@aenrisulf PC, Next Week. 🙏🙃
Thank you all for thoughts/notes on Nightwave Series 1! See you tomorrow on devstream where we'll show insane NEW stuff and explain Nightwave! Also: New Melee Is Coming. Also: JAT_IS_BACK. PrimeSoonTMPatentPending.
@JettVic @TBEDark Yes sorry, series end. But not weekly expire!
@Gemanite55 @PlayWarframe Agreed, not sure if we have time to solve but agreed.
Devstream 124 is live this Friday, March 1 at 2 p.m. ET!
Join us for a deep dive into our dev plans for Nightwave.
@tbgkaru @wolfesque Is this a JoJo reference?! (Why yes. Yes it is. Great work, Tenno!)
@JettVic @TBEDark Yes - 10ish weeks
@TheRavingRoman There are events in the anim that are the minimum commitment to it, so you can’t flicker it
@Sotahsu Promise us this, Tenno: that you’ll kiss him and love him and squeeze him and call him George. ❤️
@TheRavingRoman Somewhat, you commit to strike but not follow through - a bit like DMC
@BirdSimulator Be careful, Tenno. The Lotus sees all.
@Chomp_N_Bomb Queen, you really want this? Fine! LET’S DO THIS.
@Col_Porksworth Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with us.
@changelingwitch The little details really pull this together. Excellent work!
@changelingwitch: Here's the art by itself! #Warframe #pixelart
@tshamilton @rebbford @moitoi Here's a 4K version of the image! Will that work for you, Tenno?
@PlayWarframe: Nightwave: Series 1 - The Wolf of Saturn Six is live on all platforms!
Tune in and join @rebbford and @moitoi on PC as…
Nightwave: Series 1 - The Wolf of Saturn Six is live on all platforms!
Tune in and join @rebbford and @moitoi on PC as they meet Nora Night. Prime Time 238 is LIVE:
@Andy_Lunique YAAAS ANDY!!!
@MartinVole @Hamstertron @gui_bom @Potato_Powered It will