When I initially started playing Breakout I found the Counter-Strike look and feel refreshing amongst the other games that attempt to copy Call of Duty. I felt there was enough difference between Breakout and CoD that they could coexist. I had a lot of hope the game would progress in the CSGO direction (which I still feel is the right direction) and hit registration would be addressed. I understand that there’s no magic drop down menu in the engine programming to make this a quick fix and will most likely take time (if not a complete overhaul) to fully address.
After a month or so I stopped playing due to just my personal frustrations with the game. I recently played a few matches and while I can say the game is markedly better than when it released, there’s still a long way to go. My worry is the players will not stick around to see the improvements.
As I said at the start, way back in my first post in this community, the game has a solid framework that just needs...