@paintdks: Lady in the light bulb - Acrithis #Acrithis #Warframe #WarframeFanArt
@guycalledfrank PS5 Demon Souls Bluepoint GDC talk has a few mentions of using light probe visibility for sound occlusion
The Circuit is an awesome way to continue enjoying #Duviri once you’ve completed the Cinematic Quest!
@TheKengineer breaks down this endless game mode along with the Incarnon Geneses Weapons earned from the Steel Path.
Get ready to earn 2x Credits, Tenno! Celebrate 10 Years of Warframe with another Anniversary Booster weekend, live now until May 8 at 2 p.m. ET.
10 Year Anniversary Alerts return, Tenno! Complete limited-time Missions to add Anniversary Rewards to your Arsenal.
🎆 Rhino Dex Skin 🎆 Dex Dakra
Every week on Prime Time we feature a mind-blowing Clan Dojo submission from the community! This week’s #dojolove submission comes from PlayStation Clan: The Phoenix Crusaders
If you want to see your Clan’s home base on Prime Time, submit it here:
Prime Time is live now, Tenno! We hereby Decree that you must join us for gameplay and plenty of laughs with the Community team as they dive into The #Duviri Experience:
@Xironium signed. sealed. delivered
Devastation or restoration? The choice is yours with the latest from Prime Resurgence!
Add Nova Prime and Trinity Prime – along with their Prime Weapons and Accessories – to your Arsenal instantly with the power of Regal Aya. Learn more:
Less than 100 Full Day Tickets for #TennoCon 2023 remain! Act now and secure your spot to join us in-person for #Warframe’s biggest day.
Share your Dojo with us and it could be next to receive a place of honor on the Star Chart!
Entries for the Spring 2023 Star Chart Dojo Showcase are now being accepted until Friday, May 19 at 1 p.m. ET:
@PlaySoulframe: Bear now the beasts that dwell within, unburdened by those sweet and true.
.@Brozime breaks down Decrees and Intrinsics in #Duviri with this helpful guide! Learn more about how the additions to Warframe’s latest open world make every run unique.
.@Brozime breaks down Decrees and Intrinsics in #Duviri with this helpful guide! Learn more about how these new additions to Warframe’s latest open world make every run unique.
@paintdks: Ah. A Drifter crosses my path! #Acrithis #Warframe #WarframeFanArt
Rhino Prime and Mag Prime are departing Prime Resurgence on May 4!
Instantly add their unstoppable Abilities along with their signature Prime Weapons and Accessories to your Arsenal while you still can:
It’s been one week since The #Duviri Paradox launched on all platforms, letting all players experience the latest evolution of #Warframe.
What’s your favorite part of the new update, Tenno?
@thetayking 💜💜💜💜💜
Baruuk Doan Collection is available now with the launch of The #Duviri Paradox! Embody an otherworldly peace with this new #Warframe skin bundle.