World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

24 Jul

Big changes arrive with the introduction of Warbands, Skyriding, class and system updates, and more with the pre-expansion content update. Take part in a new event, Radiant Echoes, and begin your first steps into the continuing story that will take you into the unexplored depths of Azeroth.


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Gain five armaments forged from the primal fabric of the cosmos when you procure the Cosmic Weapon Cache through August 30, 2024, from the in-game shop! Whoever assembled this collection and why remains a mystery, but wielding any one of these mystifying weapons will draw the eye of those who covet such power.

Add these otherworldly weapon Transmogs to your Collection through August 30, 2024:

  • Taesavir, Sword of the Grand Design
  • Seetheras, Broadsword of the Sunderer
  • Gorridar, Darkblade of the Sunderer
  • Voidsong, Stave of the Harbinge...
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23 Jul

While soaring the skies in the land of dragons, you'll want to ensure you complete the activities from around the Dragon Isles before their rewards are no longer available (or not as easily obtained) when The War Within™ arrives on August 26.

Dragonflight Season 4

  • Raids will no longer be "Awakened" when The War Within launches, and the following  rewards, achievements, and teleports tied to them will no longer be attainable:
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Add a zap of color to your Collection with additional color variations for the Stormrider's Attire Transmog set and Squally pet when you pre-purchase the Heroic or Epic edition of World of Warcraft®: The War Within™.

Upgradable Stormrider’s Attire Transmog Set

With the The War Within pre-expansion content update launch, players who upgrade to the Heroic or Epic Edition of The War Within can accept the quest "The Stormrider's Bond" from Kurdran W...

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With the release of the pre-expansion content update and Warbands, you’ll notice a difference in the character screen that will affect how you use  Character Transfers, Level Boosts, Race Changes, and Faction Changes on your characters.

As the character selection screen shows all characters on the account in one convenient location, some may show up as “gray” in the listing and are not available to select to use a Character Service on. To use a service for that character, you will need to select the realm that the character is from first by clicking on the “Realm” selection at the top of the screen and then apply the service to that character.

You can also hover your mouse cursor over a character listed on the right side of the screen to see additional information including the realm it is currently on.

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22 Jul

The War Within™ is almost upon us and with it, a new season  will begin with new dungeons, new rewards, and new challenges.

Just the Facts

  • 7/22: Dragonflight Season 4 PvP Ladder Closes and Mythic+ 0.1% title rating qualification ends.
  • 7/23: Pre-Expansion Content Update Goes Live
  • 7/30: Pre-Expansion Event Goes Live
  • 8/20: PvP Pre-Season begins with weekly resets
  • 8/22: The War Within Early Access begins, Normal Dungeons open
  • 8/26: The War Within Goes Live Globally at 3:00 pm PDT with Heroic Dungeons and Dragonflight Season 4 PvE rewards are retired.
  • 9/10: The War Within Season 1 Begins with Normal and Heroic raid difficulty, Raid Finder Wing 1, Mythic 0 Dungeons, Heroic Seasonal dung...
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We’re making some improvements to the User Interface and to quest icons in The War Within™ that will help navigate your adventures even better— including a new arachnophobia filter!

New Map Legend

Players can open the map (Hotkey M) to view a new map key that has been added, letting you quickly and easily identify various types of quests and content.

  • Campaign: Quests that continue the main story.
  • ...
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19 Jul

This Week in WoW—Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week!

Cataclysm Classic: Rise of the Zandalari Goes Live July 30!

Just when you thought you’d take the advice to “Stay away from da voodoo” a new temptation arises, beckoning you to take the risk, enter Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, thwart the machinations of the Zandalari and their brethren, and collect the rewards for your efforts. 

A Threat Fought in Secret


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15 Jul

We will be retiring Guild Services currently available in the in-game shop as of July 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. PDT.

Services that will be retired include Guild Realm Transfers and Guild Faction Transfers. After July 22, 2024, these services will no longer be available. The Guild Name Change service will continue to be available.

12 Jul

Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week in This Week in WoW

The War Within™ Pre-Expansion Content Update Goes Live July 23

Big changes arrive with the introduction of Warbands, Skyriding, class and system updates, and more with the pre-expansion content update.

Take part in a new event, Radiant Echoes, and begin your first steps into the continuing story that will take you into the unexplored depths of Azeroth. The War Within g...

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With the launch of The War Within™ pre-expansion content update arriving on July 23, we will be disabling the Paid Character Transfer (PCT) service for transfers between® accounts.

