World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

04 Dec

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

When Tides of Vengeance goes live, Darkshore will start in the hands of the Forsaken and the Horde—but it won’t be long before the Alliance makes its first strike.

We mentioned that in the preview that just went up today, is there something else that is causing confusion? Don’t want our messages to be getting crossed somewhere.

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct
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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Information was provided in this thread on reporting behavior concerns – [email protected]. Locking it up as there isn’t much else to say and things are a bit off topic.

Thanks all!

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Then you don’t want Classic. Classic itself is the incentive.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Honestly, I would have the expectation that you won’t get them in Classic just because you already own them. That license was to have them in the current game, which you still do.

I can’t 100% say it will or won’t but it’s less than likely, meaning it’s not really something to argue about on the forums.

Assume Retail and Classic are two separate games entirely (apart from the sub granting access to both) unless we announce otherwise.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Woah… I’m the Ox. RIP Space Goat.

I have a reward posted for anyone that returns my avatar back to my profile. 1 year of game time for anyone that fixes it! (note: game time should work for classic!)

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s my point and I also called this response in my post. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I speak for World of Warcraft. When I saw “we” I mean the WoW team.

I would imagine you could earn tha...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Changes in communication don’t happen overnight, especially in large studios. Again it’s the truth not an excuse, but that statement will be seen as an excuse. Like I said last time I’m not gonna get on here every time and say “You’re right we’ve been bad at communicating, we’ll work on it” and promise to work on it, only to say the same thing again a few months later. I’d rather just do it instead of talk about trying to fix it.


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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

proposes changes

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry you feel this way but if that’s what you were hoping for then it sounds like Classic isn’t really for you. That’s okay though. I still encourage you to try it though!

It’s not throwing it away, its giving the community that wants Classic the most authentic experience we can provide. Adding any sort of reward carry over in either direction isn’t authentic and defeats the point.

Classic is there for those that will want to play it. Not just for rewards o...

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03 Dec

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can do better at communicating and are actively discussing that topic, but I wouldn’t expect us to lay out heavy details on every single system. There is fun in exploring and learning different aspects of the game and we don’t want to make the whole experience a spreadsheet. We missed the mark here and are making changes, simple as that.

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Eh that’s not really the same thing but I get your point. I’d argue that they’re still not connected even with that. Just having a subscription allows you to play the game. It doesn’t get you anything past that.

If things were sold like pets or mounts then you could make that argument, but I don’t think it has any merit when you’re just talking about the sub.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah that’s not what I implied or really even said, at all.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

You forget about the massive re-balance we did for them in 7.1 then where we redid/buffed all of the under-performing legendaries because of how punishing it was to get some of them.

Like I said earlier in the thread it wasn’t a direct comparison but an example.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not trying to specifically compare but rather use it as an example for an individual feature. I should’ve probably worded it better to convey that in all honesty.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

There c...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was a thread awhile back that had snapshots through WoW’s history of the forums showing that GD has never really changed no matter what expansion. Even Wrath, BC, and Vanilla had large amounts of complaint posts.

Not diminishing any of the current ones on BfA or saying they’re wrong, but just that a lot of people don’t remember those past expansions and only focus on the current and assume the sky is falling. When the majority either likes it or is indifferent to it like Greg is saying in that tweet.

People are fondly remembering Legion now, but forget the outrage that followed Legendaries from 7.0 to 7.2. There were multiple threads a day with hundreds of replies with feedback about them.

The forums are a good gauge of activity but not necessarily the “state of the game”. That’s a little more complicated.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think it’s understandable if some people are mad, but I wouldn’t throw them all into the conspiracy buckets.

You can still love Blizzard, love WoW, and think that BfA is lackluster. You can also think BfA is great, as some do. The feedback is always coming from a place of wanting to see the game be better.

8.1 won’t address all of the concerns, but it will address some of them. Is it enough? No of course not. There’s still a lot to do.

I see what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think assuming that anyone having anything negative to say automatically believes the idea that “WoW is being purposefully driven into the ground” is what you should be doing to try and get that across.