
Warframe Dev Tracker

31 Jul


NSW Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix #1


Official Drop Tables URL Change: 
The official Warframe drop table URL has been updated. Players who are looking for drop locations of Wisp Prime’s relics or other future content, make sure to update your bookmarks to the following URL: https:/...

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Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.1


Official Drop Tables URL Change: 
The official Warframe drop table URL has been updated. Players who are looking for drop locations of Wisp Prime’s relics or other future content, make sure to update your bookmarks to the following URL: https:/...

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PSN Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix #1

Official Drop Tables URL Change: 
The official Warframe drop table URL has been updated. Players who are looking for drop locations of Wisp Prime’s relics or other future content, make sure to update your bookmarks to the following URL: https://warframe-web...

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This is a known issue in our Known Issues List: 

Ty for reporting! 🙇‍♀️

29 Jul



The fix for this is scheduled for our next Hotfix. We're hoping to squash a bunch of pretty annoying issues with that one.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Here's a collection of current known issues: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361246-echoes-of-duviri-known-issues/


28 Jul


We've just published a new updated controller config which should fix the issues noted with "sticky"  controls.


In case you are having issues with your controller through Steam, again just to reinforce what Glen mentioned earlier:

  • 1) Close Steam completely by clicking on its Icon in the task bar and choosing "Exit Steam", and then restart it.  This is a required step to force it pull the latest update.
  • 2) In your Steam Library, right click on Warframe.  Click on "Properties".  Then click on "Controller", and "Enable Steam Input"
  • 3) Launch the game
  • 4) After logging in, bring up the Steam Overlay and click on the [Controller] icon to bring up your controller setting.
  • 5) At the top of the controller settings window under "Current Layout", choose "Official Layout for Warframe" to set the baseline
  • 6) You can now make custom changes on top of the Off...
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Possible Jackal Progstops
We have identified the cause of Jackal progstops reported by players, and it is our priority to fix it ASAP. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure a safe fix for a Friday afternoon hotfix, so our hope is to have a hotfix addressing this issue early next week.

In the meantime, to avoid this bug, we recommend you damage only one of Jackal’s legs at a time or otherwise avoid using AOE damage on them. We understand this situation is not ideal, but we greatly appreciate your patience as we work towards a reliable fix for this difficult issue. 

    Juicy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please reach out to support.warframe.com and they may be able to provide technical support to help with your issue.

Hey Tenno! The Warframe Drop Rates Data should now show the Recall: Ten-Zero alert drop tables for every week.



Custom Ability Damage Treatment
Since your Abilities traditionally cannot Crit, these attacks tend to have less oomph. Now Ability Damage has its own Damage Color so that it will stand out amongst the rest!

Like all other Damage Numbers, you can customize Ability Damage colors in the “Customize Hud Colors” menu (found in the Interface category of your Accessibility Settings).



Hey Tenno! We are aware of the issue, we do not have a timeline for a fix, but we are investigating.


We tested this and see the buff working for clients.  Can you be more specific about the circumstances where you're not seeing this work?  Is this only in *specific* gameplay modes? Does it matter if there was a host migration? Is there some other equipped mod in your loadout that is creating a conflict?

17 hours ago, AJAL8000 said:

Still doesn't Work. Its not fixed.

We know about the buff icon not displaying correctly, but how are you testing that shows the damage itself not working?

(it is VERY easy to miss the target and lose the buff while they are getting pushed around by the Incarnon mode's impact)


latron incarnon double tap.mp4

Please try this if your launcher is having issues



27 Jul

6 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:


Known Issues (Either Investigating or Pending Hotfix):

  • Argo + Vel Glaive attack does self-damage. 
  • Issues with the buff icons of the Double Tap Latron Mod. 
  • Missing floor section in the Void tileset. 
  • Grendel not working properly for Clients. 

Known Issues Requiring Code Changes:

  • Skaut landing craft does not always use the correct position when docked.

Quoting some newly added issues following today's update!



I know the thread this comment comes from is for PC, but we believe this fix will also work for the Steam Deck.

Please give the steps in Glen's comment here a try (you may need to open the post to see the full comment and instructions):



Hi there!

This sounds like it may be your issue, please take a look:

If that isn't your issue or if those steps don't solve your problem, please let me know with another post on this thread.


What would you expect to happen in this scenario?  If 2 players in the same squad have Combat Discipline aura,  then, it is impossible to lose health from kills. You only gain health because negative 10 plus 20, equals positive 10.  That is why Arcane Avenger does not trigger: you haven't lost any health.

2 hours ago, [DE]Ruu said:

The issue is now resolved! Please restart your Xbox and you should be able to download the updated version. Thank you again for your patience, Tenno!

Hi Tenno, the Xbox login issue should now be resolved. Thank you for your patience. 

    [DE]Ruu on Forums - Thread - Direct
2 hours ago, [DE]Ruu said:

The issue is now resolved! Please restart your Xbox and you should be able to download the updated version. Thank you again for your patience, Tenno!