We updated matchmaking last week for the teammate issue and I think it is getting better.

We are planning more update for the premades.

Overall I think it is mostly a perception issue. The numbers for arena are good. Even if the matchmaker put you with 2 low levels, it should be the same in the other teams and we have not seen much proof contradicting this (we have extensive data showing the win rates and people trajectory). Of course it does not feel good to have to carry your team by a lot, so we are addressing the issue (but keep in mind it is certainly the same for the other guy).


Originally posted by fLu_csgo

Thanks man! I actually do and it was a point that was verrrrry briefly touched on regarding hairpinning (literally mentioned off the cuff) :

I live in the UK and honestly, some times it feels like we live in the United Kingdom of Latency when playing vs the rest of Europe - this has gone back 20+ years as far as dial up days and pre-DSL/ADSL internet - when we used to play CS beta!

Have you ever come across evidence (even anecdotal) to point towards people living on islands (even as "developed" as the UK) to suggest that living on an island can be detrimental to network traffic leaving said island? As opposed to say, being in France/Belgium/Germany/Netherlands for instance, where the network infrastructure is much more accessible than infrastructure that travels under the sea (and by very definition is "harder" to maintain)?

Could it literally be down to how badly the infrastructure is maintained/has aged (without refresh) in the UK as opposed to th...

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The main business of your ISP is to interconnect its own network to other ISP network for as cheap as possible. When you play on an Apex server, your Internet goes from your ISP to multiple "hop". The ISP bill and pay others ISPs based on the input/output volume of data. But it is also defined by hardware capacity. So if only one of the interconnection along the way has congestion, you will feel it! Sometime ISP accept it as it is temporary, or only for peak hours and they accept the service degradation for cost reasons. People browsing the web will shrug it off, but real time multiplayer is sensitive to it!


Originally posted by fLu_csgo

Just started watching this - fantastic so far, really really good insights in to matchmaking. Makes me really happy that Respawn have such good engineers on board - Samy is clearly very very good at his job, and passionate to boot. I am so glad they put stuff like this out there and allow their engineers to talk freely!

Thanks a bunch, do not hesitate if you have any questions!


Originally posted by writing-nerdy

Sorry to be antsy, will I be a happy dude regarding the season 10 launch...? :D

Not yet, it will come


Originally posted by Beppu-Gonzaemon

I am having trouble understanding him

C'est la vie

13 Jul


Originally posted by Paulite27

My biggest concern is the fact that if the fix takes too long, I will be unable to reach level 110 on the battle pass and hence miss out on the reactive skins. The game is unplayable rn because we can't grind challenges because of code: wheel. Please do your best to fix it soon.

Still not working?

12 Jul


Originally posted by _7empe_




I play on PC (Steam and Origin). I am having code:wheel and then code:leaf errors for 4 days now in every match. What I noticed so far is:

  • it does not matter which server you're connected to; I am in EU, so I play on Frankfurt or Belgium servers, but those errors are everywhere, including Sydney, Tokyo and NY server I was testing;
  • after code:wheel, when I connect through VPN to any server on the map (using NordVPN), I can re-connect to the game (no code:leaf); code:leaf and lack of reconnect occurs when my IP does not change;
  • while being connected through VPN and code:wheel occurs, to get reconnected to the match I need change VPN connection to different place/server
  • less teammates = can stay longer in the match; playing solo with "fill teammates" disabled gives me the longest playable time period vs trios or duos
  • ...
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Thanks it is really appreciated! We did something over the week-end that made it slightly better. Something again this morning. Let me know.

09 Jul


Originally posted by Undiscovered94

Thanks for the response! <3 Yeah, it's just extremely demoralizing to play against all these hardcore players just because I had a few good games. I understand it from both sides honestly, people who are really good at the game should play against people of the same skill but.. the gaps in these lobbies are insane. Just because I had some games where I got 6 or 7 kills and got lucky and got a 2k badge, now I'm considered good and playing against people WELL above my skill level. :/ I almost uninstalled when I realized a level 300 killed me the first time.

