World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by Monrar

TIL there is an official WarcraftTeam reddit account

Just launched! You're getting in on the ground floor of this thing

27 Mar


Yes. :-D

First realm was Frostwolf-US, Alliance. Ironforge was my hometown because that's where Rommi was. IYKYK.

Been plundering almost exclusively for the last 8 days. Got a win on Monday morning. Felt so good.

07 Feb


Hello, u/CulturalRegular9379

First and foremost, we're sorry you had that experience. It's certainly not the feeling we're hoping players to take away from Darkmaul Citadel.

We're looking into ways to address this.

And we hope you have a good time in your further adventures!

12 Jul


Originally posted by Akhevan

This had been asked of blizz a million times and they had actively fixed a few toys that allowed this kind of an effect before. As much as I wish this was intentional, I won't hold my breath for that given that no such change was announced or put into the patch notes.

Yes, it was an intended change.

06 Dec


u/slayez06 I've sent you a DM here on reddit, looking for a lot more details on this, along with an alternate way to contact us.


13 Jan


Originally posted by Ex_iledd

/u/BornakkCM, /u/dmachine_blizz you won 1 months of Reddit Platinum! Congratulations!

I know them!

17 Jan



We've removed the suspensions that were issued for repeatedly looting the Black Empire Coffer.

We hotfixed the underlying issue earlier this week. Our initial analysis suggested that there was exploitative behavior here: a series of actions that needed to be taken outside of typical gameplay in order to gain advantage. However, further investigation revealed this was not always the case. This chest could reset under innocuous or even accidental conditions.

14 Jan


Hello. As mentioned in the Known Issues thread, this process ended up being a bit unintuitive for some players.

To choose the one you want, right-click the dagger appearance. This changes the appearances between your main hand and off-hand weapon.

This is similar functionality to how Druid Artifact appearances work.

31 Mar


This has actually been a tracked bug since beta FYI.

It’s extremely hard/unable to be consistently reproduced from what I was told. While I was CM I bumped it and mentioned it tons of times but it’s one of those tricky ones that doesn’t appear when you’re trying to get it to show up.

Not an excuse but just trying to shed some light on what I knew about this particular issue. I’ve had it happen to me as well. It’s pretty damn frustrating.

29 Mar


Wait... I said this like a month ago? Reddit you’re weird.

Yeah Ion is among you, reading your posts, probably even reading this thread. Hey Ion! Hope all is well! I miss annoying you guys with emails and questions 😂


Originally posted by ToeyGowd

Conspiracy theory:

Blizzard staged a fake firing of Ysithens so that he could feed the community inside information without having official blizzard ties.

Cue twilight zone music!!!

I wish. I’d really like my job back.

Being laid off still sucks.

27 Mar


Thank you guys for all your hard work moderating the subreddit <3. Some days you guys had the impossible task of managing this subreddit but r/WoW has always managed to navigate itself with a lot of poise when it comes to moderation. You folks should be proud that you were a piece of that.

16 Mar


Confirmed -- the beginnings of this questline will start appearing closer to the opening of the Crucible of Storms raid in April.

12 Mar


I've messaged you privately to see if I can figure out what's going on. While we can't provide support here directly, the forums are my bailiwick.

16 Feb


To protect home, and family

To preserve balance, and bring harmony

29 Jan

11 Jan


Originally posted by Ex_iledd

Read more

Aww thanks guys!!! Thanks for another great year of Reddit. Looking forward to the memes of 2019! <3

08 Jan


Originally posted by LadyMirax

The giveaway is over and the winner has been messaged! Congratulations to /u/Tehrible, and thanks to Big Dumb Guild for arranging the giveaway and everyone for participating.

Hello /r/wow! Uldir is coming to a close with Battle of Dazar'alor only a few weeks out. To celebrate, we're teaming with with Big Dumb Guild (H) of Illidan to bring you a giveaway for the Cutting Edge G'huun Achievement and Famed Slayer title.

There are some other details that you need to know to qualify which are listed below.


Leave a top level comment1 in this thread before January 7, 8pm EST. The run will take place on January 9th.

  • Your account must be at least 90 days old

  • Your account must have positive karma in /r/wow and overall on reddit

  • You must have some activity within the last 6 months in /r/wow

  • ...

Read more

pls CherryVodka and Nodis bless someone in this thread

17 Dec


Originally posted by Smaptastic

No. I don’t know why they banned him. But it very much appears that they lied in their explanation.

It isn't your business why any player is banned. It's not your account so you aren't privy to know why or if we've action-ed anyone. We typically only pop out to correct people when they try to spread misinformation and are actively misrepresenting what happened.

If we make posts like these outing a player that is misrepresenting what happened, you can rest assured those posts are ironclad and approved before we say anything publicly.

I get the desire to seek a conspiracy, but almost every time its as simple as "OP broke the rules, OP lied".

22 Sep


Originally posted by HoopyHobo

You mean CMs like u/Araxom, u/Kaivax, and u/devolore who already are here? If you wanted to make some statment about how you wish they left comments here more frequently that would be a fair thing to say, but saying that they're "non-existent" simply isn't true.

The Diablo 3 subreddit runs a "blue tracker" that you can follow if you really want to see every single thing that they post.

Aloha! waves