@asenkah Alerts folded in there too...
@PlayStation: Series, Episodes, and Acts. Here's how Warframe's new Nightwave update will change the way you play starting today: https:…
@Philslaya @PlayWarframe YEP.
@Darthmufin On it, thx
@ChozenArcangel @bigboibanana69 On PC, likely
@bigboibanana69 10ish weeks
@pticarluka 💜💜 SHANTAY YOU STAY!
@ledf2012 On it!
@GTechnoid It's just one of 30 awesome Reward Tiers to unlock! 😉
@martra03 Not subtle is it?
@marie_kanker Baby steps so far
@ShiftedX1 Hopefully the offerings rotation help alleviate that.
@Ratitack Nope... about 65% of them over the run...
@Interstellarfrt @Rahetalius @sj_sinclair @rebbford @PabloPoon We're hopeful for the same :)
Sorry <3
@ShiftedX1 -Goes into the codex after. -This is more than a battle pass, not monetized, and makes alerts less 'pay to sleep'. -Not really.
@Malagron @rebbford Friend, this is what it is, sorry its not all new modes and stuff. This is not that. That's in the works as well but not Nightwave.
@Malagron @rebbford ;) keep playin'
@TimmySaxophones During Nightwave, no. Future: uncertain.
@haozure @soelloo @rebbford @PlayWarframe The inspiration for her is not subtle! ;)
@Malagron @rebbford Perhaps - though now it does reward you in a new way for completing them.