It is understood, no worries


Originally posted by Undiscovered94

Was there ever an update to this? No offense, but when you guys say you're gonna look into something and then don't, it really bugs us players. .-. I started playing, had like 10 good games off the start, I'm now level 12 or 13 getting paired against level 300s.. you need to fix this, it isn't fun. i shouldn't be punished for getting used to a game faster than others.. let me enjoy the fun games while I level up to these sweaty peoples levels...

Not yet! Hopping to get it for season 10.


Originally posted by Ebethron

I had the issue (leaf disconnect) ever since weekend hack breach, In the beginning it was occasionally but last night I literally could not finish a single game.

I appreciate the effort in getting this fixed. For all the haters and frustrated players, respawn did not ask for the game to be compromised. I work in IT and instead of being sour consumers let's be partners. I hope they can figure out what is happening.

My internet speeds are 50MB/s down and 5MB/s up. My PS4 is wired to my router. I have not seen this error before. At least I can't recall. I join a game and get to play say 2-3 minutes then I can't move anymore but still look around for a few seconds. THen the game bumps me out and shows the disconnect leaf error. When I try to connect to the lobby again it will not work immediately. The second attempt I get back into the lobby.

I am pretty sure it is happening all over the place as I was playing and many times other team mates seem to disconnect a...

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I did not catch on that but just to be pedantic, there was no breach.


Originally posted by AngryRomper

Sorry, when I said Almost 4 days, that was a typo (I meant to say three!) On Tuesday I hopped on at lunch because my buddy told me the Heirloom was available for purchase with shards, I was able to get on get them and get back to work. I was then on from 5:30 PM ADT time - 10PM ADT time, on Tuesday. I am usually on much later than that, but I got off due to general connectivity issues (unusually high ping even when the ping is showing no significant changes, getting kicked from matches etc.) Then on Wednesday, 9:15 ADT time, I hopped on again to check store rotation, And hop in the firing range to look at the heirloom (Which was removed from the heirloom store btw) and I was getting Code Wheel (This is the first instance that I had actively noticed it 9:15 ADT time Wednesday the 7th, in Virginia 1, 2 and NY). And I have been getting it consistently ever since. I normally play with Crossplay enabled (I am PS4/5) But I turned it off and tried that just a few minutes ago, still, Code...

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Thanks for the explanation.

It is not really about where people are per say, it is where they intersect. I am not speaking about geography either because what matters is the layout of network interconnections! In a lot of cases for example, if you take some datacenter in Canada, their peering to the Internet will come from the States. It means that even if you play in Canada, your Internet traffic will bounce to the States before coming back. As a result, your latency will certainly be higher by playing on a datacenter in Canada over a datacenter in the States. Just to highlight the fact that those things are harder than what it looks like.

Population in Canada is also extremely low! Moving the center of gravity closer to the South permits to allow more people from the States to play with Canadian and so to have a better experience overall for everyone.


Originally posted by Ebethron

I had the issue (leaf disconnect) ever since weekend hack breach, In the beginning it was occasionally but last night I literally could not finish a single game.

I appreciate the effort in getting this fixed. For all the haters and frustrated players, respawn did not ask for the game to be compromised. I work in IT and instead of being sour consumers let's be partners. I hope they can figure out what is happening.

My internet speeds are 50MB/s down and 5MB/s up. My PS4 is wired to my router. I have not seen this error before. At least I can't recall. I join a game and get to play say 2-3 minutes then I can't move anymore but still look around for a few seconds. THen the game bumps me out and shows the disconnect leaf error. When I try to connect to the lobby again it will not work immediately. The second attempt I get back into the lobby.

I am pretty sure it is happening all over the place as I was playing and many times other team mates seem to disconnect a...

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Thanks for your consideration. Working on it.