

09 Jul


Originally posted by santamaria111

Happening to me too. I’m west coast playing on east coast server tho. My friends can connect fine but i can’t

You should be able to play wherever you want, looking into it.


Originally posted by xeilo_XXX

Im on Frankfurt servers. Usualy at 70ms.Im on 15up/3down. Playing from Poland. Since yesterday game was completle unpleyable.

I work from home, play other online games, and the only problem i have is code wheel code leaf, from Apex. Dont think this has anything to do with players connections, rathet your game servers.

it is always the servers


Originally posted by AngryRomper

(PS4 and PS5) My connection speed is 224 Mbps down, 24MBPS Up, Ive tried NY (My closest server at 50-80 Ping), both Virginias, Every Iowa, and for the "fun of it" Ive tried Singapore and Sydney. All servers give me Code Wheel. I know that this is not your fault, but Ive been unable to play for almost 4 days, this is the longest break I have taken since Season 1. I haven't been able to play since I bought the Rev Heirloom with Shards on Tuesday. Ive tried other accounts Nothing seems to work. Im getting very frustrated with the situation. Also, while I have you, what is the reason there is not a single Canadian server?

What would give a Canadian server in your mind?

I am surprised by the 4 days, Most code wheels are happening since the 7th maximum (aligned on PST time). Do you have other errors?

Thank you


Originally posted by ChalkyChiggs

sir, i think the problem is not with our internet connection, it's literally your server. We are having a good time with other games tho, but can't play any single game in apex

We are working on it, hoping for a resolution tomorrow.


Originally posted by the_qbf

same here, I've been experiencing this since yesterday. Mostly during character select ( but sometimes in the middle of the match ) I get the code:wheel. Then code:leaf when trying to reconnect to the game

What's your connection speed? up/down. Average latency. Thank you and sorry for your troubles.


Originally posted by Liamcitoo

Is this still happening? Yesterday was impossible to play for me too and the responses on EA forums are the most generic shit that doesn't work because is a problem on their side.

What's your connection speed? up/down. Average latency. Thank you and sorry for your troubles.


Originally posted by yqsia

Happened to me multiple times today, at the very end of the game where there's only 3 squads left :)

What's your connection speed? up/down. Average latency. Thank you and sorry for your troubles.

07 Jul


Originally posted by writing-nerdy

Hi, sorry to bother but is there any update on this? I didn't see anything about it in the patch notes, nor any streamers uncapping their fps.

Sorry been pretty busy lately. I will update this community when we schedule more tests.

29 Jun


Originally posted by jmak329

Just played 30 mins each on 189 FPS, 239 FPS, and 300 FPS. Definitely still noticeable stutters at 300 fps. Became tough for me to tell at the lower FPS's.

I want to say 189 still felt the smoothest, but I am also not sure if that's also because that is what my eyes are very used to at this point.

Thanks for your feedback. Multiple people (and I thank them) posted videos so we are looking into it.


Originally posted by TheGreatWalk

I have tested it, the issue still appears to be present. I've reported to ricklesaur already and he has acknowledged the feedback



Originally posted by TheGreatWalk

Hello, I have tested out the new patch, the microstutter effect does not appear to be fixed. The game plays noticeably smoother locked at 180 FPS than at 190, 200, 220, 240, and 300. I've tested it on my 1080p240hz monitor with GSYNC on.

For more information, if it helps, I'm using rivatuner statistics to limit the FPS, as it's very good at producing extremely stable framerates if your card is capable of exceeding the hardset limit. I have frametime displayed as a rolling graph, and there aren't any deviations in frametime at any FPS, as I'm on great hardware that can easily cap at 300 FPS in the firing range(10900k + 3090 don't fck around).

I wish I had a high speed camera to record the issue and help you diagnose, but all I can definitely say is I can immediately notice an issue with how smooth the game plays between 180 FPS and 190+ FPS, with 190+ FPS being not smooth. From Rivatuner's perspective, there aren't any frame drops or hitches, so it might be somethin...

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Thanks for reporting!


I code Apex on a very close colour scheme, a ducky 2 "Bon Voyage". White keys FTW, looks great.

26 Jun


Originally posted by yourrandomnobody

Hello! I'm glad to see that you care about the competitive community! Could you also take a look at these two examples of amazing multithreaded mouse input in games like Diabotical and Overwatch?
I think this feature is a must in any shooter game, especially as demanding as demanding as Apex! It'll grant a very enjoyable experience on any fps, with the lowest lag!
I'm very sure that everyone in this sub, me included, would love to see this implemented!
Best regards!

sure things, thanks

24 Jun


Originally posted by Seismicx

Did the fix not make it or is it simply hidden because you aren't sure whether it will work?

We usually do not put technical stuff in the patch notes. No real good reasons for that. The fix is in.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Lex_Loewenherz

Hey thanks for the reply, I'm not too deep into technical terms nor is English my first language so forgive me if my description is a bit cryptic ^^

by classic fullscreen, I mean that the game gets full priority over the screen, in other games you can feel a big difference between fullscreen and borderless windowed mode. In apex I have the feeling that there is almost no difference. Tabbing out of the game is almost instant and out of my experience it takes a couple of seconds until you see your desktop.

For me it feels like the fullscreen is just not applied correctly also sound overlays appear if I change my sound, this is usually not the case if I play other games in FS.

This makes the game feel a bit weird cause it feels like it runs in window mode and everything is a bit blurry while looking around, even a 3080 with a fps lock at 189.

Disabling FSO also has somehow no effect on this.

This could be very well a windows problem too.

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Thanks you :)


Originally posted by Lex_Loewenherz

Wow this would be so awesome!!!

Are there any known issues with Fullscreen Optimisation and the Fullscreen option in general?

I've noticed that the game does not use the classical Fullscreen approach even if the Fullscreen option is selected. Also having videos or streams in the background seem to have a negative effect on the Fullscreen behavior of the Game.

is this a known issue? maybe it's just a local problem on my machine though..

I do not think I've heard of that. I often play apex watching streams and never experienced it but it is completely anecdotal, does not mean there is no problem. What do you mean by "classical Fullscreen"?

17 Jun


Originally posted by cabalu

Thank you very much for answering.
I'll take this chance to talk about one feature i've been requesting from you guys at Apex Legends team. I tried reaching out to various members of Apex devs on Twitter but never got a reply. I understand that it's hard to answer everyone so will just try my luck again.
* Feature in question: Menu Sensitivity
* Why: Technology has been evolving and as monitors are now able to reach over to 360HZ, mice are starting to reach 8KHz as well, such as the Razer Viper 8KHz.
There's also been tested recently, in more than one instance, where high DPI can help reduce input lag/latency. Here's a video by our good friend Battle(non)sense from last week, talking about it:
50% Less Input Lag! Low DPI vs. High DPI Analysis
* The problem on all this: Inventory menu on Apex Legends is crucial to ...

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Interesting ok, I will bug it. Thanks :)