This service will still be available to use between realms and between World of Warcraft® accounts within a single account. Please be aware that transfers between accounts will not be available after the pre-expansion update has gone live. Any transfer tokens that you have saved to use on a transfer between

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11 Jul

Expand the potential of all your World of Warcraft® characters with account-wide progression across your® account, regardless of faction—including shared Renown, a Warband bank, Achievements, Collections, and more!

Getting The Band Together

Upon first logging into World of Warcraft, the Warband conversion process automatically enables many of the game's progression systems to be account-wide. Players will not need to log into each character individually for all progression, items, etc., to convert; however, there may be a short wait for the system to completely process your Warband the first time you log in. The Warband conversion process can take up to 20 minutes or longer, and depending on the amount of data being processed, there could be a login queue.

The new Warbands system is effective for all characters on a player's account and the items, Collections, an...

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Level to 60, discover new class runes, enter the Molten Core raid dungeon to face Ragnaros, and more in the latest phase. 

Join Associate Production Director Clayton Stone, Lead Software Engineer Nora Valletta,  and Senior Producer Josh Greenfield as they take you through more details of Season of Discovery Phase 4.

What’s in Store

We’re leveling up Season of Discovery Phase 4 with a variety of leveling changes, new rune discoveries, class adjustments, professions and reputations updates, dungeon updates, PvP Class Sets, updated events, raid content, world bosses, and more.

  • Level from 50 to 60
  • Access to all Classic Zones
  • Collect Epic Mounts
  • New World Buff for...
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09 Jul

Expand your collection of mounts and pets with some owlsome friends—the Charming Courier Mount and the Swoopy owl pet—in the skies and on the ground. Your adventures will owlways be a hoot.

Add the Charming Courier owl mount (with Skyriding!) to your multitude of mounts, spread your wings, and swiftly swoop into the skies! Purchase a ...

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05 Jul

Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week in This Week in WoW

The Great Push Is Back in Dragonflight Season 4

The Great Push has returned for its second-ever full season in the final season of Dragonflight! Each weekend, six of the world’s top dungeoneers will have five hours to push the assigned dungeons as high as possible.

TGP pits the top players in the world against one another to test their limits and set records by pushing Mythic+ keystones as h...

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01 Jul

After several younglings are lost attempting their om’gora rites, Thrall begins questioning the value of the trials. The new generation places such emphasis on martial strength and battle prowess that they would risk death attempting the rites before they are ready. Walking through Orgrimmar with his family, Thrall reflects on his son’s readiness for the trials, his own coming of age, and how to prepare this new generation to build on the legacy he and his friends started long ago.

The young orc moved like a shadow through the palm fronds.

The edge of the Northern Barrens was a beautiful place: countless trees heavy with fruit, the sound of songbirds calling above. The young orc had heard stories of how the night elf druid Naralex and others restored this once-arid land to the stunning glory that now lay before him. And yet there was great danger here, for all that rampant green majesty. There were scars upon the land if one knew ...

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The Great Push has returned for its second-ever full season in the final season of Dragonflight! Each weekend, six of the world’s top dungeoneers will have five hours to push the assigned dungeons as high as possible.

The Great Push (TGP) is a spinoff of the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI), the premiere Mythic+ speedrunning competition in World of Warcraft. The Great Push pits the top players in the world against one another to test their limits and set records by pushing Mythic+ keystones as high as possible over the span of several weekends. All the action will be streamed live on the Warcraft Twitch and ...

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28 Jun

Catch up on all the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week!

Season of Discovery Phase 4 Goes Live July 11!

Season of Discovery Phase 4 is arriving July 11 and will launch worldwide at 1:00 pm PDT. Players will be able to level to 60, discover new class runes, enter the Molten Core raid dungeon to face Ragnaros, and more.

Join Associate Production Director Clayton Stone, Lead Software Engineer Nora Valletta,  and Senior Producer Josh Greenfield as they take you through more details of Season of Discovery Phase 4.

New World Event: Blackrock Eruption

The raw power of Ragnaros’ summoning is causing an upheaval in Blackrock Mountain. Players can experience more of the story behind this upheaval and take part in the recurring event and the associated quests while this event is ...

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27 Jun

Let the tides of summer carry you away this month. Take Trishi the baby naga pet with you everywhere you go. She’ll help keep an eye out for you on all your adventures!

Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items*** they have available.

Here's What's in Stock for July

Pets, Mounts, and Toys
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21 Jun

Catch up on all the latest World of Warcraft news from the last week!

Get Hot Deals During the WoW Summer Sale

Save up to 65% off in cool savings during the ...

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