

13 Jul


I had to take a triple take, I seriously though it was photoshopped. The lighting and reflection looked too diffused to be real, but it is real :O This is AWESOME.

If you don't mind, I have so much questions; How do you see out of that? Is it in the black part above the copper? How long did this take you? What did you build this out of? (oh nevermind. I saw the Twitter, and it answered a lot of my questions)


Originally posted by Cultural-Dependent48

Have there been any server updates addressing the issue? I tried playing a few hours ago and the servers still code net me and then was super laggy/unplayable when I finally got in. Spent 40 mins trying to get into a decent game but was unsuccessful.

still working on it.

12 Jul


Originally posted by Cultural-Dependent48

Any updates on this?

Can you be a bit more specific here?

11 Jul


Originally posted by Stevveoi

Not trying to be a dick and not targeting you specifically but statements like these really irk me.

'We are shorthanded this is why we dont have X or dont do X'

The game has been out for 2 years and has made a billion dollars in revenue. You had 2 years to hire people, how is that not enough time? Ive seen Respawn remark about being 'shorthanded' and 'needing the right people' since launch and the game has had non stop technical problems for the same period. At what point does this becomes a lame excuse?

That's a loaded question...

10 Jul


Originally posted by AverageSkitzo

Ok but code:net and all those things have been around for a lot longer than a few days?? :((

And is there any real hope to prevent and stop ddossing from being such a big thing?? How long for that? I know it’s mostly console players that does the ddoss attacks right? I heard PC can’t even do it, only console :P

Honestly myself though, I don’t get many server issues unless it’s from them going offline from big influx of players..

Sorry I have so many questions I could pick your brain about this for ages, 😂 I know you need rest. Respond when ya can or if ya want. Much love

How long for that? I know it’s mostly console players that does the ddoss attacks right? I heard PC can’t even do it, only console :P

I don't think that's how ddos/computer work...


Originally posted by r_beattlejuicing

Ah I see, a veteran then!

I’m in the games industry too, so I know from experience fan servicing isn’t easy! Hope you enjoy working for respawn though!

I know from experience fan servicing isn’t easy!

Sometimes, that's the most rewarding aspect of the job

Hope you enjoy working for respawn though!

So far so good!


Originally posted by AverageSkitzo

Wow, never thought I would get such an in depth response from an actual game developer, thank you.

So when we see the servers kinda slow down and basically go offline for while when a ton of people start playing (start of s9, and this event for example) is that just because the servers can’t handle an influx like that and aren’t big enough? If so… this is a fairly reoccurring pattern and is probably going to happen again start of s10, and other events so on and so on.

Also you said when server crashes it’s relatively easy to find the problem because it literally tells you why it did, so why does it take so long for it to be fixed? I think a lot of players feel like having better running servers should be at the highest priority :/

But seriously this is like one thing I hear allll the time when playing with people, they always mention the servers. But a lot of them don’t realize how the servers and process of fixing them actually work, we are kinda just li...

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So when we see the servers kinda slow down and basically go offline for while when a ton of people start playing (start of s9, and this event for example) is that just because the servers can’t handle an influx like that and aren’t big enough? If so… this is a fairly reoccurring pattern and is probably going to happen again start of s10, and other events so on and so on.

We can't let people in fast enough, because the platform can't handle anymore, because we weren't expecting this many people. "Hurry, spin up more servers now!"

Also you said when server crashes it’s relatively easy to find the problem because it literally tells you why it did, so why does it take so long for it to be fixed?

Usual Timeline:

  1. Day 1: "O sh*t" + "What's the problem here?
  2. Day 1: We found the problem!
  3. Day 1: We think we fixed the problem
  4. Night 1: We have a build, please test this. (if cl...
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Originally posted by r_beattlejuicing

Oh course you’re new there! You’re still replying to comments and taking part in the community!

I give you 4 months. At which point all the toxicity and blind hate will make you steer clear of the community!

Good luck!

I've worked on live service games my entire career ;)


Originally posted by AverageSkitzo

I’m pretty sure none of us actually know what we are talking about haha. But I mean, when you say you guys are working on issues with the servers, I’m not sure if that’s a physical thing or just some code stuff? There are like the physical game servers that you guys use, prolly bought or used from another company, to run the game on right? I think what everyone gets frustrated on with that servers meme is that other games that also have huge player bases seem to have a lot less issues regarding the servers, but for apex it’s almost a normalized thing.

HI, I'm back. I needed some sleep...but sadly, I guess I am not going to get much today... I hope this post makes sense, as you may guess, I am a bit dumb right now, but I don't want to leave you hanging.

I mean, when you say you guys are working on issues with the servers, I’m not sure if that’s a physical thing or just some code stuff?

DISCLAIMER: This is talking on a HIGH level without specifications on what's happening here. Commenting specifically on the current issue will get me in trouble. Cool? cool.

Tldr; Code stuff. If it's a material problem / hardware, we can usually just throw money at it by paying for more hardware. If the server is bad, we take it down and replace it. Ez.

Generally speaking, the service infrastructure has few big pieces

  • The servers - where the hamster lives?
    • The game server
    • Other Databases and essential services - like there is a database telling me what you...
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Originally posted by A78BECAFB33DD95

Are there any plans for remote positions?

I would not be surprised if these could be remote positions. Check with the recruiter :)


Originally posted by UpgrayeddShepard

Do they have to be in Cali or do you allow remote work? I’m qualified for at least one of these and have 20 years experience.

Not sure, Covid-19 has made everything confusing. (and I'm real new here)
You should ask the recruiter about that.


Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by [deleted]


Just to be clear, we have them; we want more.


Originally posted by DontCryBaby__

you'd think the money you guys get from overpriced skins will be enough to improve the servers

If it was only a matter of throwing money at it, it would have been solved.

The hard part is having the right people to help us solve the problems we have. We are shorthanded and need more talented people to help us solve these problems more quickly; We are actively hiring!

There are a few roles on Apex Legends I want to call out. These roles are to help us build a more robust network infrastructure, and to help us operate, support and troubleshoot when things goes wrong.

  • Network Software Engineer
  • Sr. Platform Integration System Engineer
  • Senior Live Service Software Engineer
  • Senior Network Software Engineer
  • Dev Ops Specialist
  • Operations Engineer

Come us join us! C...

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Originally posted by rastacola

Appreciate the update ...but for the love of god is anything being done to prevent these issues?

There are things we are doing, but we aren't ready to talk about those things yet. So I can't comment anymore than that. However, some of the recent changes that we put in seems to be effective - Streamer's games don't seem to be getting DDOS-ed recently.


Originally posted by ItsyahboiDavid

Hope it's fixed soon but don't overwork yourselves, and try to enjoy your weekend

It's been a busy week...


Originally posted by abyss_defiant

Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?

Asking for a friend…

Yes, didn't work. What now? /meme