Warface: Breakout

Warface: Breakout Dev Tracker

08 Oct

07 Oct


Originally posted by ShadowRunner2149

When I initially started playing Breakout I found the Counter-Strike look and feel refreshing amongst the other games that attempt to copy Call of Duty. I felt there was enough difference between Breakout and CoD that they could coexist. I had a lot of hope the game would progress in the CSGO direction (which I still feel is the right direction) and hit registration would be addressed. I understand that there’s no magic drop down menu in the engine programming to make this a quick fix and will most likely take time (if not a complete overhaul) to fully address.

After a month or so I stopped playing due to just my personal frustrations with the game. I recently played a few matches and while I can say the game is markedly better than when it released, there’s still a long way to go. My worry is the players will not stick around to see the improvements.

As I said at the start, way back in my first post in this community, the game has a solid framework that just needs...

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Hello, thank you for your constructive feedback, the game is indeed in a better state and still needs more fixes to be flawless, our team is doing its best to bring you these updates as soon as we can. Regarding the cosmetics, they are created by a different team so releasing new ones doesn't affect our development process. We hope more marketing, a free weekend and some sales will help in bringing you more people to play against.

06 Oct


Dear players,

Now that you have been able to put your hands on Underground, we would be happy to hear your feedback.

Here is a quick survey: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5744311/WF-BR-NPS

External link →

05 Oct


Originally posted by Fattybeards

Plus there's no standard version at $19.99 anymore. Rip.

Hello, on which platform and in which region please? Because it should still be there.


Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, we will continue improving the hit registration by increasing the servers' tick rate to 60 later this Season.


Hello, thank you for reporting it, I'll forward that clip to the team.


Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, we will improve it further with the increase of the servers' tick rate to 60.


Hello, this knife is exclusive to the in-game item shop.


Dear players,

After today's leaderboard update at 7:00 AM PDT (16:00 CEST), it will display players with 10+ ranked games played instead of 25+.

We are also preparing an article to clarify this leaderboard so don't hesitate to ask us anything about it in reply.

External link →

Hello, thank you for reporting it, I don't have anything against t-posing but I'm sure our dev team will want to fix that. 😉


Hello, we are currently working on organizing a free weekend and we will for sure have more discounts in the future as we had in August.


Originally posted by ChaosTheoryGoldblum

Fix your hit reg and lag plz

Hello, we are working on bringing you a better tick rate for the servers, that should help you gettin a more consistent hit reg.


Originally posted by Seenoevil423

The lag is worse freezes when you get in to gun fights with someone and they shoot at you and I doin't know if it's just me but these problems seem worse in ranked then in casual

Hello, thank you, we will look into it.


Originally posted by C4Cannabis

Do you have an ETA of those features, or was that the “improved performance” note mentioned above?

We don't have an exact release date for these features yet but we plan to release them during this Season.

02 Oct


Dear players,

Many weapons have been rebalanced in “Underground”. You might have already noticed the changes we introduced in how the weapons are handled and we would like to explain why we introduced them in the first place.

Balance values

First, let’s take a look at the complete balance sheet changes in “Underground”



Read more External link →

Hello, could you please specify what issues you are facing at the moment?


Hello! Thank you, that's agreat initative, don't hesitate to shoot me a DM if you need some info to help you write your video.