War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

08 Nov

    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We noticed your discussions and speculations about action rewards so we would like to clarify in a bit more detail why we have made changes to the mission scores in the “Ground Breaking” update that will be given for being in close proximity and line of sight when receiving hits and for being killed by enemy shells.

Angle your tank

The reward mechanic for getting hits works for naval and ground vehicles. In its old form, hitting an enemy gave you 10 points. At the same time, the enemy received 30 points at once for the fact of receiving a hit - your fire literally benefited the enemy.

With its design, this mechanic had a specific purpose - to support the more inexperienced players that did not boast a large number of frags. But more often the idea worked the other way round, as an inexperienced player can not prevent damage as efficiently as an experienced tanker or sailor can. As a result, the bonus for beginners rather played into the hands of e... Read more
    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We noticed your discussions and speculations about action rewards so we would like to clarify in a bit more detail why we have made changes to the mission scores in the “Ground Breaking” update that will be given for being in close proximity and line of sight when receiving hits and for being killed by enemy shells.

Angle your tank

The reward mechanic for getting hits works for naval and ground vehicles. In its old form, hitting an enemy gave you 10 points. At the same time, the enemy received 30 points at once for the fact of receiving a hit - your fire literally benefited the enemy.

With its design, this mechanic had a specific purpose - to support the more inexperienced players that did not boast a large number of frags. But more often the idea worked the other way round, as an inexperienced player can not prevent damage as efficiently as an experienced tanker or sailor can. As a result, the bonus for beginners rather played into the hands of e... Read more

04 Nov

    Incognito on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ♠Gamer3106♠: Why is there a Chinese one but not a russian one?
... Read more

03 Nov

    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

现在,关于上周末发生的事情的更多细节。其中一项网关服务运行了 375 天,在计划重启期间,加载了一个配置错误的版本,该版本仅使用了一个内核(我们仅在周日才发现)并且错误地代理了 IP 地址。最初,在我们看来,由于新推出的车辆和游戏国家,以及社区对重大更新的关注,服务器似乎过载了。我们决定通过转移到亚马逊最强大和最昂贵的设备来尽快增加容量。然而,这不能立即完成,移动本身也需要时间。但即使迁移完成,配置不正确和单线程的问题仍然存在。服务器了解到所有通过此服务进入的玩家都有相同的IP,无法快速找到他们并开始滞后。格林威治标准时间晚上 9:00 左右后,错误代理的问题很快被定位并得到纠正,战斗再次开始匹配。然而,在夜间,用户数量减少了,即使代理使用单核这一事实也不会干扰操作。

周日,随着用户和战斗的增长,负载再次增加,我们终于找到了第二个配置错误,下午我们通过平滑移除配置错误的机器并引入新机器来修复单线程代理,以便避免对已经在玩游戏的用户拒绝服务。这个过程也需要一些时间。应该注意的是,即使在引入更强大的服务器之前,也有足够的容量功率可用 - 单核的功率还不够,但有很多 升级后我们只使用了大约 6%总容量(即峰值功率的 20 倍储备)。

根据结果​​,我们得出结论并计划了操作和匹配代码的改进。首先,我们计划通过重新启动所有正常运行时间过长的服务器来检查服务的容错性,利用大型流媒体服务的经验,例如 Netflix,使用特殊的机器人来检查运行时间

此外,我们已经对匹配代码进行了改进,这将使我们即使在高负载下也能保持可接受的游戏运行水平 - 排队可能需要更长的时间,但服务不会停止响应玩家 - 保持运行。

此外,游戏国家数量的增加和战斗中可能的游戏配置已经达到了很大的价值,需要进行算法优化。发现所有玩家和所有游戏... Read more
    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Like other client/server products, our game has a very complex and distributed infrastructure, consisting of a variety of different servers. These are authorization servers, servers to store user profiles, battle servers, a squad server and a voice communication server. All of these are not on a single device, but dozens! Plus, a matching server, consisting of many physical devices of entrance gateways, that are proxies to eliminate points of failure, and a server that actually creates battles from players in the queue.

Now, a little more detail on what happened this past weekend. One of the gateway services was operating for 375 days, and during a scheduled reboot, a misconfigured version was loaded that used only a single core (we discovered it only on Sunday) and incorrectly proxying IP-addresses. Initially, it seemed to us that the server was overloaded due to the newly introduced vehicles and a gaming nation, as well as with the attention of the community for the majo... Read more

30 Oct

    pryanick on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Работа серверов восстановлена
    pryanick on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Сервера закрыты на внеплановое техническое обслуживание. Пожалуйста, извините. Делаем всё, чтобы игра заработала как можно быстрее.

29 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Febreze the cheese 🧀: Can you get the Po-2 this year?

Halloween Event When the air races are over, the top 1,000 pilots will permanently receive the unique Po-2 biplane. The vehicles will be awarded during the 48 hour period after the Halloween event ends.

28 Oct

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BioZ: Tried option 2 and steam told me that 129 files failed to validate and now I am downloading 30+ GB :(
Are you sure you renamed back original directory?
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮: i tried option 2 a few hours earilier
still not working
Can you try it now please?
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try option no.2 please.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please wait for steam to automatically update your game client during Major Update.
Please do not force manual update when servers are under maintenance during Major Update.

If, after Major Update goes live (official announcement is visible) and you are in update loop, please check options listed below.
Option no.2 - preferred option
  1. Pause the game download in Steam.
  2. Find the War Thunder folder, and rename it (e.g. "War Thunder1").
  3. Uninstall War Thunder in Steam library.
  4. Rename the folder back to its original name.
  5. Find War Thunder in Steam client, and click "Install".
  6. Steam will verify files, and download the missing ones, if necessary.

Option no.1
  1. Please click RMB on War Thunder in your Steam library.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select Local Files.
  4. Click on Browse.
  5. Search for launcher.exe and open it....
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    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's known bug. Should be solved today. Sorry for issues!
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are aware of the issue and working on solution. Should be delivered ASAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please direct all discussions regarding Update "Ground Breaking" in this thread. All other threads relating may be merged into this one.

For technical issues, please use the TechnicalProblems/Advice...

20 Oct

19 Oct

    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Recently we shared our plans about changing the rules of storing certain items in the inventory with you, where all newly received universal back-ups, orders and wagers would have activation deadlines, as well as (for wagers) a limited validity period after activation. This included the intention of limiting the period during which early received items might be used.

In announcing these changes we didn’t want to deprive you of the accumulated items and thus ruin your experience in the game, on the contrary, we wanted such items to be used often in battles and to bring you more benefits. However we took your feedback and suggestions into ac... Read more

01 Oct

    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To be honest guys, the latest thread was about a free decal. It had nothing to do with politics etc. That's why it was locked; the "discussion" had literally nothing to do with the news. Totally off topic. We do stuff like this for all the in game nations over time.