World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

31 Oct

    Nebu on News - Thread - Direct

The winners of this year's pumpkin-carving contest have been chosen -- and they're monstrously spectacular. We'd like to thank everyone who participated this year, and we can't wait to see your mad scientist skills in action again next time around. Check out all of the creepy, incredible, and creative winning pumpkins:

Mummified Raptor Mount - "Tomb Stalker"

Raine Pye - Kemptville, ON. Canada

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29 Oct

Do you have World of Warcraft questions you want to ask during BlizzCon? We’ve got you covered.

On Saturday, November 3 from 3:30 p.m. PDT to 4:30 p.m. PDT on the Main Hall (D) stage at BlizzCon 2018, several Lead World of Warcraft developers will answer questions both from attendees and those who submit questions online.

If you can’t attend BlizzCon in person, don’t worry. We’ve opened a forum thread for your questions, and we’ll collect your questions until 6:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, November 2.

If you’re attending BlizzCon 2018 in-person and would like to submit your question for the Q&A, head over to the Darkmoon Faire community area found on the second level of the North Hall on Friday, November 2 and look for the Warcraft mailbox. We’ll have everything on hand that y...

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26 Oct

24 Oct

We’ve loved everyone’s enthusiasm around the World of Warcraft Mythic Dungeon Invitational (MDI) series, where some of the most skilled PvE teams from around the world race to complete Mythic+ Dungeons in the fastest, most efficient way possible.

At BlizzCon 2018, we want to bring you the most epic dungeon races yet with MDI All Stars. We’ve invited exceL's Angels, Method NA, Method PogChamp, and Free Marsy to show us what they’ve got in the dungeons of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. They’ll be racing live and in-person, on stage at BlizzCon, fighting for the bragging rights of being the first Battle for Azeroth MDI champions.

What You Need to Know

Format: Best-of-three, single elimination. Finals also will be a best of three.

Dungeons: This is the first Mythic Dungeon Invitational taking place in the Battle for Azeroth, and we want to celebrate it properly. We want to see some of the best guilds in the world play on as ...

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22 Oct

Hello World of Warcraft community! With BlizzCon 2018 getting closer every day, we wanted to give you an update on what you’ll be experiencing at BlizzCon around WoW Classic. We’ve been hard at work on bringing the original Azeroth back to life, and we’re excited that you’ll be able to get your hands on the demo we’re creating for the show—both at BlizzCon and at home with the ...

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15 Oct

The Halloween season has finally arrived, and we’re ready to cut straight to the heart of the holiday. If you're dying to pick up a knife and hack, slash, and jab at something, you’ll be excited to hear that Blizzard's 2018 Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest officially begins October 15! Unleash your magical axes, psi blades, sharpened claws, and other creative cutlery to carve up Blizzard-themed jack-o-lantern of impressive splendor. 

We’ll choose five of the grandest autumnal squash to each receive $60.00 (USD) Blizzard Balance. 

Pumpkin Submission Tips

  • The winning entries will display high levels of originality, craftsmanship, and possibly humor.
  • Your pumpkin must be lit up by a candle or other light source in your photo entry. You should include another photo of the pumpkin unlit.
  • Pumpkins must be related to the Blizzard game universes.
  • Try to take the best picture possible, as picture quality helps make a ...
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Blizzard Entertainment’s university relations and World of Warcraft development teams are proud to present the eighth annual World of Warcraft Student Art Contest! We’re calling on college and university students to submit original artwork or animations that would be a great fit for World of Warcraft.

Share with us your creative vision of something we’ve never seen before that still fits within the World of Warcraft universe. You can view previous winning submissions here.


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In its 11th year, the Arena World Championship (AWC) has once again arrived on the biggest World of Warcraft esports stage of the year—BlizzCon 2018. The top-tier competition in the AWC has been dynamic since the launch of Battle for Azeroth, and the collision of regions and metas in Anaheim is sure to result in an explosive tournament.

What You Need To Know

  • Format: Each match will be a best of five until the grand finals, which will be a best of seven.
  • Map Pool: All 10 current Arena maps will be playable, including the new maps introduced in BfA—Mugambala and Hook Point.
  • Schedule:
    • Monday, October 29 from 11 a.m. PDT (7 p.m. CEST)
      The first day of competition will take place during BlizzCon Opening Week in front of a live audience at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles. ...
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22 Sep


Originally posted by HoopyHobo

You mean CMs like u/Araxom, u/Kaivax, and u/devolore who already are here? If you wanted to make some statment about how you wish they left comments here more frequently that would be a fair thing to say, but saying that they're "non-existent" simply isn't true.

The Diablo 3 subreddit runs a "blue tracker" that you can follow if you really want to see every single thing that they post.

Aloha! waves

21 Sep

14 Sep


Originally posted by boeiee

May i ask when we see this hotfix going live?

We've been working hard to get it done today. The earliest we could have the change go live is later this evening. If we hit snags, it could be Monday.

I'll update our Hotfixes blog post ASAP after it goes live, and tweet about it.


Originally posted by TheMentelgen

we're applying a hotfix that makes the various cosmetic bonus rewards more common

Does this include pets and mounts?

And how common? Are you doubling the drop rates from 0 to 0, or are these going to be significant increases.

Just want to confirm explicitly -- yes, we're increasing the drop rates of pets, mounts, toys, transmog items, and quest starters.

15 Jul

07 Apr

04 Apr

17 Feb

31 Jan

09 Jan

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the Christmas cards! <3