War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

14 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Slave Knight Dong: No respawns AT ALL just ruins the fun and makes games drag out because everyone is too cautious. Why cant air RB be like ground RB? have it so you can respawn but a realistic flight model is used. having it be one life makes it painful since even winning a dogfight will result in your death if you cant make it back to the airfield which is ridiculously far from the centre point.
And onto the map size jeez, take off aim your plane where you want to fly, go take a shower make some food and watch a movie and after all that you will be at your destination..

The mode is designed to have 1 life/1 plane. If you would like respawns, you should try arcade mode.

13 May

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We would like your feedback. Please view the changes we posted:


Leave your feedback here. Please support your suggestions with arguments and constructive feedback.

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Til_Dovre_Faller: Give any reward? Like less expences or costs? More rp?

If your plane has been destroyed, and you bail out, no.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KURD1SH: hello , im new to this game and i want to unlock that is-2 , and i got 25000 score points for playing AB in rank 3 , i think i got more than the required amount and i didnt not receive the decal even it says i got the 25000 score points . can someone help me what to do ? sorry my english is bad and i use translator for most part

Welcome to War Thunder! Please ensure that the star in the achievements menu on the task has gone gold - sometimes, if you achieve the task, it will not go gold - to fix this, go into another match and you will get it, as long as you have the max points needed.

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by chamill59: How do you use a vehicle from a different country in a usa battle?

You can't. However, in the past we may have added vehicles to the USA tree that now has its own standalone tree - for example the Israel Merkava tanks. These were event vehicles that were added to the US tree before the Israel tree was added. Now that the Israel tree has been added, these will remain in the US tree for anyone who had them before.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by vovan151: Yes after I dnt play the game for a year, I install it, I have to start the game progress over, each nation.

This should not be the case. If you created a Gaijin account or use Steam and log in with those, your progress will be there. We do not wipe progress.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by greensniperhat: I've been noticing it lately, why are there more stupid players as of late? I've seen too much of the 'rush a single cap and fail to even defend it later' types. There needs to be a guide to getting gud these sort of people have to read.
Or it's just you who is getting smarter and smarter? ;)
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you clarify what you mean? Not progressing in order, as in, the days are messed up or you're receiving an incorrect prize?

It is very difficult for our developers to fix problems when they don't have a vision of what the problem is, that is why videos and screenshots etc are always important.

Anyhow, did you report it on our bug reporting platform? Please do: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder


12 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could be a bug. Please make a report on our bug tracker. https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder

11 May

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mogami_99: I must be stupid because I don't see his point

Mine or his?

His point was basically that "Nation X suffers from Nation Y, Nation Y suffers from Nation Z, and Nation Z suffers because they are prohibitively expensive"

Mine was basically just asking how familiar he was with what he was shooting at, if he was playing to his own tanks strengths, and if he had good situational awareness.

IMHO if players play their tanks to their strengths and have good situational awareness.... They will have a pretty good chance of being top 5+.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
1) What is your experience level with armor layout of various tanks?
2) What is your level of tactical/situational awareness?

There is no "Wrong" answer to the above.... What I am trying to get at, is that if you are unfamiliar with enemy weak points, you will have a bad time.... And if you do not play according to your tanks capabilities and use the mini map.... also a bad time....

Nation-hopping will not solve either above issue until you have nation-hopped through all countries to experience all tanks, and the only function that serves is (1), learning the armor layouts.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try to aim for flat parts of enemy armour.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by EddTungsten: I've been grinding towards the YAH-64 without having any rank V in the US roster.
Once I pay the 1.6 million SL, will I be able to use the helicopter or will I have to start grinding the tree before?

My thought process behind that was that I might be able to speed up the research process when using the helicopter from time to time.

If you have rank V tanks or aircraft is when you can research the heli tree.

10 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you clarify what you mean?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What type of badges? We already have achievements etc. Do you mean trading cards and other points shop items?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Huh, the So-Ki is cheaper than the Wirble from what I can see.

Which cost are you referring to?


09 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I personally would say whatever you are best at.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Victory Day, 9th May.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, please report this on our bug report tracker: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder

Thank you!