

08 Nov


That's League of Legends...
nicolo is the CEO of Riot Games....


That's INSANE. How much time did you spend on this?

06 Nov


Originally posted by RosciusAurelius

This isn't new? We've been doing bug threads here for like 8 seasons. But glad you guys appreciate it. Hope it helps. It seems most bugs are relatively small this time around, not game breaking ones (except audio, which is.. whoof), so that's a positive!

I'm kind of new here....

anyways. if we keep posting bugs everywhere, I still have to look everywhere :(


This is AWESOME!

If we could all just keep all the bugs in the most recent mega bug thread, and stop posting them in the main subreddit, it would make everyone's life better.

We don't need to keep seeing the same bugs being posted over and over again, and I have one place to find them all. :)

ps. Please keep doing this.

05 Nov


Originally posted by BreastMilkPapi

Hey… not really sure where to put this… when you kill someone and their box is inside a man cannon, you cannot loot the box. Can you guys adjust the position of the box if you kill someone who is inside the cannon to spawn in a lootable area?



Thanks for the report. We are aware of some of the unintended interactions here.

03 Nov


Originally posted by sbmmblowz

Yeah... that video is wrong. The in game trail is correct.


Originally posted by sbmmblowz

I think the ranked dive trails for season 10 are not displaying the proper animation in-game. If you look at the preview of what it should be like (the preview that shows while you’re selecting the dive trail/equipping it) vs in-game, it’s very different. I really hope its actually supposed to look like the preview.

I’m pretty sure it’s bug though because I saw a master with the bugged “season 10” trail and another with the actual season 10 trail as it appears in the preview before you equip it, they’re definitely very different so I’m hoping it’s just a texture issue or something like that.

You diamond?


Originally posted by IrishBros91

Is there a way to make quiting count as 2 deaths :)



Originally posted by sammythejammy

Bruh. Of all Dev replies I read this is my favourite.

Was it supposed to be Dual Shell by any chance?..

Nope, that's what I thought too.


Originally posted by New-Extent-8272

I'm going to assume that the teased change will make any quit before full-death count as a death. RIP Wraiths who think their artificially inflated KD/R means anything.



Originally posted by IamRishaad

Just one more before you go, what about people who quit before getting knocked? I've had wraiths phase and quit and I'd lose out on a kill?

If a player quits, and if said player has an assist marker from an enemy, the game will force-kill the quitting player, resulting in a death, and kill and assists will be granted to the last damaging enemy team.

That is what I am currently doing.


Originally posted by zilke_

Is there are possibility then that knocks count as kills ?
Its really hard when you no fill OR solo queue and your team is all dead and you knock 2 enemies and the third kills you, but you don't get any stats
I hope this gets implemented if quitting will start to count as a death

I definitely agree that feels bad. Making it so that you could get assists while dead would definitely solve and alleviate a lot of the feels bad here.

Sadly, the current RP system with that implemented would encourage a few degenerative cases, which we need to solve before we could consider implementing this feature.


Originally posted by Junkbot2077

I saw some updates mentioned by a dev stating some new additions to the firing range like faster moving targets and such. Was that false?

Assuming we are shipping those, they are still in dev, and is not ready for ship.


Originally posted by reaktans

u/rspn_exgeniar Why don't we have this?

I have a change that makes quitting count as a death + a kill/assist next season....


Originally posted by Tummerd

Although this is very welcome, why just not an infinite ammo option, like they have on mobile. Still very good change

Cranking a number up is a lot easier than building a "new" thing, thus easier to justify the work to my manager - "This will only take me a minute, and it's a welcomed QOL. So I'm shipping it. Kay?"

Where as if I was going to make it infinite ammo, I need to do WAY more backend to work make sure this can't be abused and glitched into some sort of cheat. Also I need to modify the UI. This would then have snowball effect onto testing, and scheduling. etc etc etc

02 Nov


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

So this is the "bug" we were trying to fix. They are meant to only be for one season. So to fix the bug of not getting grants - a more major bug - we turned them back on for previous seasons. But we will be disabling them in a future update as the patch notes stated. This is except for folks who have the grandfathered ones. The designer who handles ranked can chime in with more details. Let me ping him.

^ is correct

20 Oct


Originally posted by TheOriginalDuck2

Hi just wanted to say thanks for putting up with the community this game has. There are done real arseholes

Acknowledged :P


Originally posted by JevvyMedia

I'm glad I read this so I don't unleash absolute molten lava full of fury when the patch notes drops. Hopefully you continue having positive interactions with the community and I look forward to seeing how you shake up the ranked experience in the future.

Thank you for sparing me from your wraith wrath.