This is coming with mainline to PC and all platforms thereafter.
We constantly upgrade your Warframe engine. Not a pretty picture, but stats for performance upgrades to our scripting system. To reduce hitching & CPU time: multiple cores can now process script memory and the memory consumed has been fused and reduced to reduce the CPU cost! 🤓
@sj_sinclair: Haven't shared any WIPS on the new rendering tech upgrades for this year... so check this out: (finally) proper real-time…
@NonPlaya No, what are your specs? Is it consistent or just specific tilesets?
@AbleRunnerEli Yes, we're reworking that part entirely - after 2.999998
@Olrak29_ If there is a dominant sun, likely yes, gradually
@HistorianSavage Remind me...
@Sitchrea And Cetus/PoE
@asasiner021 @_H3dsh0t Doubting this week - but likely the following one
@_H3dsh0t Realtime on all static and dynamic objects yes.
@FrostyBoi5 @QuiteShallow @rebbford pls no moar
@GarryStirling Yes, casting a proper long shadow 🤩
FYI: At the moment Vallis/Plains outdoor maps use a precalculated solution called 'aperture lightmaps'. You store a visibility cone which approximates sun shadows for all times of the day. Extremely fast but cannot yield detailed, sharp shadows like this.
Haven't shared any WIPS on the new rendering tech upgrades for this year... so check this out: (finally) proper real-time sun shadows! No timeline for release just yet, will be optional for low-spec. It looks so amazing!
@hamishbode HAMISH!!!!!! Epic!
@QuiteShallow @rebbford I sure do
@Qamelion @PlayWarframe Will ask the team!
@JuliaClobberts @Gwarnsolo PERFECTION