World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

30 Nov

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was runs for free with Perky Pugs I believe for AotC Friendship Birb.

We wouldn’t advertise a group selling them for gold as that is considered an unsupported transaction. Selling/Buying runs for gold is very much an at your own risk kind of thing as we are unable to support these kinds of trades. There’s been quite a few posts on the topic and I don’t have anything new to really add to what has already been said in past blue posts.

TL;DR: Allowed, but not supported and for in game gold only.

27 Nov

21 Nov

15 Nov

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys! Some of you have voiced some feedback about feeling a little missed sometimes when it comes to us making or posting updates on sites like Twitter. Since we understand that some of you guys prefer to only use the forums we’re going to maintain this sticky thread here as a master list of all of the recent tweets so that you can see when we make them and what was said.

I will try to catch all of them as it will sometimes include tweets from accounts like: WarcraftDevs and Watcher himself or any other dev that posts something I think might be relevant to include in here.

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09 Jan

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the Christmas cards! <3